Chapter 996

“The final trump card…”

Hearing these four words, whether it was Yuris and Kirin Todo on the field, the two hosts in the live broadcast room, or the audience in the auditorium, all were taken aback.

“Then let’s start.”

Without too much reaction from other people, the jet behind Limsey was activated, and his whole body began to release star power on a large scale, heading straight into the sky. After running a few steps on the ground, Aldi jumped with all his strength and followed behind her.

“ACM components, the first external armor, various types of armed disarmament, and the transfer of upper limit control rights.”

The armor of the legs, the jets on the back, the skirts on the waist and the miniature light curtain on the head were all removed from Limsey’s body. Under the sonorous mechanical sound effect, following the infrared guidance, it gradually approached Aldi.

“Oh!! It’s coming, it’s coming!!! Link, start!”

All the parts of the armor that had been detached were loaded in all parts of Ardi’s body in an orderly manner. A long-handled giant hammer appeared in his hand that was larger than just now, and the tall simulacrum slowly landed.

“This is the true attitude of our generation!”

In the player lounge, Aenesta, who was closely watching the situation on the stage, lay down on the chair and said helplessly: “Yeah~ It’s an unexpected situation.”

“I didn’t expect to use this hole card to deal with Huayan Witch and Storm Blade Thunder~”

“Humph, but it sounds like you seem to be very happy.”

A trace of displeasure appeared on Camilla’s face: “That kind of posture is not what our lion faction pursues.”

The lion faction, no, it should be said that it is the representative of the lion faction. What Camilla pursues is the ultimate universality, which can be used by anyone. But the power that Ardi showed in front of him was different from what she pursued no matter how he thought about it.

That kind of power is pure Xinghuang-style armed power. It is far beyond Wanying Mine, the power of Wanying Jingjing.

“Well~Well~, this is helpless, why not~” Aenesda waved and said with relief: “After all, the opponent’s strength is beyond our expectation. If we want to win, we can only do this, right~”


Hearing this, Camilla looked at Kirin Todou and Uriss on the stage. Although there was some unhappiness on his face, it was not as obvious as before.

Obviously the strength that the two showed completely exceeded the expectations of the two technicians. After all, it was because of their lack of preparation that Ardi and Limsey used the final hole cards.

Neither she nor Aenesda would want Ardi and Limsey to stop here. So even if his goals violated, Camilla decided to endure it.

It was unexpected to them, but it was still in the Master. But for Uriss and Kirin Totodo, it was a real crisis.

“…This time, it’s really troublesome.”

Feeling the huge star power in the opponent’s body and the completely different inspiring momentum from before, the cold sweat slowly slipped from Uliss’s face and dripped onto the ground.

“Senior Ulyss!”

“Ah, uh…”

Ulis gritted her teeth and stood up: “Sorry, Chi Rin.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Although Toto Kirin’s face is not too good-looking, she still shows a smile: “If it were before, maybe I would be surprised. But, although it is a little disrespectful…”

“But Senior Acedes and Senior Xie Ming are much stronger than him in my opinion.”

“Hahahaha, isn’t it? That’s really exciting!”

Hearing the girl’s words, Aldi smiled without anger, and said very happily: “There is actually a human existence that is stronger than our final form! I really look forward to the battle more and more!”

“But now, let’s solve this battle!”

“Bloom! Six-petal Explosive Flower!!!”

At the same time that Ardi’s voice fell, Uriss launched an attack. The flames gushing out poured out to Ardi.

“It’s useless!!”

Grasping the sledgehammer with both hands, Ardi slammed into the incoming flame at will. In an instant, the flame spread out like a flower after being destroyed. The majestic mimicry rushed to the two of them quickly.


With a loud shout, Kirin Tototō did not retreat and moved forward, facing the hammer whose face was half the size of her body. Chiba cut into countless cold light, trying to suppress the enemy again.

However, she was able to suppress Aldi before because her speed and combat experience could crush the opponent. Even so, he was given a hammer by others in exchange for injury.

Aldi now surpassed Kirin Todo in terms of speed and strength. More importantly, Aldi’s database has been updated, and Kirin Todou’s battle information has been entered.

So, the result is obvious.


A burst of violent star power mobilized the air to form wind pressure, and directly forced Korin Kato to retreat. The moment she adjusted her body to the ground, the huge heavy hammer had swept over.


“Bloom! Big Red Heart Flame Shield!!!”

Ulis arrived in time and deployed the flame shield in front of the giant hammer.

“Hahahaha, useless useless!!”


There was a crisp cracking sound, and Aldi’s attack instantly broke Ulys’s shield and smashed at Ulys with howling.

“Senior Uriss!”

Toto Kirin took a sudden step forward, and the blade was inclined, trying to release some strength as much as possible. Uriss also blocked the weapon in her hand horizontally, and the two blocked in front of the heavy hammer together.




The bodies of the two girls were like birds with folded wings. After floating in the air for a few seconds, they slammed into the wall one after another, spouting blood at the same time.

“Well…. You are worthy of our respectable opponents. So in order to show respect, we will defeat you with all our strength!”

Strong star power ignited again on his body, and Aldi placed the hammer behind him and said calmly, “Please be prepared.”

“…… Qi Rin.”

“Yes, Senior Sister Jules.”

The two stood up with their swords, and after communicating with each other in their eyes, a decision was made in an instant.

“Warnier’s Great Hammer…”

The hammer began to spin quickly behind him, entwined with electric light and powerful stellar power, and Aldi suddenly swung out: “Launch!”


The whistling hammer formed an orange-blue halo, and it shot at the two girls.

“Bloom! Big Red Heart Flame Shield·Multiple rounds!!!”

Several layers of flame shields blocked the blue halo one after another. But every layer, only persisted for less than 1 second, it was directly broken.

“This is the last star power…”

Ulis gritted her teeth and shouted angrily: “Bloom! The sun is shining!!!”

The flame wheel was spinning, welcoming the enemy’s attack. A huge explosion erupted between the three of them, causing the air to be twisted. The exhausted Uriss fell to the ground with her knees weakened.

“Juris Eleksia von Risfeet, lose consciousness!”

“Huh? One more person…”

The petite figure walked in secret, and came to Ardi quietly.

“Swordsman Ryuu sword drawing technique…”



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