Chapter 997

“Let’s go.”

Turning the screen off, Xie Ming looked at Acedes next to him: “We should go to the stadium.”


Ace Desi nodded and followed Xie Ming out of the player lounge.

I don’t know if the competition committee deliberately arranged it this way or what, the competitions of the three teams in their Star Guidance Hall were arranged very close. After the Tianwu Lingdou game, it was Uriss and the others immediately.

After Ulyss and the others, there was only one game after Xie Ming and Acedes. This also resulted in the two having no choice at all to see how the other people were doing.

Although this kind of game is nominally based on luck to draw lots to determine the opponent, can it be said that there are no hands or feet in it? I’m afraid that only silly people will believe in the nonsense of “completely by luck”.


“Okay, the next game is also of a very high level! Even, it can be said that it is not lost to any previous game!”

“Well, it is true. But it’s a shame to say that two of the three seed teams in the Star Guidance Pavilion have lost one after another. The Ice Queen and the Wrath Dragon Walker, the only surviving seedlings in the Star Island Pavilion, are they? Can you keep going?”

“And their opponents are not simple. The runner-up of the last Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, the student president of Jielong, the second and third disciples of Wanyou Tianluo. Thunder halberd Qianhua-Sexili Wang and Tianke Wu Zang-Zhao Hufeng! Can the two of them defeat the powerful enemy standing in front of them!?”

Looking at the two people who appeared on the opposite side, Acedes’s mouth raised a warlike smile: “Hope, you don’t want to be like the two twins, so innocent.”

“Please advise.”

Zhao Hufeng held his fists solemnly and said, “I hope that in this battle, I can see the action of the Lord Raging Dragonwalker.”


The corner of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched. Who on earth came up with the title of “Second Breath”. But even in different planes, Zhao Hufeng is somehow his fellow. So he also responded appropriately.

“Well, I will make an appropriate shot depending on the situation.”

“It depends…”

With a frown, Zhao Hufeng said in a deep voice, “Then, we will go all out to prove that we are qualified to let Your Excellency take action.”


This child is too stubborn.

On the other side, Circe’s lazy expression gradually became serious. Obviously, at this time, the piercing chill emanating from Acedes’s body had already made her full of energy.

“Game start!”


As the school badges flashed across the four people’s chests, Acedes’ toes lightly touched, and Miaoren’s moves spread all over the stage again.

“Frosty Miles.”

The howling cold wind blew across the field abruptly, and the frost spread to the surroundings at an alarming speed. However, this time it didn’t work much anymore.

“Hurry as a law, forgive!”

Several spells appeared between the fingers, and the light flashed instantly after floating around Circe’s body, and the thunder and lightning sprang out, quickly hitting the frost that was about to invade her.


The ice fragments splashed everywhere, and the electric light spread. In the ice mist mixed with lightning, a figure turned into a black light and rushed towards Xie Ming quickly.

That was Ce Xili’s teammate, Zhao Hufeng, the fastest student in the Six University Park.

The boots on his feet are exuding amazing star power, allowing him to walk freely in the air like on the ground. That is the pure Xinghuang style weapon that belongs to Zhao Hufeng, and it is full of heavenly feet.

This pure star-brilliant weapon originally belonged to the Rewolf Black Academy and was originally named Hermes Boots. But because his ability is too weak, no one in Rewolf Black Academy can appreciate it at all. Therefore, it was transferred to Jielong Seventh Academy.

After Jielong was adjusted and renamed Tongtianzu, it finally found the best user for it, Zhao Hufeng.

He was originally based on speed, and equipped with this pure star-brilliant weapon, it was really like a tiger with more wings, even Xie Ming’s speed burst out of his eyes.

But in fact, Zhao Hufeng himself rarely uses this piece of equipment.

The students of Jielong Seventh Academy seldom rely on the abilities brought by the Huang-style weapons. In their thoughts, the warrior relied on his own power. If you use too much equipment, you will easily neglect to exercise yourself.

Therefore, almost none of the students of Jielong use Huang-style weapons. This is especially true for members of the Mu faction.

As the leader of the Mu faction, Zhao Hufeng would not use the Huang-style weapons at all according to common sense, let alone pure Xinghuang-style weapons.

But at this moment, Zhao Hufeng specially used Tongtianzu to complete Fan Xinglu’s mission and to see Xie Ming’s strength.

The star power is flowing rapidly in the body, Zhao Hufeng’s target is not Acedes, but Xie Ming who is standing behind her. But Acedes, will he just let him go?

The answer is definitely no.

“The opponents of the two of you are me.”

Several ice walls rose from the ground, blocking each other in front of Zhao Hufeng. At the same time, ice guns flew out from the whole body, facing the thunder and lightning that rushed out from Se Xili.

But facing the several ice walls blocking him, Wu Yi could be said to be under the two in the world dragon, Zhao Hufeng, who is above ten thousand people, had no idea to dodge.


With a loud shout of breath, Zhao Hufeng kicked his feet continuously.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

A series of roars sounded, and a human-sized pit was directly blown out of the ice wall that was superimposed on each other.

The warrior, facing the obstacle in front of him, would only use his fist to break it. Although Zhao Hufeng is using feet at this time, the essence has not changed.


Acedes raised his eyebrows and wanted to attack again. But Circe’s increased intensity of thunder and lightning made her unable to shoot in time for a while.

“Ice Queen, your opponent is me!”


The battle between thunder and frost broke out between the two again.

And Zhao Hufeng, who had already passed through the pothole at this time, had just raised his right foot and kicked Xie Ming with a perfect flip.


The strong wind made the hem of Xie Ming’s school uniform tremble, and his right hand had already taken the attack firmly.


Zhao Hufeng was not surprised when the attack was taken. Accompanied by another loud shout, the body whirled in the air, and his left leg was aimed at Xie Ming’s neck and kicked out horizontally.

“Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, sure enough, this woman Acedes is really unreliable at all.”

He glanced helplessly at Acedes, who was fighting in full swing, and Xie Ming sighed helplessly: “Then, let’s have a little fun.”

The arm was slightly blocked, and the opponent’s horizontal kick was removed. Taking a step forward slightly, his right hand turned his palm and quickly pushed towards Zhao Hufeng’s chin.


With his feet kicked in the air, he quickly moved away from Xie Ming. Zhao Hufeng’s expression was extremely solemn, and he didn’t expect the opponent’s fighting ability to be so powerful. In this way, can you still complete the task of the master?

“Fighting with me and leaving a short run?”

Xie Ming’s voice of a smile but a smile entered Zhao Hufeng’s ears: “I really don’t know if the master of mud and stone art is brave, or the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.”

The fist spread out a few laps of sonic boom in the air and slammed into Zhao Hufeng.


The boy’s short body flew out in an instant.

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