The school was unusually lively the next day. The start of the school festival gave students a chance to indulge themselves in a holiday from their busy study life. Both the lobby and the outer courtyard were packed with people. Laughter and joy filled the entire campus. The hawking of classes selling things in open-air shops was louder and louder.

Time does not stop for a single person, and the school festival arrived on time.

Except for Rikka and Yuta who returned to the club activity room to change clothes, and a missing Touma, the other five people gathered together, led by Nibutani, looking at the cheese potato ball shop opened by the cheerleading club, which was booming at the moment. There was only one reason why the business there was booming and customers were crowded like a mountain - the girls in the cheerleading club were very beautiful.

Not to mention that after buying, you can also experience the feeling of being surrounded by beautiful girls.......The boys couldn't stand it, and now the place was packed with people.

Nibutani was so jealous that she was almost drowned by the sour taste of the lemon.

"Don't be fooled by the glamorous appearance of those girls, but in private, they are full of intrigue, looking down on each other and tripping each other up.......That's why I don't bother to accompany you!"

As a former member of the cheerleading club, Nibutani knew some inside information, and she was so jealous that she spoke out without restraint.......But it is not ruled out that she is jealous.

She is indeed jealous, but they have nothing else to show except the carefully planned flash mob plan. After knowing that Rikka and Yuta are changing clothes and preparing to go on stage, they know that it is useless to rush. They can only watch the business over there and wait anxiously for the two to arrive.

Just wait and see......I'm going to use a flash mob to snatch all the guests away!!

Flash mob......It seems fun, I want to try it too.......

Maki Ikeuchi crossed her arms and began to stare blankly. She also has a second-year syndrome. She suddenly started a fight in public.......Just thinking about it is so cool!!

Just as Nibutani was waiting anxiously, a joking voice came from behind him.......

"Hey, isn't this Morisummer?"

Thinking it was Toumori, Nibutani turned around and retorted subconsciously, but she found that the person who called her Morisummer was actually an old acquaintance, now from another school, who came here to hang out during the school festival.

"Sato! Suzuki!"

Nibutani panicked. They all knew about his scandals. It would be bad if they showed up anyway.

"Oh~! I haven't seen you since I graduated from junior high school. How old are you now? 716 years old?"

"Are you still catching lizards now?"

The two words from Sato and Suzuki were like two heavy slaps on Nibutani's face, making her face turn red with shame. In a fit of rage, she began to fight back.......

"Sato, didn't you also paint your lips purple to pretend to be weak and sick?!"

Sato blushed. She didn't expect Nibutani to fight back. Suzuki took the opportunity to insult her friend, but before she could finish her words, Nibutani exposed her scars. She would not let her go.

"Suzuki, you too, didn't you say something like 'I found an elf?~'Is that the case?"

"Huh?! Then......That is......"

Sato seized the opportunity to taunt back, and the three of them began to argue and expose each other's scars. They couldn't stop at all. The veterans recalled their battle experiences with each other. It was so passionate!

On the contrary, Isshiki Makoto and Fang Wuwei who were watching on the side were frightened.......Fortunately, I don't have a chuunibyou......Oh no! This Dongfang Konghong has had this experience!!!

Fang Wuwei panicked.

The two looked at each other, and Isshiki Cheng saw a hint of panic in Fang Wuwei's eyes, and couldn't help but want to laugh.......The East, which has always been powerful and mysterious, also has weaknesses!

Then the two heard a dragging sound. Looking back, they saw Tu Shou dragging the sandbag forward with a purple face.......The two sandbags tied to the ends of her hair were particularly large today and seemed particularly heavy. She could usually swing the sandbags like meteor hammers, but now she could only drag them forward with difficulty.

"Yesterday's win or loss......It hasn't been sorted out yet.......Today, I quadrupled the power of my warhammer.......Definitely......"

Tu Shou dragged forward, but he didn't notice the drainage ditch under his feet. Two sandbags passed by, and the iron plate on the drainage ditch was lifted up on the spot by the sandbags, and the sandbags were stuck in the drainage ditch. The heavy weight made Tu Shou unable to move.......My hair hurts!!!

No wonder Toumo has a wide forehead. The case is solved, because she is a complete idiot.

Isshiki Makoto and Fang Wuwei silently complained in their hearts......................................................

At this moment, Yuta was alone in the club's activity room, tightening his gloves. Yuta's mind recalled the meeting between him and Sister Juhua last night, as well as the"irresponsible" words. He originally wanted to support Rikka, but he hesitated for a moment and was in a daze.......

At this moment, there was a sound of a door opening behind her. She turned around and saw that it was Rikka as expected.

Rikka was wearing a purple Gothic outfit, a pair of high-top leather boots, and even a dark red eye mask. Yuta was also very handsome, wearing black and red all over his body, including a belt, leather boots, fingerless gloves, and even a dark red and black windbreaker. In Rikka's eyes, he was the most handsome outfit, especially since last night. In her eyes, Yuta was even more handsome. Now with this outfit, her eyes lit up and she couldn't stop looking at him.

"That move, 'Be consumed by the pitch-black flames!' That move, Yuta, show me!"

"I do not want it"

"But you're going to perform soon, right?"

"makes sense......"

Yuta was helpless. Why did he have to act out this crappy flash mob? Why not let Kong Hong and his apprentice fight with real swords and guns? That would definitely be more eye-catching!

In order to adapt in advance, or perhaps also to coax Liuhua, Yuta stretched out his drooping hand weakly and said in a tired tone

"Be engulfed by the dark flames——"

"There's absolutely no power."

"This kind of thing doesn't have any power at all!"

Yuta was a little speechless, but Rikka had very high requirements - since she wanted to pursue excitement, she should implement it.......Ahem, that’s not right. It’s not easy for a veteran to return, so he must do his best!

"No! Spread your legs, bend your knees, then lift the corner of your coat, use strong arms, and do it again!"

Yong Tai sighed helplessly, what else can I do, just spoil her!

""Be consumed by the pitch-black flames!"

Yuta followed Rikka's method and had a perfect pitch-black flame. Rikka took the opportunity to take a photo. She decided that this photo would be her screen saver in the future.

"Yuta......I want to take a photo with you"


Faced with Rikka's small request, Yuta couldn't refuse, so the two of them leaned against each other with red faces, posed handsomely, and took a photo.

Both of them in the photo were blushing, and Yuta's face was even a little shy, not because of the second-year costume, but because of Rikka next to him.

After taking the photo, Rikka reminded Yuta to hurry back to perform the task, that is, after starting the flash mob, she quickly left, because she still had to look for Nibutani.

On the contrary, Yuta was not very motivated......He couldn't even imagine how painful it would be for him to act like a middle school student in front of everyone.

Looking at the heartless Rikka, Yuta remembered the talk with Touka last night and subconsciously called her. But when Rikka turned around, he saw innocence and vitality for life on her face, as well as the blush that had not yet faded because of him.......

Yongta is silent......If what Sister Touka said is true, then will Rikka still have expectations for life like she does now?


Yuta was discouraged, but Rikka thought that Yuta's behavior was just a way of being spoiled and wanted a small reward.......After all, Nibutani taught her that boys will become clingy after dating, so they should be given small rewards frequently.

So, she stretched out her little finger and asked Yuta to stretch out his little finger as well. The two touched their fingers as a reward. Rikka ran away with a red face. In her eyes, this was already a very high standard, after all, they just started dating last night.

Yuta also blushed and smiled foolishly, stretching out his little finger and laughing foolishly, completely forgetting what he was thinking just now......

Perhaps , some things are better if they continue as they are.......Just touching your fingers makes you happy......


These two chapters! More chapters for my big daddy! More chapters for my sponsor daddy!

My big daddy! Tomato’s ID is [user11840026]! His avatar is a tiger with a hat and dirt on his belt! He is my daddy!!!!!!

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