On the way back, Yuta and Rikka kept holding each other's little fingers, and never separated, just like two naive children who didn't want to separate. Feeling the little warmth still remaining on their fingers, Yuta returned home with a silly smile.......

"Brother, you are so slow. What time is it?......"

"Sorry, sorry, camphor leaf......"

Looking at the camphor leaves that were being boiled to make tea, Yuta spoke apologetically. In order to stay with Liuhua for a while longer, the two of them walked very slowly, not much faster than crawling, which also resulted in them getting home very late.......

However, camphor leaves are used to make tea? It smells like black tea.......Does anyone in our family like to drink black tea?

Yuta suddenly had a bad feeling.......He quickly ran to his room, opened the door, and locked his eyes on his bed. Sure enough, there was a boy sitting on it, playing his handheld game console.......

"Kong Hong! Why are you here?"

"Eh? It's raining too hard, I can't go back, so I just came here to take shelter from the rain."

"Not to mention that my home is in the opposite direction to your current home, what kind of road are you taking? Hasn't the rain stopped now?!"

Yong was too mad. He took a closer look and saw that Fang Wuwei's hair was a little wet, and his clothes were still his own. It was obvious that he had taken a shower at his house. Judging from the situation, he would probably sleep here again tonight!

"Really, brother, this isn't the first time Brother Kong Hong has come~"

Just then, Zhang Ye came in holding a cup of black tea, complained casually about Yong Tai's yelling, then walked straight to Fang Wu Wei and handed him the black tea.

"Ah~ Thank you, Zhangye~"

"Brother Konghong, you like drinking black tea, right?"

"Yes~ You still remember~"

Zhangye brought him tea and sat on the ground, holding a book in his hand and leaning against Fang Wuwei's drooping thighs to read. Fang Wuwei took a sip of the black tea with a happy face and blinked at Yongtai.......Who do you think this camphor leaf tea is for?

Yuta almost rushed up and punched him.......Brothers, we're used to it.......Yuta forced himself to look away, but soon discovered something unusual.......

Shihua and her sister Mengye, who is still in kindergarten, are sitting on the floor and playing their super-real house game.

"Plaintiff, do you still have feelings for the defendant?"

"No, I just want to divorce the defendant as soon as possible."

Looking at Shihua sitting on the ground and her sister with her arms folded, and then looking at Fang Wuwei and Zhangye who were"cuddling together" by the bed, Yongtai suddenly felt like he was the most redundant person in this family.

And Shihua couldn't have appeared here for no reason. She must have come for no good reason.......No, there must be something for Yuta to do.

Yuta's half body was still wet, and he was called out by Juhua without even having time to change clothes.......It was already late, and they needed to rest early, so they could save as much time as possible.

So Yuta followed Shihua and left, and before leaving, he turned around and glanced at Fang Wuwei fiercely.......But he didn't care.

Watching the two leave, Fang Wuwei took a sip of tea.......It was almost time for him to leave. He didn't plan to stay here today. He had to prepare for the school festival tomorrow.

As if sensing Fang Wuwei's intention to leave, the cute Meng Ye came over with the cat Chimera in her arms and threw herself into his arms.

"Red eyes!"

"Meow!"............Never mind. Let's stay a little longer.................................................

Shihua drove Yuta to a high-end western restaurant she often visited, and they each ordered a cup of tea.

Yuta sat across from Shihua a little stiffly. In his eyes, Shihua was still the somewhat majestic elder sister.

"What's up?......Can't we say it at home?"

"We can't let Rikka hear it."

Jukka pulled an envelope out of her pocket, placed it on the table and pushed it over so that Yuta could see clearly what it was.

"This was sent by the Italian headquarters, asking me if I wanted to learn it.......I have no reason to refuse"

"Wow......It turns out that Shihua sister is really so powerful......"

"Huh? You mean you didn't believe it before?"


Shihua was a little insecure about her own authority, but it was gone in the next second.

"But this is also good. Sister Juhua, your career will be further developed, and Rikka will also......"

Yuta was a little happy, happy for Touka's career, and originally wanted to say that Rokka would definitely be happy, but soon he thought, if Touka left, what would Rokka do?

So he stopped talking. Touka looked at Yuta and knew that he understood.

"It seems you understand......

I ca n't let her live here alone, so I want my mother to live with her instead of me.......

Yongtai had never seen it, but he had heard about it from Fang Wuwei and Shihua.......It seems that Liuhua's mother has hurt her before, and now it is still difficult for her to communicate with Liuhua.

This is what Shihua is most entangled with now. Liuhua is unwilling to communicate with her mother. To be precise,......Rikka is a middle school student and has difficulty communicating with her mother.

But in fact, Rikka doesn't hate her mother and has long forgiven her. It's just that Rikka has not yet entered the closed state of middle school and is unwilling to communicate with her mother, which makes her mother think that she is hated and doesn't want to be seen.......That is why Liuhua's mother left in grief.......Maybe deep down in her heart, she is not a good mother.

Rikka's second-year status is hard to understand, and it is difficult for her to maintain a harmonious relationship with her mother. If she wants to live with her mother again, she must first return to normal and stop being second-year. But she doesn't know that no matter what her child becomes, how can a mother hate him?

She is limited and knows that no matter how much she persuades, she can't make Rikka stop being second-year. And Yuta......Just now at his house, Dongfang had told her that they had started dating, and even produced video evidence, although she didn't know where he came from.......

If it was Yuta, Rikka would definitely listen to what Yuta said.

So, for the sake of her sister and her mother, Rikka bowed her head to Yuta for the first time.......

"Sister Shihua? What's going on?!"

"Please, please think about doing me a favor! If you ask her, she will definitely listen! Just tell her to become normal!"

Hearing this, Yuta became determined.......It's not because he recognizes Juuka, but because he wants to protect Rikka. He knows too well what the invisible boundary means to Rikka. He also knows too well that Chuunibyou is not just entertainment for Rikka, but also the motivation to continue living.......

"Rikka, she is very normal. I think that for her, the eye mask is like armor to protect her. Rikka......She is so smart, she must know all this. But she just can't let go, so she behaves like this. It is by dressing like this that she can keep......"

"What to guard?"

"I have no idea......"

Maybe it's an ideal, maybe it's life

"However, she probably didn't want to let it all disappear like this. If she listened to Sister Shihua and her mother and accepted the current situation, then everything would be over. She didn't want to do that......."

This is the first time that Yuta rejects Juhua. Now that he has a new identity, he wants to protect Rokka. He believes that Rokka must have her reasons for doing so.

But Juhua doesn't think so.......Having experienced the ups and downs of society, she understands the cruelty of reality too well.

"What's wrong with ending like this? There is no such thing as a boundary line or the evil king's true eye! No matter how hard you look, you can't find your father!"

Faced with the cold reality, the fantasy is like a bubble, beautiful but bursting at the touch of a button. Even Yuta couldn't find a point to refute it and could only remain silent.......

"What problem can you solve by affirming everything she says? What she desires will never be obtained!

If you insist on affirming her, it will only make her indulge in fantasy and be more unwilling to face reality. In this way, what will happen when she grows up? Reality is cruel!

You are really.........So irresponsible......"

Yuta stared at his unfinished coffee with a dim look in his eyes.......

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