It was raining, and the rain covered the city, leaving only a hazy state.

The lights on the street reflected a vague light on the water, like a torch burning in the dark. Occasionally, a car passed by, splashing a piece of water, as crystal clear as pearls, and the scenery between the sky and the earth seemed to have only a vague outline. The sound of raindrops and splashing sounds like a symphony, or a song to celebrate the two.

The city at night became particularly beautiful under the baptism of rain, just like the six flowers.......

The two people who were hiding from the rain in McDonald's and having dinner at the same time sat at the table in front of the French window, staring straight at the rain outside, blurring everything they could see, watching the raindrops slide on the transparent glass, watching the city lights shine in the rain.......

After seeing such a night scene, the two dared not look at each other. The boy and girl who liked each other just finished the dinner, which was not rich but delicious to them, in silence and without turning their heads.���

, and how quiet it was between the two of them.......I have to take the initiative......

Having made up his mind, Yuta was about to speak. Not to mention confessing now, he had to speak even if it was just to break this uncomfortable silence.

Where should he start?......ah......Weather Bar......



What happens next? Speaking of weather, it is raining now. Speaking of rain,......

"You, you brought an umbrella.......Right......"

What should I say next? It's raining, how can I go home without an umbrella, but Liuhua only has one umbrella......A

Umbrella of harmony!?

Yuta didn't dare to say anything, but Rikka started it instead.

"What to say......?"

Liuhua recalled the unfinished words of Yuta on the rooftop this evening. Her heart beat violently, but she was already used to it.......But she was afraid that if......I'm afraid I can't bear it

"I have something to tell you.......but......"

Yuta mustered up his courage. It was obvious that Rikka was just about to ask him to confess his feelings. How could Yuta not understand? But here......It was indeed a bit too much to ask.

Liuhua also understood that this place was not ideal, nor was it the romance she wanted, so the two looked at the heavy rain still falling outside the window, opened Liuhua's umbrella, and walked into the city immersed in the rain together, embarking on the road home.......

Still here, umbrella......

Yuta didn't know where to go, and Rikka didn't know where to go either. The two of them just walked in the rain with umbrellas.

The lights of the city seemed so blurred and gentle in the fog. There was only the sound of the rain between heaven and earth. The two of them walked on the road, no one spoke, and the only sound between them was the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella, just like their violent heartbeats.

They didn't have the courage to tell each other their feelings now, even though they knew that the other party liked them, even though they knew that the other party would definitely accept them. They......Still didn't dare to take that step.

They walked past street lamps, the light shone on them, their figures seemed so small and firm in the rain, as if the whole world only had the two of them.

But Rikka's umbrella was only a single umbrella after all, and the two of them were still so shy and far away from each other, and now the outer half of their bodies were wet. Yuta took a look at Rikka's wet half of her body and finally made up his mind.......

There's no time to waste.

Even though we're on speaking terms, if I don't do anything, you might just disappear.

"Rokka......I said......"


"I said......"


Rikka was quietly waiting for Yuta's confession, but Yuta was stuck.......I can’t say it! I can’t say it!

You are such a loser, Yuta!!!!!!! Fang Wuwei, who was not far away, was so angry that his teeth itched.

With Yuta’s sudden silence, silence began again, but fortunately this time it didn’t last long. A hurricane blew, and because Liuhua’s body was a little soft due to shyness, she lost her grip on the umbrella and fell under the bridge.

"Ah! My Black Six Prototype MK-2!"

"You said your full name so fluently!"

The heavy rain fell on them instantly. Not to mention that this umbrella was very precious to Rikka, they couldn't go home without it, unless they wanted to become drowned rats.

Rikka immediately rushed down the bridge regardless of the wind and rain. How could Yuta ignore it, and immediately chased after her.

When they arrived under the bridge, it was a place that could not be hit by the rain. Fortunately, the umbrella did not fall into the river, but fell under the bridge, which not only gave the two of them a temporary shelter from the rain, but also......

Wait, this place......

Yuta realized that this was a good place.

On the other side, Rikka looked up and found that at the far end of the river, there was a flowing neon light. It looked so hazy and beautiful in the rain. The colorful neon lights were connected together, reflecting countless shining waves on the water. Under countless reflections, it illuminated the world.......Just like that invisible boundary line.

For Rikka, this might be the invisible boundary line. She seemed to be able to see her father who had always protected her behind that beautiful flowing light.

It used to be her father who had always protected her. Now......It's Yuta


"I like Yuta."

Originally, Yuta was looking at Rika standing there blankly, wanting to seize this opportunity to confess his love, but he heard Rika suddenly confess her love to him, and was shocked. He almost scared Yuta to death.

Rika turned around, and Yuta looked at Rika's face, which looked even cuter because of her shyness. He was a little lost, and wanted to take a closer look, but Rika put her hand���The umbrella was raised, blocking Yuta's view. She was also shy. Rikka was a shy child.


After the first time, the second time is no longer so embarrassing, and Yuta finally reacted. His voice was trembling, and it was hard to tell whether it was joy or shyness.

"this......I should be the first to say this!"

"No, the evil king's true eyes have already determined that I said it first."

Chuunibyou has its own unique confession. As a retired player, Yuta also understands Rikka's past, so he can naturally accept Rikka's strange confession and is happy to accompany her.

"But I am still a dark flame user!"

Hearing Yuta's words, Rikka just slowly put down her umbrella, revealing her somewhat pink eyes, and lifted the eye patch on her right eye, revealing the golden evil king's true eye.

"The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest."

Yuta laughed, laughing at Rikka's still innocence, and also laughing at himself for having been dealing with Rikka for so long.......If he had noticed it earlier and thrown a straight punch at the beginning, the two of them would probably be together now. His heart suddenly relaxed.

The fragments of love were combined into one at this moment.

"No, no, no!" Yuta reached out and took away the umbrella between the two of them and threw it to the ground, leaving Rika no longer able to hide behind the umbrella. She could only show her red face and said,"I finally thought of the lines, you must listen carefully!"

Facing the strong Yuta, Rika didn't know how to refuse and could only say"hmm".

Then, Yuta slid his feet, shook his hair, and made the classic pose of covering his eyes with one hand.

"Those who are consumed by the flames of darkness,......"

There was a sudden sound of bells from under the bridge pier behind him. An innocent passerby rode past Yongtai on a bicycle, which frightened Yongtai so much that he blushed and refused to continue.

Damn it, why did you ride a bicycle in the heavy rain? You came early or late.......

To Yuta, this was just a case of Chuunibyou, but to Rikka, this was the best and most romantic confession, and she hoped that Yuta could continue.

Looking at Rikka's eager eyes and happy face, even though it was embarrassing, Yuta continued with the lines he had rehearsed for a while.......

Only this time, he no longer made those shameful poses, and he didn't even dare to look at Liuhua's face. He could only turn around and finish the shameful lines with a red face.

"Those who are consumed by the flames of darkness, and I......Dark Flame......Make love......Let's make a contract."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuta felt something pressing against his back. He could probably feel that it was Rikka's head pressing against his back.


Even though he had expected it, Yuta was still relieved when he heard Rikka agree.

The rain gradually stopped, and the world was no longer filled with the sound of heavy rain. Only the sound of the river water beside them and the reflection of the neon lights in the distance fell on the two of them.

"At this time, it is usually on the chest.......Are you embarrassed?"


"That......How about holding hands?"

Although he felt a little regretful that he couldn't hug Rikka like he did in the evening, he also understood Rikka's personality and suggested holding hands. In his opinion, it was not like they had held hands before, so she should agree.......

But he still underestimated how shy Rikka was. Rikka just stretched out her little finger and placed it in front of Yuta.

"Pinky's words......Can"

"......Then, let's use the pinky finger."

Yuta stretched out his hand and hooked his pinky finger on Rikka's pinky finger. Rikka felt Yuta's fingers and began to tighten. The two of them started dating in this awkward way.......

Fang Wuwei, who was not far away, also put down the camera in his hand......These two children finally......

There are more than three people smiling now.

(Celebrating the 100th chapter!! Yay!!!)

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