This was the first time that Yuta felt the night was so beautiful, yet so silent.

Rikka and Yuta sat on a bench quietly waiting for the train, one looking up at the sky, the other looking down at the ground, neither dared to look at the other, being shy.

Adolescent boys and girls are troublesome.......

Even Yuta, who had summoned up the courage to invite Rikka, had no idea what to do. He opened his mouth repeatedly but kept stopping himself from speaking.......

Faced with such a dilemma, in order to break the silence and to give herself courage, Liuhua took out a small yellow stone from her pocket, placed it in front of the evil king's true eye, and prayed silently.......

"Obey my covenant and follow my orders......Obey my covenant and follow my orders......Obey my covenant and follow my orders......"

This action naturally attracted Yuta's attention, or maybe this was what Liuhua wanted to achieve.

"What is this?"

Hearing Yuta's voice, Rikka was very happy, and she also thought of the lines to respond

"The magic stone, which can make wishes come true, was given to me by Touma"


In this situation, taking out such a thing to make a wish, what is the wish? You all know it, right?

Rikka, this smart child, must have realized that her move was no different from self-destruction. Her face turned red on the spot. What's worse is that Yuta kept looking at her, his eyes were always fixed on her face, making her even more shy.

To block Yuta's sight......

So she took out a black lace umbrella from under her body and opened it towards Yuta, blocking the two of them. Seeing this, Sekiro exclaimed that he was an expert. That's right, this is how to use an umbrella! She was so shy that her brain was burning, her body was a little out of control, and Rikka's voice was trembling.

"Content of wish......can not say!"

"No......I didn't ask......."

Suddenly realizing that she had overreacted, Rikka was trying to cover her mouth with a sly smile. She froze with her umbrella, not knowing whether to put it away or not. She could only stand there in a daze.

After breaking the uncomfortable silence, it became much easier to do things. Yuta no longer felt uncomfortable like before. He felt better now, at least he didn't worry about the atmosphere.......It seems that Rikka also wants to go one step further.

Yuta looked at the so-called magic stone that fell to the ground because Rikka hurriedly opened the umbrella, walked over to pick it up, but found that it was a little warm.

How can a stone be hot?......I'm afraid that Rikka is also nervous and uneasy. This magic stone that can make wishes come true must have been in Rikka's hands for a long time.......

Although Rikka's explanation is that"the magic stone will heat up due to strong wishes", it actually means one thing - if Rikka really believes that this magic stone can make wishes come true, then she must have made wishes thousands of times. How cute, Rikka.

Then I will make a wish too.

Imitating Rikka, I closed my right eye, placed the magic stone in front of my eyes, and silently said in my heart......

‘I hope Rikka can accept my confession.

Seeing Yuta imitating her, Rikka panicked. She wanted to stop Yuta, but she remembered what Ikeuchi said to her before she left.

‘Don't be too aggressive, Master said that Togashi is a very gentle person, but don't always touch him, and don't pay attention to him when he doesn't know what to do. 'The person who said this was Yuta's childhood friend, so......Maybe I can believe it.

I tried hard to suppress my shyness until I couldn't bear it anymore. I watched Yuta put the stone in front of his eyes. I remembered that the stone had been in my arms for a long time and in front of my eyes for a long time.......It's like this......Just like......

Just when Liuhua was about to be unable to bear it, Yuta finally stopped this action that made her feel ashamed and angry, and handed the magic stone to her. Liuhua also reached out her hand to take it.

When Yuta gently placed the magic stone on Liuhua's hand, he accidentally touched Liuhua's little hand at that moment.......Soft and warm......

Their faces instantly turned red, and their hands separated as if they had been electrocuted. They blushed and dared not look at each other.......God, help me......

As if hearing Yuta's cry for help, the sky suddenly became overcast, and a drop of cool rain fell on Yuta's face, awakening some of his rationality.................................................

"Senior Anise!"

The camera returns to the school's club room. Earlier, after Yuta took Rikka away, Nibutani and the others also began to return to the club.

At this moment, Isshiki Makoto is struggling for his youth plan.......

"Please come with me to the closing party!"

Across the entire carpet, Isshiki Makoto bowed formally to Senior Sister Fennel, who was lying on the table holding a lamb pillow.

Is this something a human can do?

Only a truly innocent and kind-hearted elder sister like Senior Sister Fennel would agree to this, but Dan's mother couldn't stand it at all. At this moment, she was like a director in the crew, holding a small loudspeaker, sitting on a chair with armrests with her legs crossed, her face full of speechlessness, and she shouted"Stop" on the spot.

"Why am I here to watch your poor performance?"

"It's not a performance! I mean it! And why are you here!"

Nibutani was helpless. She stayed here so late for the club, just for tomorrow's flash mob! The most important thing is that Rikka and Yuta were not here, which made her very helpless.

Speaking of Rikka and Yuta, this directly touched the sore spot of Touma who was squatting in the corner.

"Don't bring up this topic death"


"Tuo Shou is in a bad mood now......I want Tata to open death......"

"I don't have time to play with you now, call them over quickly......"

Nibutani had no time to deal with this naughty junior high school girl. She just wanted to finish it quickly and go home. She was tired.

But Touma was full of grievances. Her master, who had been well taken care of, was suddenly taken away by someone. She was in a mess. Now Nibutani dared to bring up this topic, which was simply jumping into Touma's minefield.

"them......They went back to death! Both of them died together!"

Since Nibutani did not participate in Rikka's military meeting, he did not know what happened. However, Maki, who was standing by, was ready to pull Touma away.......Just now, in order to protect Yuta, she had a fight with the furious Touma.......Although it was a crushing blow, the random hammer method was still a bit difficult to resist.

As expected, Touma, who was touched by Nibutani, cried loudly while swinging the whip she had replaced with an ordinary sandbag and hitting Nibutani on the head.

"I'm talking to you!!!"

Nibutani couldn't bear it, so he got up and grabbed Toumori's whip, and the two of them started fighting.......

Everyone else is used to it. These two fight every day. Even Ikeuchi Maki is used to it.

Needless to say, Nibutani won in the end. But at this moment, she was actually a little excited. The two children were together. Her efforts were not in vain!! What about the flash mob rehearsal? Go home!!

"By the way, Chi Nei, where did Dongfang go?"

"Master? Master said he had something to deal with......."

"Wow......He's not following me, is he? That's a bit perverted......."

At this moment, Fang Wuwei, who was not far from Yuta Liuhua, put down his hand.【●REC】The camera sneezed.

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