The controversy over Yuta's strategist team is so intense.......The painting style is a bit strange. When

Toumo and Maki pushed open the door of the activity club, they found that the lights were not on inside. Rikka was sitting alone in the center of the LED light array on the ground. The light tube was still on, emitting blue light, illuminating the dark activity room with only moonlight.

And Rikka was meditating in it. It was a tiring day for Maki.

Due to her desire to perform and her physical fitness that really exceeded that of ordinary people, as well as her enthusiastic heart, she had never been able to refuse the help of others and helped them finish a lot of work that they could not finish in a short time. Then, in the eyes of a large group of people saying"Awesome!", she raised her hair and left in a chic manner, leaving only the name"Brilliant Gale" circulated among the students.

Now she is a little tired. She didn't turn on the lights when she entered the club and collapsed on the spot.

Toumo is very active now. As a junior high school student, her tasks are much lighter than those of the high school. She didn't do much work, so she naturally had the energy and mind to play with Rikka. Looking at her eyes���Rikka stood still, and Toshou kept talking about her second-year studies.

But she found that Rikka was really unmoved, as if she didn't hear anything, and continued to meditate on her own.

So, puzzled Toshou, finally sat on the magic carpet, trying to find out why his master entered such a deep meditation.

But second-year studies are second-year studies after all. If Rikka hadn't been upset, she wouldn't have had the heart to meditate for so long, which would have been quite boring. The carefree Toshou naturally couldn't help it, and began to harass Rikka constantly, wanting his master to play with her again, so he poked his palms, touched her hair, and even tried blowing wind in her ears, but he failed to wake Rikka up. This was very strange.......

"Disaster......Could it be that? Is time stopped, death?"

So Tu Shou also took a strange posture, holding the whip with both hands and standing on one leg. It looked very difficult, but Tu Shou was able to keep it motionless.......

We will never know what kind of training these middle school kids went through in order to perform the actions in the setting.......Toumori realized that it was not the case, so she silently ended the pose, trying to understand what happened. She did not notice that Ikeuchi Maki, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly relaxed.......She really thought that time had stopped, so she stopped moving too.

Faced with Toshou's constant movement, Rikka could only stop her meditation and waved her hand to signal Toshou to sit down. As a servant, Toshou naturally obeyed. She was also wondering what was wrong with her master.

After kneeling down obediently, she found that Rikka put her hands on her shoulders. Under Toshou's doubts, Rikka silently embraced Toshou in her arms.......


In Rikka's embrace, Toumori felt something awaken in her heart. Just a hug made her whole body become orange, and her mind was full of random thoughts.......

What made him fanciful was that after Rikka let her go, Toumori saw shyness and charm on Rikka's face.......Could it be that the Master really does......

"Master, you can't do that! Touma is your follower! You can't have such feelings, death!

Ah, but, the more taboos there are, the more passionate people will be. This is also the common sense of the world, death!"

"Huh?! What what?!"

Even Maki beside her got up and looked at the two of them in astonishment. My goodness, the master once accidentally revealed that this twintailed girl was a lesbian, but he didn't expect that the evil king's true eyes were also.........Could it be!

Wu~~ Really exciting~~

But Liuhua didn't think so much, she hugged Tuo Shou just to find the warmth and the sense of security that made her intoxicated......No, she didn't feel it in this embrace with Touma. As expected, it still depends on Yuta.......

Then, in Toumo's somewhat lonely eyes, Rikka let go of Toumo, slowly walked to the window, and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

She finally felt a little peaceful in her heart.

"Toushou, I like Yuta"



The sudden words stunned Touma and Ikeuchi Maki. The two looked at each other and stood there at a loss.......Like? Is it love? I don’t understand!

The slowness of love that is unique to Chuunibyou

"Could it be that you are a fake Master? After Morisummer, even the Master has a fake one?!"

Faced with Toumori's question, Rikka just turned around, lifted her eye mask, and revealed her iconic golden eyes.

"It's the real thing."

The stunned Toumoshi discovered that his master......Seems to be arched

"That......That is to say......explain......Master, you are so powerful against the Black Flame......"

"In love?!"

The word love is like Rikka's soft spot, and suddenly her face turns red. She turns her head away, but does not deny the fact. She nods to the stunned Touma and Maki who comes closer.......

Tu Shou exploded instantly! He grabbed the whip and modified it on the spot, replacing the sandbag at the end of the whip with a meteor hammer. This is the real fighting posture of the Thunder Hammer user. Now......Her first enemy is the Dark Flame Master!!

"Master, Toumori has to go somewhere now, please excuse me, death!"

"Convex Guard......"

"Don't stop me from dying! As a Servant, I must find the bastard who stole my Master's heart and teach him a lesson!"

Looking at the trembling Touma, Maki went up to hold her and tried to calm her down. Don't really hit her, Master has told me to bring these two together.

The two who were fighting turned around and saw Rikka, who looked at a loss.......She was at a loss, on the roof......Has Yuta already planned......But this happened......

"I should......What should I do?"

Tuo Shou instantly calmed down. As a servant, while protecting the master, he also has to help the master solve problems, right?

"Master, you once said that it was because of the Dark Flame Master that you were able to protect the Evil King's True Eye until now.......I believe your strong feelings have also reached the Dark Flame."

"Um......I know, but I don't know what to do now......"


"In the afternoon......Yuta......Yuta tried to express to me......surface......"


So exciting?!

Ikeuchi Maki pricked up her ears and listened. She had only been here for less than half a semester, so she was naturally not very familiar with Rikka. Rikka didn't look for her, so she couldn't go up and ask, right?

But Rikka stuttered and couldn't say the word"confession". She was so anxious.......Ikeuchi Maki, who was a bit impatient, couldn't stand it. She didn't care about etiquette and got up on the spot.

"but......because......Because of some things, it was broken, so I thought, should I......"

"So, you are worried about this?"

With the addition of Maki Ikeuchi, Rikka felt more confident. One more person means one more wisdom!

"Don't worry, Kotori. If Togashi confesses to you once, he will definitely confess to you a second time. You just need to wait......."

"but......But what if there isn't?......"

"Master! The Dark Flame Master must have sensed your intentions and will surely put them into action!

The Evil King's True Eyes are the strongest and will surely bring about a smooth death!"


The three of them looked at the bright moon in the sky silently. The moon was so bright tonight.......

Just as Rikka felt more at ease, the door behind them was suddenly opened.

The three turned around and saw Yuta, whose face was red and stiff, appear at the door. The moment Rikka saw Yuta, her body also stiffened, and a blush quickly covered her face.

"six......Liuhua, I have something important to tell you.......Let's go back first"


Rikka agreed in a voice as soft as a mosquito's buzz, but she still covered her chest and followed Yuta obediently.

"Master......My Lord......"

The meteor hammer in Toumori's hand was about to leave an afterimage, but he was held back by Ikeuchi Maki and could only watch his master follow the dark flame master.......

Ikeuchi Maki pulled Touma and secretly reached out to weigh Touma's meteor hammer.......Wow, it's the real thing. Although the thorns are not sharp, they are really made of metal.......

So scary......Fortunately, he was stopped, otherwise tonight's happy event might have turned into a funeral.

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