The fall of Rikka attracted the attention of countless classmates, and the exclamations and screams from below were endless.

Yuta, who was above, looked at Rikka who was so close yet could not be caught, and he was very anxious, but he had no other choice. Hearing Nibutani's call, he could only believe her.......

Seeing Rika's face full of fear and panic, Yuta could only follow Nibutani's example.

"wait for me......You must hold on!"

Liuhua raised her head. For the first time, she saw determination on Yuta's face. At this moment, he was the safest shield in Liuhua's eyes.

Yuta......With Yongta here, it will definitely work......

The panic and fear in Liuhua's heart dissipated a lot inadvertently.......Believe in Yuta, believe in the man who has been by her side countless times.

So, Rikka watched Yuta running down the stairs. Now Yuta burst out with unprecedented speed and will. In order to save the one he loves, he burst out. He has always been gentle and doesn't want to cause trouble to others, but now even if he bumps into someone, he will only shout to get out of the way.

Running all the way according to the general location, Yuta ran across the empty classroom, quickly opened the balcony door and rushed out, and found Rikka's half body hanging in the air. He ran over without even taking a breath, stretched out his hands and hugged Rikka's thighs, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The classmates below saw Yuta's successful rescue and burst into cheers, and they all shouted that Yuta was a real man.

Yuta upstairs didn't care about the cheers below. He was just very fortunate, fortunate that he could catch Rikka, fortunate that he protected her

"It's okay. It's okay.......Liuhua, take your time......"

He slowly lifted Rikka's thighs and let her slowly descend. He stepped on the railing to let her stand firmly. Suddenly, his mind flashed back to the first time they met - Yuta was watching the moon at home when he saw Rikka slowly climbing down from the upstairs with a rope.

He had caught her in the same way before, and it was the same way.......

After wrapping Rikka in her arms to ensure her safety, Rikka heard Yuta signal her to let go. Although she was still a little scared, she let go of her hand obediently, and then slid down Yuta's arm into his arms. Under Yuta's support, Rikka landed safely, but her heart was not safe at all. He held Rikka tightly in his arms. This was the first time the two of them were so close. Rikka buried her head in Yuta's chest, and Yuta also completely wrapped Rikka with his arms.

Feeling the warmth and unprecedented sense of security wrapped tightly around her, Rikka's fear finally turned into tears and poured out.

Yuta just breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the two of them were a little ambiguous. He wanted to ask about Rikka's situation first, but found that he couldn't move at all. Rikka hugged him tightly.

With her arms tightly around Yuta, Rikka buried her head deeply in Yuta's chest, as if she wanted to sink her whole body into Yuta's body. Her hands were scratching behind Yuta's back, feeling the incomparable warmth and sense of security.......

Liuhua finally cried. She had only felt this warmth and security in her father's arms.

Fang Wuwei, who was below, breathed a sigh of relief. His tense body, ready to strike at any moment, began to relax. Nibutani quickly ran up and found that they were safe. He was relieved to see the two people hugging each other.......

And Yuta, looking at Rikka sobbing in his arms, wanted to confess his feelings, but finally stopped talking.......It's not like a gentleman to confess now.......

So he finally just smiled, held Liuhua's head with one hand, and wrapped the other hand around Liuhua's back, stroking her gently, comforting her, letting her cry her heart out, even if his chest was soaked......What can I do? Just pamper her?

"oi——The vertical banner has arrived——Huh? What happened?"

"............Give it to me, and leave now."


The sun sets in the west, dusk has passed, and the moon is in the sky.

Due to the flash mob plan that was allowed by the club of Yuta and others, their work is more and more tedious than others, so at this moment Yuta is still doing some detailed work.

The empty classroom, neither the lights are on nor there are idle people. Only Yuta is sitting on the ladder, holding a black curtain that needs to be hung on the wall.

The moonlight tonight is brighter, illuminating the dark classroom. Yuta is feeling the silk texture in his hand, and under the moonlight, he recalls the warm and soft embrace at dusk.......

This was his first time hugging a girl. The soft touch was warm, and her body was so soft that it seemed like it would break if he used a little force. It was so fragile, so......Melancholy, makes people want to protect her......

Yuta hugged the curtain and buried his face in it.......



The air suddenly became silent, and Isshiki Makoto appeared with a look of ignorance. He heard that Yuta was going crazy.

How could Yuta endure it?!

He kicked him!

"Forget it! Forget it!"

"It hurts! It hurts!!!"

Looking at Isshiki Makoto who was being beaten, Fang Wuwei in the corner quietly poked his head out......Luckily, I didn't leave first.

Yuta insisted not to tell Isshiki Makoto, but Isshiki Makoto used his killer move:

"If you don't tell me, I will go to the class and spread rumors!"

With Isshiki Cheng's resistance, Yuta finally began to calm down, and Fang Wuwei finally dared to come out.

So Fang Wuwei moved three chairs, Yuta sat in the middle, Isshiki Cheng and him sat on both sides, facing the bright moon in the sky, the three of them formed a peach garden......No, the three of them started a military advisor meeting.

Left: Prime Minister Isshiki, Center: Lord Yuta, Right: Military Advisor Dongfang.

How can we be the enemy if we work together?!

Fang Wuwei, who already knew everything, slowly took out three bottles of drinks and handed them out. He was watching Yuta analyzing the current situation to Isshiki Makoto, who didn't know the whole picture. Although Fang Wuwei was a little speechless that he could come up from nowhere, he didn't refuse. Anyway, he already knew it.

Yuta, who understood his feelings for Rikka, was most entangled at the moment, when to confess?

Fang Wuwei had a lot of opinions on this.......

"Since you are worried about this, why the hell didn't you confess when you caught Rikka?"

"what why......Rikka was crying at that time. It was so ungentlemanly to confess her feelings at that time!"

"Love is war!"

Yong Tai punched Fang Wuwei, and Fang Wuwei stopped talking immediately.

He drank a sip of the drink silently. You kid......Waiting

"In other words, you are now......"

"Um......Ah, but I don't think it's because she has a good figure or is cute or something as superficial as that. How should I put it? Although she is a chuunibyou and people don't know how to treat her, she is not just a simple chuunibyou. She also has her own troubles.......Ah, that's not right either!"

Isshiki Makoto looked at Yuta who was trying hard to explain to him, frowned and smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and made a very showy gesture:

"No need to say! There is no need for a reason to like someone!"

The air suddenly became quiet.......

"It's not your turn to say this"

"Brother Yixiu, you are a bit greasy"

"Why!!! And don’t call me Ikkiu-san! I have long hair!!"

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