The noisy outer courtyard of the school was filled with the hawking and noisy noises of all kinds of people.

Fang Wuwei, wearing the black and red coat that Yuta had just worn, and a shallow knife on his waist, walked among the crowd.

He wanted to die so badly that his face turned red and he didn't dare to look up.

After Yuta and Liuhua had a big fight, Liuhua left with her lunch box and hasn't come back yet. Both of them were in a bad mood, so naturally they couldn't continue their flash mob.......Then this important task fell on him and Ikeuchi Maki.

After all, wouldn't it be more interesting for them to fight with real swords and guns than to act like a fool?!

Fang Wuwei refused. He almost ran away after knowing that he was going to take the lead, but he couldn't resist the repeated requests from Nibutani and Ikeuchi Maki.......He put on this handsome outfit and went along with the performance.

According to the script, he was going to walk to an open space, pass by Ikeuchi Maki, and then draw his sword to fight her, and then say something.......

Very embarrassing line, he really wants to die, he originally wrote this chuunibyou line just to play a trick on Yuta, now it's backfired on him.......

Just don't say anything, just keep silent and fight.

Although Director Nibutani Dan was not far away holding the script, I and Ikeuchi Maki still had Bluetooth headphones made by the system in their ears so that Director Dan could give them instructions.......

But who said I have to listen?

I am happy to fight in silence!

Fang Wuwei's flamboyant outfit, coupled with his handsome face and the eye patch (did you forget that the protagonist has an eye patch? It doesn't matter, I forgot too.), instantly attracted a lot of attention, and everyone was talking about it.......

Is anyone's cosplayer here to attract customers? I really want to go and support him! He just seems a little shy, so cute~

On the other side, Ikeuchi Maki, with a morning sword hanging on her waist, is excited. She knows that flash mobs are fun! She knows that flash mobs are cool!!!

She is now wearing her self-made combat uniform that she rushed back to her home to get, a black and white Gothic skirt, which has a holy flavor and is very suitable for her. Now she sees Fang Wuwei walking towards her step by step. According to the script, she should also walk over step by step.......

Have a fight......Have a fight......I have wanted to beat up my master for a long time. Although I know I can't beat him, I can't use those skills in front of everyone.......hey-hey......

The two people slowly approached each other. In front of them was an empty space without any small shops. Although there were many people around them, there was definitely enough space.......It's better to say that the more people pay attention to them, the more excited Nibutani will be!

Look, I'll use flash mob to snatch all your customers away!!! Here, here!!

The two people slowly approached each other and finally passed by each other. Then, under Fang Wuwei's helpless and ashamed expression, Ikeuchi Maki spoke the lines loudly, very loudly.

"I didn't expect to meet you here! My mortal enemy!

Fang Wuwei's face instantly lost all color and became numb.......Already, it doesn't matter......

Behind him, Ikeuchi Maki turned around and drew his sword, swinging it towards Fang Wuwei, aiming for his neck. Fang Wuwei didn't even turn his head back, and drew his sword at a speed that the audience around him couldn't understand, and steadily blocked the blow.


The sound of metal colliding resounded throughout the courtyard, shocking the crowd, making everyone realize that this was a real sword.

Ikeuchi Maki missed the target and quickly retreated, inserting the scabbard into the ground, holding the blade horizontally in front of him, lowering his body, and excitedly reciting the lines loudly.

"Come on! My mortal enemy! Let's continue the unfinished battle!"

According to the script, Fang Wuwei now has to reply with a line and say a long paragraph to introduce the background, but he just silently inserted the scabbard into the ground, held the knife with both hands, and shook it towards Ikeuchi Maki. The cold light reflected by the long swords in the hands of the two people shot into the hearts of the audience, directly awakening the blood in their hearts - so handsome!!

""Speak! Dongfang, speak!""

Speak your sister!"

Completely ignoring the anxious urging of Dan Shenggu in the headset, Fang Wuwei picked up the knife and killed Ikeuchi Maki. He couldn't burst out with all his strength in public, otherwise Ikeuchi Maki wouldn't even be able to react at this distance. Ikeuchi Maki drew his knife to block the attack, and his body was shaken back two steps, but his eyes were very excited.......

In order to avoid bloodshed in public and to add some splendor, the two men began to fight with swords, only hitting the swords without hitting the people. The clanging sound of iron hammering was endless. The crowd on the side could not see the trajectory of the two swords at all. They could only see the interweaving of the swords and the occasional sparks. The people on the side were so excited that some business classes also gathered around to watch the two fight.

Nibutani was very satisfied. As expected, the fight was eye-catching!!

It’s a pity that if Dongfang was more relaxed, it would be more interesting.......

Ikeuchi Maki slashed down with his sword, aiming for Fang Wuwei's shoulder, but he blocked it firmly, but he felt a little unfair in his heart.......

It's only been a little over a month, but Ikeuchi Maki has learned the swordsmanship so thoroughly that she can fight him back and forth with the swordsmanship alone.

This makes him feel very relieved, but also a little unhappy.......

Damn it, I hate geniuses.

Fang Wuwei deflected the attack and slashed down with a knife.

Ikeuchi Maki quickly raised her hand to block it, but was knocked back.

Her feet slid several meters along the ground, scaring the audience over there and making them step back many steps, leaving enough space for the fight.

Ikeuchi Maki's face was full of excitement. Apart from anything else, in public, everyone was watching her pretending to be cool.......No, fighting, this feeling, is so cool!!!

Picking up the knife again and rushing forward, the excited Ikeuchi Maki began to use not only the knife, but also her hands and feet in her excitement. If the knife was blocked, she would kick, and if her feet were dodged, she would turn around and swing the knife. Anyway, she would do whatever she wanted!

Looking at the two people fighting in the distance and the growing crowd around and the cheers, Nibutani was so excited. Although Dongfang did not follow the script, it was still a great success!

"Isn't this a bad idea?"

Teacher Kujuku Nanase appeared next to Nibutani. She had originally expected that Rikka and Yuta would just have some fun, but now.........Did they really fight?

Seeing Fang Wuwei kick Ikeuchi Maki away, Teacher Jiujiu Nanase was so worried.......

On the other side, after being kicked away by Fang Wuwei, Ikeuchi Maki actually rolled in the air for a week and landed on one knee. It was so handsome that the boys around him were excited.

"snort......My mortal enemy, it seems that I have to show my true strength!!"

Fang Wuwei was still wondering how it got like this, when he heard the voice of Dan Shenggu who was disappointed with him.

"Dongfang! If you don't want to say the lines, at least you have to do something cool!"

Cool? How cool?

Ikeuchi Maki gave the answer.

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage! The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!"

Ikeuchi Maki stood up, raised the Fuchen Knife above his head, and pointed it directly at the sun. The sunlight shone on the knife, reflecting bursts of cold light, and then Ikeuchi Maki turned the knife in his hand.......

"The power of the sun! Immortal ripples!!!"

As Ikeuchi Maki swung the knife, golden power attached to the knife, shocking the surrounding audience.

Fang Wuwei was overwhelmed.......This girl is still crazy!

But it seems that she still has some rationality.......The ripples were very small, almost invisible, and people far away could not see them at all. They just thought Ikeuchi Maki was being a bit immature. Even the audience nearby just thought the sword was a little electric and it was a prop effect.

"Wow! What a cool tool!......Dongfang! Do you have one too?"

But listening to the surprised voice of Danshenggu in the headset, and the surrounding audience's discussions of"props","awesome","want" and other words, he suddenly realized that this kind of thing can be explained by props!

That's much easier!

Fang Wuwei took a deep breath, you want to play? You want to see cool? I'm cool enough!

"O blazing fire, let me feel your boundless heat! With the sharp blade imposed on me, let me cut off all the evil in the world!"

Fang Wuwei chanted a spell, feeling the magic power released by the elves. He swung his knife and rubbed the ground with the sword, making a harsh friction sound that everyone could hear. Then, his long sword burst into a fierce flame and instantly turned into a fire knife. The flame formed a ring as Fang Wuwei swung it, which was extremely cool.

Low-level magic - blazing blade!

This time it was very high-profile, and everyone could see that the mood of the audience and the atmosphere here burned along with Fang Wuwei's knife, and unprecedented cheers broke out.

Seeing Fang Wuwei slowly approaching with a fire knife, his eyes still a little angry, Ikeuchi Maki's heart suddenly sank.......

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