In the end, this flash mob battle ended with Ikeuchi Maki's sword being knocked away by Fang Wuwei and she was kicked to the ground.

When the two left, the audience cheered and applauded crazily. Nibutani also found the opportunity to come out and promote their club. The flash mob plan was a great success.......

Time passes by, and the night gradually falls. The last rays of sunset are swallowed by the darkness, and only a few stars remain in the sky. The firewood tower built by Yuta and his friends is burning, and the firelight illuminates the playground and warms people's hearts. Everyone is enthusiastic and has a crazy day. It also allows their tense spirits to get the best relaxation in the constant study and life. Most people are already looking forward to the next school festival.

There is another program, which is the most anticipated annual convention - the talent show. You can sign up in advance and challenge on stage at any time, but since almost no one on stage is showing off their talents, they are either making a fool of themselves or.........They were on their way to a party, so the students called it a party, and it really lived up to its name.

Unlike the people over there who were singing and dancing and cheering, Yuta was just leaning on the edge of the playground, looking at the crowd from afar, but he felt very heavy in his heart.......

Nibutani came over silently. She witnessed the quarrel between Yuta and Rikka and could tell that something was wrong between them.......

Not to mention Rikka, even Yuta is in such a depressed state now, she must also come to care about him......

"Did the flash mob go smoothly?"

"Um......The fight between Dongfang and Chi Nei was very exciting, it was a great success, it's a pity you didn't see it......"

"What about empty macros?"

"Well......He just said he had something to deal with and left in a hurry."

Nibutani recalled the scene of Yuta and Rikka quarreling, and she wanted to enlighten them but she finally stopped talking.......It's a good thing that Rikka can get rid of her chuunibyou, although both of them are not quite right now, but......People have to grow up after all.

Yuta recalled the lunch box that Mrs. Kotori gave him. He could feel that the lunch box was full of the warmth of her mother's love for Rikka, but it was also filled with the cruelty of the real world.......

Perhaps that heaviness is brought by life, and is also filled with the guilt that Kotori's mother feels towards Rikka, which makes it even more difficult for Rikka to accept reality.......

Liuhua was sitting on the grass outside the playground holding her not-so-rich lunch box. No one knew she was here. Although she had opened the lunch box, she didn't eat a single bite. She just looked at it.......

That lunch box was not like what Juhua made. For the sake of nutrition, it was filled with things she didn't like, such as tomatoes and other red foods. This lunch box was not rich, and it was even different from what Juhua made. But it was filled with all the things that Juhua loved and wanted to eat the most.......

Liuhua didn't eat, she just watched, letting the lunch box get cold, quietly holding it in her hands, she just watched......

It was not only filled with food, but also the love of Rikka's mother and the cruel reality.

On the stage not far away, Isshiki Makoto started to show off. He signed up for a temporary show and shouted out his love to his dream goddess, May 7th, on the stage.......

Then he was rejected by senior sister Fennel who was sleeping. She just slept on the floor in the playground, with a quilt, pillow and mattress. It was really outrageous.......

Isshiki Makoto collapsed, but luckily he had prepared himself mentally so he didn't burst into tears on the stage. He was then driven off the stage and the next temporary contestant came on stage.......

Yuta was about to set out to look for Rikka when he heard a voice that he had never expected coming from the stage not far away.......

"No. 3, Grade 1, Class 4, Rikka Takanashi, singing performance."

Hearing this voice, Yuta was a little excited and ran quickly to the center of the playground.

With the arranged background music, Rikka's soft and sticky voice sang a song that was already a little old. The song spread throughout the playground and into Yuta's heart.

Yuta ran to the stage quickly and watched Rikka on the stage singing a song he had never heard of. He didn't understand why Rikka did this, nor did he know what the song meant, but Juuka on the side was a little shocked.......

That is......This is my father's favorite song.

Touka has always been here and has always been paying attention to Rikka. This is not surprising at all, but what she is wondering is why Rikka would perform this song, and the sadness hidden deep under the song.


"I have no idea......"

The playground was completely silent. The sadness and tranquility in Rikka's voice were too obvious for anyone to hear. No one interrupted, no one commented, and no one even spoke. They all quietly listened to Rikka finish singing this song that was full of sorrow for her.

After the song was over, the applause was a little sparse, but at least no one booed. The host also needed to come out and liven up the atmosphere. The school festival was a happy day, and it couldn't be dull.

"Thank you for your performance, Kotori-san. Does this song contain any special memories?"

She had expected that Rikka might take over the conversation and tell a short story, but Rikka's actions clearly exceeded her expectations. Rikka reached out and ripped off the eye patch with a rough method, revealing her right eye, which was a taboo for her.......

Completely to Yuta and Juuka's surprise, that eye was no longer golden, nor mysterious, but just an ordinary blue-green color, the same as her left eye. In her own way, Juuka told everyone her story, a sad and heavy story.......Disappear......

"What is this?......Togashi Yuta......"

"......Um......Isn't this the best way?"

Silence brewed between the two of them. Juhua and Yuta silently watched as Rikka walked off the stage and walked in front of them.......

"......elder sister......"

No longer a saintly counselor, no longer hostile to Chuunibyou, Rikka is like a normal sister, calling Touka"sister". Chuunibyou is fine, Rikka has returned to normal, can live a good life with her mother, can accept reality, can communicate better, make more friends, and become more mature. This is a good thing, I should be happy, but why......

There was an inexplicable pain in Yuta's heart.............................................................

So where is Fang Wuwei at this moment?

The moon was shining brightly, and the moonlight was like a piece of silver water, sprinkling all over the earth. Fang Wuwei was now standing in a wasteland, a wasteland that Rikka was absolutely familiar with. In the wasteland was the"For Sale" sign that was like a nightmare to her.

He was now in the old house of the Kotori family, the old house that had been demolished. He had taken off the eye patch on his right eye, revealing the Sharingan, and bent down to pick a evening primrose. Fang Wuwei's eyes were locked on the transparent spirit not far away.

"Long time no see, Mr. Kotori......You finally came out. I've been waiting for you here for a long time......."

The three magatama of the Sharingan began to rotate and merge, forming a kaleidoscope. Under the gaze of the kaleidoscope, Fang Wuwei pulled Mr. Kotori into the world of Tsukuyomi.

"I have something for you......."

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