This school festival is more than just a school festival for Rikka and Yuta.

Juka is very happy. She is very happy that Rikka can mature and get out of her chuunibyou. Yuta is also happy that Rikka can return to normal and learn to grow up.

Yes, Rikka has grown up, learned to face reality, learned to mature, learned to grow up, and learned to communicate with others normally.......

So, what is the price?

Three weeks have passed in a blink of an eye. During these three weeks, Rikka, who listened to Yuta and accepted reality, is actively learning how to communicate with others. Her teacher is Nibutani Morika, who has already graduated from the second year of middle school and is also at the level of Rikka's mother.

During these three weeks, Rikka suddenly stopped wearing the eye patch and was still a little uncomfortable.

She was also actively adapting to the life of a normal person.

She promised Yuta to get out of the second year of middle school.

At first, she had to rely on suppression to stop herself from uttering the second year of middle school words, but she did not give up.

Her mother also moved in with Rikka.

According to Yuta's observation, the two communicated well, and Rikka did not hate her mother.

It seemed that everything was moving in the right direction, but as the time for Touka to leave was getting closer, Rikka's mood began to get worse day by day.

Soon, even if Rikka was reluctant, time would not give her some time, and Touka had to leave.

Rikka's mother happened to go out, so Touka called Yuta to come up and help pack up.

When she went abroad, Shihua only brought a box of clothes and sundries with her, and left the rest here.

"Is this all you have to bring?"

"After all, I'm going to settle there, so it's cheaper to buy most things there directly. Thank you for coming to help."

Shihua took out a recorder from her pocket and clicked play. It contained the black history of Yuta that Yuta had been thinking about, and it was also the handle that Shihua had in his hands. Yuta didn't expect that Shihua would still insult him when he was about to leave, but Shihua didn't do it to insult Yuta.......

"This is a thank you gift."

He threw the recorder in his hand to Yuta, who hurriedly caught it. Before he could raise his head, Shihua hugged his head and pressed it against his chest for a hug.

"If there is something I didn't say before, I'll add it now.......Thank you, Yuta. Thanks to you, I can embark on my journey with peace of mind. Really.......Thank you very much."

After patting Yuta's head, Juhua released him. Yuta didn't react to Rikka's single-minded devotion. Instead, he felt a little depressed because of the heavy words he heard from Juhua.......

Before Yuta could come to his senses, Rikka came out of the room, holding something that Juka asked her to get.

Rikka has been getting sadder and sadder lately, but also more normal. Her private clothes are no longer gothic, or even her favorite black. She wears a khaki dress and a red long skirt, looking like a pure and lovely little sister. The beautiful clothes that could have made Yuta blush, coupled with Rikka's melancholy face, made Yuta feel distressed and lost.

"elder sister......"

No longer a saintly counselor, but a sister

"Mom will be back soon......"

"No, I won't be able to catch the plane if I wait any longer. Please say goodbye to her for me."

Shihua was very neat and tidy. In her opinion, there was nothing wrong with it. It just took some time to get used to it.......

Seeing Rikka crying, Touka went up to her and hugged her. Touka had always loved Rikka, but she was unable to communicate with her because of Rikka's Chuunibyou. She needed to maintain the image of an older sister to calm Rikka down. Now.........It is no longer necessary. Touka is just a reliable sister who loves her deeply. It is better to say that she has always been like this.

After all, Touka has lived upstairs in Yuta's house for so long. Now she is leaving. Naturally, the Togashi family will come out to see her off. The one who is most reluctant to let her go is the cute Mengye. Every time Touka comes, she is willing to play house with her.

The taxi has also arrived. Touka should leave. Mengye is very reluctant to let her go, and Rikka is also

"in vain——"

Meng Ye's soft crying voice was a little cute, which made Shihua laugh out loud, but the next second......

"Let me see the child."

The shocking words shocked Zhangye and Yuta.

This is the benefit of super-real house wine, see?

Finally, he touched Mengye's head, agreed to her cute request, said goodbye to everyone, and Shihua looked at Liuhua, who he was most worried about.

"I will send you an email, and you should send me one too."

Jika smiled and nodded, got in the taxi and left. Until the car turned a corner and disappeared, Rikka kept watching.

Yuta looked at Rikka.......Yes, Rikka has grown up, matured, and can face reality and communicate with others well. What is the price?

Yuta hasn't seen the light in Rikka's eyes for a long time.......................................................

Liuhua stood in front of Yuta's house. Since Juhua left, she has lived with her mother.......Not bad.

She tries hard to be a normal person, and it has become her routine to go to school with Yuta every day.

Standing at the door, she tried to calm her breathing, and tried to recall the knowledge of communicating with people that Nibutani taught her. Rikka made preparations before pressing the doorbell.

Now she is no longer the middle school student she used to be. The white lace that she added to the hem of her skirt without permission has been removed, and there are no messy decorations on her clothes and hair. Even the unnecessary things on her schoolbag have been removed, and even the black stockings she has been wearing have been changed to the white ones required by the school. Without the eye mask and the middle school student look, Rikka looks like a completely cute JK.

"morning......morning......Good morning......"

"Good morning, Sister Kotori, I'm going to call my brother now."

Zhangye greeted Liuhua with a smile on her face. She was also going to go to school, but she didn't expect Liuhua to be so diligent.......I know the relationship between my brother and her, she really likes Liuhua.

"That......That, Ma......Please go and call Yuta-san."

Zhangye was stunned for a moment, and then recalled that Rikka was currently receiving [recovery training], so he did not interrupt Rikka, and smiled gently and agreed again.


Just as Zhangye agreed, Fang Wuwei, wearing a school uniform and holding a toothbrush in his mouth, poked his head out from behind the corridor. He glanced at Liuhua who was standing outside the door, greeted her, and then walked over to pull Yuta over.

"You kid!"

"Okay, okay, I'll leave in a minute. Are you not happy about someone washing the dishes for you?~?"

She pushed Yuta out of the house with one hand and closed the door under Yuta's angry gaze, which made him so angry that his teeth itched. He really didn't consider himself an outsider and stayed here every other day. What's more terrible is that Zhangye, Mengye, and even his mother stood on Konghong's side!......Even though I don't hate it.......

Liuhua, on the other hand, looked at the eye patch on Fang Wuwei's right eye and recalled her glorious past, feeling itchy in her heart.......Perhaps, only by doing this can Yuta be happy.......


Come on!!! Let's cheer for my Big Daddy!!!

Praise Big Daddy!!!...

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