"If the other person knows what you want to say, there is no need to answer specifically."

"but......Nibutani said that even if it is meaningless, you should answer seriously"

"That's indeed the truth......."

"so difficult......"

The two were walking to school together. Although Rikka had become much more normal, she had been a chuunibyou for too long after all. There were some things she still needed to learn. On weekdays, Yuta taught her, and at school, Nibutani took her to study. Her mother was usually very busy and could not take care of her like Juhua.

Everything had to be done slowly, and it seemed that life was getting better.

Rikka suddenly remembered that Nibutani had asked her to change the words, and even added"classmate" after Yuta, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

But Yuta felt very good. This was how it should be. It would be better if the chuunibyou disease disappeared.

Rikka had changed. Rikka was no longer making trouble or being silly. She stood beside him obediently. How nice it was. She was obedient and cute, and didn't give him a headache...................Are you really okay?

The two of them were walking on the bridge, chatting and laughing. This was the only way to the station. They were going to school together.

Then they were stopped in their tracks.......A blonde with twin ponytails appeared in front of them. It was Touma.

Touma was sitting on the bridge railing, with her two long braids floating in the air, pretending to be deep and stopping the two of them.

She was still a chuunibyou.

"Stop Death"

"......Good morning"

"It's not good to die!"

Today, Toshou appeared here to save his master and bring Rikka back to the world of Chuuni.

Yuta was used to it. Since Rikka got rid of Chuuni, Toshou came to pester the two of them almost every day. But even from the beginning, she had no chance of winning.......

Rikka has decided to be obedient.

Facing Toumori, Rikka recalled the happy days when they were together, but she also saw the reality of the present. She understood that only by being an obedient child can she avoid giving people headaches.

"Sanae, I've said it before, I've......"

"Don’t call me Sanae Death! I don’t care, I’m going to die!"

Touma hated being called Sanae because that name was very ordinary, and she really liked her last name ‘Touma’.

She knew that the Master would never call her Sanae, no matter how close they were.

Touma rudely interrupted Rikka, but she didn’t care.

For her, the Master’s return was the most important thing.

She stood up regardless of the danger, her feet were a little shaky on the railing, which scared Yuta and Rikka a lot, because there were at least three stories below.

It wasn’t over yet, even though it was so dangerous, she still had to stand on one foot and shake her hair, and had to strike her usual pose.......

What was the consequence?

She almost fell to her death. She lost her balance and fell straight down the bridge. If Yuta hadn't reacted in time and rushed over to pull her back, the show would have ended today.

Touma, who had escaped death, lay on the ground trembling. She really thought she was going to die today.......The key point is that she has done this kind of thing many times, and she is lucky to be alive now.

Standing up with the help of the fence, Tu Shou still did not forget the main mission of her coming here this time.

"Explode, reality! Break, nerves! Banish this world!!"

A burst of magic power erupted beside Toumori, and from her perspective she had already entered the second-year middle school world. The huge thunder hammer in her hand condensed and swung in the air, releasing a long-range attack magic, attacking her master.......

"Sanae, I've......"

"Master! Wake up!!"


The magic blasted away, but it couldn't hit Rikka at all, because they were no longer in the same world.

There was already a pathetic thick barrier between them. Touma stared blankly at his magic attack hitting Rikka, but it was like hitting Imagine Killer and disappeared without a trace. It didn't work at all, and the world of Chuunibyou collapsed instantly.......She knelt on the ground, feeling extremely lost.......

My master can't come back.......?

"I say, you should......"

No! It's not over yet! As long as Touma works hard enough, he can definitely bring the Master back!

"I'm so tired of death! Toushou will never give up death!

I will......I will definitely drive out the demon that controls the Master and save the Master from death!"

Toumori picked up his schoolbag, wailed loudly and ran away, leaving only the two standing there without chasing after him.......

Yuta noticed that Liuhua beside him didn't say a word, and when he looked back, he found that Liuhua's eyes were dull and sad.......She and Toumori have been good friends for two years. She would go to Toumori for help no matter big or small, and they had become inseparable friends. But now, she has hurt Toumori's heart again and again. This sense of guilt and nostalgia for the past made her feel a little dazed.......


Even Yuta had to call Rikka repeatedly to bring her back to her senses. He was very worried about Rikka. Rikka had been getting more and more abnormal recently. He wanted to tell Rikka, is it really okay to give up Chuuni?

But he couldn't, because it was he who told Rikka to give up Chuuni. He was the one who told Rikka to give up, and now he was asking Rikka to pick up Chuuni again.......This is too irresponsible.......................................................

The two of them were silent all the way to school, and after a morning of classes, they welcomed the precious lunch break.

Seeing some unfamiliar seniors gathered around Nibutani to discuss something, Yuta, who had been concerned about Rikka all this time, went to ask Isshiki Makoto behind him.......


"Yes, the last flash mob was a huge success, they came to dig up the Dansheng Valley, saying that her script was perfect......"

"Shouldn't that hollow out the macros and the pool?"

"That's the problem. They were indeed poached, but the people who came to poach them were from the Kendo Club.

Isshiki Makoto recalled the time when he accompanied Fang Wuwei to the Kendo Club some time ago. Now he still can't accept this fact. It's too shocking.......

"Not dug out?"

"matter......It's outrageous. After Dongfang went there, he said that if he could beat him, he would join the kendo club. He could also fight in a group."

"Yes......Then what?"

"Then they didn't dig it out. I like our current club, that's it."

Just as the two were talking, Fang Wuwei suddenly interrupted, put his hands on Isshiki Cheng's desk, and smiled.

"......Well, I'm quite interested."

"So, you are now obsessed with Liuhua and don't care about your brothers anymore. You can find out by asking around.

Fang Wuwei pretended to be hurt, but still spoke in a flowery way, but he still said what Yong Tai wanted to know.

"The fact is, the Kendo Club is too weak to beat me. The strongest club member couldn't even beat Maki. What am I going to do? I can feel that they want to use me as a mascot, but I'm not very practical."

But the fact is that the Kendo Club is indeed planning to use him as a mascot to recruit people, which makes Fang Wuwei a little unhappy, so he beat more than 40 members of the Kendo Club by himself.......In the fight, no one even touched the corner of his clothes. In the fight, no one touched him even once.

They wanted to save the country in a roundabout way, and proposed to let Fang Wuwei join the society if they defeated Zhenji.......Then they never fought. In a one-on-one duel, Maki was defeated by the club leader in about ten seconds, and no one else dared to fight.

This incident has spread throughout the school. Now the reputation of the Kendo Club has been damaged and the morale of the club has been weakened. It is said that the club leader has been hit so hard that he wants to disband the club.

Fang Wuwei is famous throughout the school, and Yuta has a girlfriend.......

Only myself, nothing else......Isshiki Makoto was lying on the table, feeling sad.

Speaking of Rikka, Yuta looked at Rikka, who was still sitting alone in front of him, and was very worried.......In the past, Rikka had always spent her lunch breaks by herself, but what about now?

Perhaps she was always lonely, but now she had nothing to numb her heart.......

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