The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and underneath was a glowing magic carpet.

But in front of Toumo, it was pitch black.

How much effort did his master put into establishing this association?......She still vividly remembers how excited she was after her success, and she has created countless beautiful memories in this association.......

And now......How could Toushou accept the disbandment?!

"Master! Why!"

"I want everyone to be free to do what they want.......You too, Tuo Shou......"

"No......I can't accept death!"

Touma leaned forward, his knees hitting the magic stones without feeling anything, and he grabbed Rikka's shoulders with both hands, his voice already filled with tears.

"Master! Didn't you say that this club is indispensable to finding the invisible boundary and going to the other side of the boundary? Death!

What do you mean by wanting everyone to be free to do what they want?......What Toumori wanted to do most was to continue exploring this society with the Master. Death!

Master!!! Master!!!"

Toumori collapsed. She couldn't accept that her most proud and beloved Master had fallen like this. She desperately shook Rikka's shoulders, but tears rolled down her face.

She couldn't accept it.......She can't accept it......Even though sadness and resentment had consumed her heart, her speech was incoherent, and her body didn't know what to do, she was unwilling to let go of Liuhua......She wanted to be here, she wanted to be with her Master.

How uncomfortable it was for Rikka to do this, she loved this club, she also wanted to be here again, to create some more good memories......With everyone.

But she can't, because......This is not normal, and she is a normal person now.

Is this the best? Why is she not happy at all?

Rikka was silent, not even daring to look at Toumori's face. She was afraid that she would cry too. This is not okay, it will make Yuta and her mother sad.......

Nibutani couldn't stand it any longer. This was not a solution. Seeing Rikka and Tomomori like this, she felt sorry for them. She walked over and grabbed Tomomori by the collar and dragged him out.

She didn't object to the club disbanding. They didn't do anything practical anyway. It was better to join the drama club than to stay here. Anyway, her goal was to get the"Dark Scripture" in Tomomori's hand.》......Although she was also very sorry that the club was disbanded, it was just a pity.

She was really worried about Rikka.

She dragged Tomomori out by the collar with one hand. Tomomori was not honest even when being dragged by Nibutani.......Her heart was broken, her faith was shattered, and everything she did seemed meaningless.......

She yelled, cried, and struggled, but it was useless. It was not only Nibutani who was holding her back, but also Rikka's disillusionment and the cruel and cold reality. She had no power to fight back, and could not break free or escape.

No matter how loud she yelled, no matter how miserable she cried, she could not cross the barrier between fantasy and reality and call Rikka back.

Nibutani dragged Touma out, but ran into Yuta who was walking towards them.......Yuta was a step too late. He had just submitted an application to disband the club to teacher Kujuku Nanase. From now on, the club no longer existed. They needed to clean up the activity room within three days for the next club to use.

Although Yuta didn't know what happened, he could probably tell what happened when he saw Touma who was crying and shouting until his voice was a little hoarse.......Perhaps, this news was indeed a bit hard for Touma.

In just a few weeks, the Master she had followed for two years was gone, and the activity room that had always given her a free space was also gone. She lost miserably.......

"I said......Isn't that a bit too much?......Bird's Nest......Togashi, think about it carefully......"

Nibutani had a sad look on his face. He said something incoherent when he passed by Yuta, and then dragged Touma out.......

"Let me go! Let me go, death!"

"Stop it!"

Listening to the wailing sound gradually fading away, Ikeuchi Maki glanced at Fang Wuwei. She knew that the master cared about these people the most. She felt a little distressed, but the master......Seems indifferent?

Fang Wuwei glanced out the window silently.......This is what is bound to happen. I can't avoid it. Even if I avoid it now, it will happen again in a few days.......

Touma was dragged to the stairs by Nibutani. As it was difficult to drag someone down the stairs, Nibutani put her down here. Unexpectedly, as soon as Touma was let go, she stood up and wanted to run back.......

Unfortunately, she couldn't get past Nibutani. Nibutani was tall and strong, more than a head taller than Toshou. If she really wanted to suppress Toshou, she wouldn't have to exert much effort. It was just a joke before, but Toshou was now helpless and was held there, unable to leave.

Unable to run towards her Master, Toshou still struggled, but even if she used all her strength to move forward, Nibutani who grabbed one of her arms was like a big tree with twisted roots. She couldn't even make Nibutani move half a step. For the first time, she understood how strong this fake Morisummer was.......

Seeing Touma crying so hard, Nibutani felt a little distressed. Seeing that he couldn't stop Touma with ordinary methods, Nibutani grabbed Touma's shoulders and held her in his arms.......

Toumori was still struggling at first, but as Nibutani's arms wrapped around her head and gently stroked her, she realized that Nibutani was no longer trying to stop her.......

"Be good......good......"

Feeling the tenderness on his face and the warmth that completely enveloped him, Toumori stopped struggling.......Nibutani's hand gently stroked her head, which made her heart calm down instantly.......For some reason, in her arms, Toumo felt safe and comfortable.......

"you......Don't mind your own business......"

Although he said that, Toshou's hands tightly embraced Nibutani and refused to let go. He pushed himself into Nibutani's arms and his loud crying turned into soft sobs. He lay quietly in Nibutani's arms without struggling.

Nibutani also understood that the only thing Toshou needed at this moment was comfort. He did not resist Toshou who was squirming in his arms, but showed his loving side. He smiled and kept stroking Toshou's head, which made Toshou calm down.

Something sprouted in Toshou's heart.................................................

"What? You guys are going to set up a club too?"

Teacher Kujuu Nanase put down the homework in his hand and looked up at the three people standing in front of him: Fang Wuwei, Ikeuchi Maki and Senior Sister Anise.

"Yes, teacher, Rikka's club has been abandoned, but we also need a new club."

"Yes, yes, I still want to take a nap.~"

"I go wherever the master goes."

Looking at the three stubborn people in front of her, Teacher Nanase really couldn't refuse. This was the right that students should have, but how could she not know what these three children were thinking?

"Liuhua finally returned to normal, from that......Now that she has graduated from Chuunibyou, are you still going to drag her back?"

"Teacher, believe me, she will regret it.......She will grow up, truly grow up, instead of living under the eyes of others."

Looking at Fang Wuwei's exposed eye, Teacher Jiujiu Nanase once again felt the maturity of the East.......She took out a club application form from the drawer and handed it to him. She had a lot of questions to ask. She was also a little confused by Liuhua's behavior during this period. As a person who had experienced it, she could see that Liuhua was not very happy, but it was not convenient for her to ask. That was why she approved Fang Wuwei's club application so decisively.

"Teacher, let me ask, if it is successfully established, where will our activity room be?......"

"......Apart from your activity room, there is nothing else in the school for you now."

Teacher Jiujiu Nanase and Fang Wuwei reached a consensus.

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