Yuta came to Rikka's house. Rikka asked him to help her pack up her treasures. He walked into Rikka's room. Although it was not his first time, he still felt it was very spectacular to see all the strange things in the room. Rikka was holding a little doll and was a little hesitant.

"Yuta......Classmate, there is not much time now. I promised my mother that I would clean up all these things before she comes back today."


"Um......If I put it outside, she would definitely be worried again.......I don't want her to feel uneasy."

"Yeah......"Yuta was somewhat relieved that Rikka knew how to think about others. Although he felt a little distressed, he still decided to help Rikka and follow her wishes, just like he had done before, to seal up all the dark history of the past,"What do you want me to clean up?"

"In conclusion......Let's pick up these things on the floor first."

The two of them brought a lot of cardboard boxes and silently threw things into them one by one. During the process of cleaning up, Yuta found a lot of things that interested him, but unfortunately all of them had to be buried with Rikka's past.

In silence throughout the process, Yuta put the second-year things into the cardboard boxes one by one, but Rikka threw the normal-looking dolls on the bed into the boxes one by one.......In her eyes, these are not normal......

He held up a small statue that he had loved very much before and looked at it carefully, with a look of reluctance in his eyes.......She really likes this thing, but......This thing is not normal......That one is not normal either. And that one......that......

Nothing is normal.

Liuhua's cardboard boxes are getting fuller and fuller, but her heart is getting emptier and emptier.......There was an urge to cry, lingering in her chest, but she couldn't cry......Normal people won't cry when they are packing up these abnormal things.

Yuta looked at Rikka's back and didn't know what to say. It was a good thing that Rikka was no longer a middle school student and gradually returned to normal, but he was still so distressed, but he couldn't say anything more. It wasn't until Rikka tore off the black gauze hanging on the bed that Yuta spoke to stop her.......It's okay to leave this thing hanging.

But Liuhua was confused.......Is this normal?

She can no longer tell what should be cleaned and what should not be cleaned. She can no longer tell what is normal.......

Liuhua held a strange-looking wooden sculpture in her hand. She had been in the second year of middle school for too long. Suddenly she returned to reality, but she didn't have time to bring herself out completely. Half of herself was left in that beautiful fantasy bubble.

The other half of her had a golden light flashing in her right eye, and the smile on her mouth never stopped. There were no friends around her.......This half of her looks extremely normal. Although there is no smile on her face anymore, she is still accompanied by her relatives and friends.

The only thing in common is probably that both of them are equally lonely.

Yuta decided to follow Rikka's advice and help her collect all the things she thought were abnormal, piled them into cardboard boxes and threw them outside on the balcony, but there were too many things.

After making a choice, Rikka piled some things she"didn't want" into cardboard boxes and threw them outside.

These will be thrown away in a few days.

The originally complicated room is no longer crowded, and the space has become very large.

There is only a bed with a black quilt and some large dolls left by Yuta.......

If it weren't for Yuta, I'm afraid these things would have been thrown out as"abnormal", even though these dolls are very cute.

Yuta sat on the ground holding a big turtle doll, watching Rikka sitting at the desk, holding a small potted plant in her hand in a daze......Liuhua, never liked potted plants, but......this is normal"......

Tired of looking at the potted plants, Liuhua said she was hungry and wanted to eat. Facing Yuta's invitation to eat at his house, Liuhua suggested that she wanted to eat outside.......

Yuta agreed, but when he passed by the living room, he looked at the cardboard boxes piled there. Maybe they were not only filled with strange props, but also with Rikka's happiness and fantasy.................................................

"Is this really enough for you?"

The familiar convenience store, the familiar rice balls, but now the two of them are not sitting on the familiar chairs like before. At Rikka's request, they came to a more familiar bridge.

That's right, this is the place where the two confessed their love to each other. The beautiful place that was full of neon colors in her memory is now dim and dull, just like"normal".

Let Yuta help hold the bottom of the rice ball, Rikka tore the rice ball's wrapping paper to both sides, and said the same sentence as last time,

"Feels very cool!"

"How is he handsome?

Seeing Rikka finally showing a smile, Yuta also smiled and responded to her like last time. The lines remained unchanged, but the person changed.

Quietly watching Rikka pick up the rice ball and bite it one by one, Yuta noticed the light in the distance that he had seen when they confessed their love.......

At the end of the river, cars passed by one after another, and there were lights on in countless tall buildings, just as dazzling and beautiful as before, the same light, the same scenery, and the same sparkling river surface. The difference was that these lights were no longer neon-colored like last time, and Rikka could no longer feel the fatherly warmth from them. She could only feel coldness.......

Very cold

"That's just the light from the car's headlights, right?......The invisible boundary doesn't exist, right?............"

"That's right......."

Yuta couldn't agree to what Rikka said, because......that's right



"Mom she......She wants me to go with her to visit the graves."

Graves? What graves?"

Yuta was foolish, and his mind was not working for a moment. He was still thinking about how to make Rikka happy, but he was not sure about her previous second-year fantasy.......

"go......Visit my father's grave."

Yong Tai understood.

"How about it? Should I go?"

"you ask me......again......"

Liuhua turned her head and looked at Yuta, and Yuta could see a little expectation in her eyes.......He didn't know what she was expecting, but he couldn't tell her not to go. Rikka's willingness to visit the grave meant that she had accepted her father's death.

Yuta lowered his head, not daring to look at Rikka's eyes. He looked at the rice ball that hadn't been touched. The only thing between the two of them was the rumbling sound of the train passing by and the deathly silence. The silence between the two of them remained unbroken until the train completely left. Seeing Yuta lowering his head, Rikka was disappointed. She stopped looking at Yuta and also lowered her head to look at the rice ball in her hand.......

Yuta knows that silence cannot solve the problem. He hopes that Rikka can go and let Rikka accept the reality, but he can't say it.

"You, what do you think?"

"......If I go, my mother will be very happy."

Yongtai felt relieved when he heard this answer.

"Isn’t that great?......Since you want to do this, I will......"

Liuhua's eyes were completely numb. She silently put down the rice ball and raised her little finger towards Yuta.


Lihua seemed to accept it.

Yuta stretched out his hand with peace of mind, and the two touched their little fingers.

"Yuta......Thank you."

Unlike before, when Liuhua touched her fingers, she no longer looked at Yuta shyly, and she was even unwilling to raise her head. Yuta could only see numbness on Liuhua's face.

"I'm going back"

"Eh? Rikka?"

Looking at Rikka running away, Yuta didn't chase her.

Rikka was running home. The night was so beautiful, but she only felt cold. She was afraid to be outside. She was also afraid to be alone. She just wanted to go home as soon as possible, even if there was no warmth at home.......

Until a car slowly stopped by the roadside and stopped beside her.

"Oh~ Liuhua sauce~"


"......"Lihua? What's wrong with you?"

Senior Anise noticed that something was wrong with Lihua.

Finally, Lihua got into Anise's car and drove slowly towards the park not far away.......

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