After being completely defeated by Yuta's attack, Toushou was severely washed away by the cruel, terrifying and bleak reality behind Yuta.......

Now she is like a child who was told that"Ultraman does not exist"

"this......What you said......

What you said......Of course I know......"

Toumo's eyes were red, she knelt on the ground helplessly, letting her tears drip onto her clothes. Her fantasy was crushed by the ruthless reality, and it was difficult for her to accept it again.......

Yuta, representing reality, forces Toushou to extinguish her own fantasy, and makes Toushou realize that everything she once held on to is so powerless and so false.......

"Of course I know——"

Toshou ran away crying, his tears never stopping.

Yuta watched Toshou leave, his heart was already broken.......Even Toumo is like this, he is Rikka's boyfriend, how could he not know what Rikka is looking forward to, and how could he not know what is going on with Rikka now?

But Yuta is more difficult than Toumo.......He knows much more than Touma. He has been caught between Rikka's two worlds for so long.......

On one side is Liuhua, and on the other side is Liuhua's family, which is even more realistic.

He is in so much pain, and no one can comfort him.......What he wanted to say was never these.

Tears also flowed from Yongtai's eyes. He covered his face in pain, just to hide his endless sorrow.

Is there really no one who can comfort him?

Someone gave the answer.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a can being opened beside him, which attracted Yongtai's attention. Yongtai looked back and saw Fang Wuwei leaning against the bus stop, holding a drink in his hand, sipping silently.

"......When were you there"

"I've always been here. Now I feel sorry for you and come out to comfort you."

"Who needs it!"

"You need it, Yongtai, you need it very much.

Fang Wuwei stared at Yongtai quietly, looking into his eyes. Yongtai looked into Fang Wuwei's black eyes, and suddenly a sense of inexplicable grievance rushed up.

"......Kong Hong, did I do it right?"

"You have to ask yourself this question, Yongtai, do you have an answer?"

Yongtai was silent, lowering his head, at a loss.

"Yuta, you did the right thing. Rikka does need to grow up and change, but not this kind of change.......Yuta, don't you think Rikka is acting abnormal these days?"

"......Well, how could I not know?"

"During this period, Rikka has been living in the shadow of others, living in the so-called"normal". So, Yuta, what is normal?"

This question made Yuta dumbfounded. He wanted to say that if the public thinks it is normal, then it is normal.

But is this normal? Is this it?

So, what is the second-year disease?

"Yuta, what's the big deal if you can live happily, even if it's just living in your own world?

You used to be a chuunibyou, so you should be able to understand what chuunibyou is and what loneliness is."

Fang Wuwei took two steps, lifted his eye mask, revealing the Sharingan

"See? Apart from the eye patch and this Sharingan, is there anything else about me that looks like a Chuunibyou?"

Yuta thought about it carefully, and indeed, there was nothing. Kong Hong had always been normal, never acted stupid in public, never had weird lines, never had strange nicknames, and even when Rikka and the others acted stupid, he would stay away and act as if he didn't know them.

"No, except for this Sharingan, I am just an ordinary high school student.

But am I really not a chuunibyou? What's wrong with my eyes?......It's very strange, very contradictory, isn't it?"

He is indeed not, and he doesn't want to keep the Sharingan permanently, but there is no other way, he can only wear the eye patch to live his life. Even if he is usually careful and normal, he is still considered to be a chuunibyou.......At most, it's mild.

Just because he is different

"Yuta, people are bound by something throughout their lives. It represents the sight and prejudice of others.......It also represents the cage in one's own heart.

Are you free and happy living in it? Yuta, answer me honestly, are you happier now, or were you more carefree during your junior high school days?

Ask yourself, how much of what you just said to Toumori was actually said to yourself?......I believe you understand this."

"No......Kong Hong, things that don't exist, just don't exist. Even if I go to support Liuhua, what can it matter?!"

Fang Wuwei silently put on the blindfold. Since Yong Tai wanted to know, he would tell him.

"Yongtai, do gods really exist? Does Buddha really exist? You and I both know it, so does it matter whether the invisible boundary line really exists?"

This sentence hit Yongtai hard.

Fang Wuwei walked towards Yongtai, but Yongtai was unwilling to raise his head. Seeing this, Fang Wuwei just patted Yongtai on the shoulder.

"If you regret it, come find me anytime."

After passing by Yong Tai, Fang Wuwei stopped asking.......He could only say this.

Growth is never about suppressing oneself. How can growth that compromises with the world be considered growth? In the process of growth, people's edges and corners will be gradually smoothed, but they will not turn people into smooth and smooth pebble without edges and corners.

The rest can only be left to Yongtai.

Yongtai stood there in a daze for a moment. He still had some questions to ask. When he turned around, he could not see Fang Wuwei.

"............What are you doing? So mysterious?......"

After wiping away his tears, Yongta went home......................................................

Liuhua returned to her hometown safely and followed her mother to a cemetery that was completely unfamiliar to her.

She had never been there before.......The first time she saw her father......The father now.

He is no longer like the one in her fond memories, tall, strong, reliable, with strong arms and warm embrace.

The father now is short, small, square and motionless.......

Reaching out and caressing my father's body, the tombstone......She just felt cold, from the bottom of her heart to her body.

Her mother was very happy that Liuhua had come out, forgiven herself, learned to accept reality, and learned to be obedient and communicate normally, which made her feel relieved.

Her grandparents were even happier. Not to mention her grandmother, her grandfather could never accept the old Liuhua. It seemed that only the good child Liuhua was now was his good granddaughter.

"Help Dad wash it."

Lihua turned around and looked at her smiling mother. A smile also appeared on her face. She agreed to her mother's request.

She picked up a wooden spoon, scooped a large spoonful of water, and slowly poured it down along the top of the tombstone.......

But this approach is actually wrong and 'abnormal'

"If you suddenly get wet from above, your dad will say it's cold.......

Dad, he......It would be nice if you could really tell me that it's cold.......


Yes! That's right! More updates!!!

You know what to praise!!!

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