Both Yuta and Rikka were in a bad mood.

As for Yuta, he was often absent-minded since Rikka left. He was dazed even at home, and even broke things when cooking or washing dishes. His mental state was worrying.

Even if Zhangye called Fang Wuwei, he said that he couldn't save him and he had to get out of this situation on his own.

Every morning when he woke up, the first thing Yuta did was to open his mobile mailbox. He was looking forward to receiving letters and emails from Rikka.......Unfortunately, there is no mailbox. Every time I can only see an empty mailbox.

I walked out of the door with a disappointed face. Yuta was lost. He was sad because he couldn't see Rikka.......Self-blame

"Good morning, brother. There is a letter for you on your desk."

Zhu Ye saw her brother coming out of the room, listless. She only responded to him symbolically when she spoke to him. She had no idea if he listened to her or not.

Obviously, he didn't. Yuta went straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, but he was completely out of energy.

His mind was full of Touma's crying and Rikka's expectant eyes.......

He understood the truth, Toumo understood the truth, how could Rikka not understand it? If she understood it, why would she......

Yongtai thought of Fang Wuwei. His words might be able to......No, he is just a Chuunibyou.

What is Chuunibyou and what is a normal person?......

Leaning his head against the door, Yuta began to ponder.......In a trance, he seemed to hear a noise coming from the ceiling, which instantly attracted him.

He thought that Rikka had returned, so he immediately rushed up to her house, knocked on the door, and yelled for Rikka to open the door.

But he found that the calculator that had been stuck to the door and that Juka and her mother had not torn off had just disappeared.......But I never noticed it.......Disappeared......It was impossible for Liuhua to come back right now. He knew that it would take at least a few more days.......

He knew Rikka wasn't there, but he still wanted to try, how stupid!................................................

Arriving at school, Yuta was worried because of Rikka. If Rikka didn't contact her, then did she contact anyone else?

So she went to the group that Rikka had been with before to ask about Rikka's whereabouts, but was told that she hadn't contacted them either.

Being teased by the girls for quarreling, Yuta left in frustration. During the lunch break, he came to the club and prepared to pack up as usual. Time was running out, and he had to make room for the next club. It was said that someone had already applied.......

But when he opened the door of the club, he was stunned. He saw a beautiful girl with long golden hair squatting on the ground, dismantling the LED tube of the magic circle.

Is she from the new club? Is she here to help clean up?

No.......Looks so familiar

"Excuse me......Who are you?"

"Oh, that's annoying, senior, I'm Toumori Death, Toumori Sanae~"

The blonde girl stood up, her voice was a little unnatural, and she smiled at Yuta.

Yuta was stunned, he felt a little......Nausea

"Disgusting? Did he eat the roots of the Dark Tree?"

Although Toumo changed his hairstyle, he still looks a bit second-rate and seems quite happy.

"Who would eat that kind of thing! You are the one who is disgusting. What's wrong with your hair?"

Yuta, who was used to Toshou's identity as the"Thunder Hammer User", was a little uncomfortable seeing Toshou no longer tied his hair into a ponytail with two sandbags hanging at the end. Now Toshou's long hair fell all the way to his calves, which looked particularly beautiful, but made him a little uncomfortable.

"No~ I just think twin tails are too childish, right, senior~"

Hearing Tomo's unnatural"senior↗senior↘" in a pinched tone, Yuta got goose bumps all over his hands.

He pulled Tomo's hair and called her to stop, and Yuta's attitude towards Tomo was still the same as before.

"Let go, senior. Hair is a woman's life. How can you grab it so casually?"

You also know that hair is a woman's life?

Looking at Toushou who has completely changed, Yuta sighed deeply and let go of Toushou's hair. It's already like this, and he can't be like before.

"By the way, your change is too sudden, what happened?"

How dare you ask?!

Facing this question, Tu Shou just smiled and squatted down again to dismantle the magic circle.

"Actually, I thought a lot after that day.......No, it's what Senior Takanashi said, what Senior Togashi said......"

Before Yuta could sigh at the sudden change in Touma, Isshiki Makoto suddenly shouted anxiously from behind him.......

"Yuta! Fennel......Fennel senior sister......"

Then he saw Touma and was stunned......

Regardless of that, under the leadership of Isshiki Makoto, the three of them rushed all the way to the second grade floor and hurriedly pushed open the classroom door.

Then they saw Senior Anise with an eye patch on her right eye, a bandage on her left hand, and a very chuunibyou ring on her head, sitting in her seat with a look of pain on her face.

Her friends around her were speechless~

I'm so......What's going on?

Even the words used by Senior Anise have become chuunibyou, the same chuunibyou as Rikka, and she even lowered the tone to a low chuunibyou tone.

"Could it be that you have a cold?"

"snort......If only it was a cold."

Senior Sister Fennel was completely into the role. She smiled bitterly and took out a small black medicine bottle with no label or instructions from her schoolbag. In the eyes of her friends who were surprised, puzzled, and worried, she opened it, drank the medicine, and then started coughing violently.......

Senior Anise is not easy to get along with now. She only responds coldly to her friends' concerns.......

Yuta was stunned, but Touma next to him covered his mouth���laugh it out

"Ah la la, what is going on? This outfit is really embarrassing."

"How dare you say that!"

Yuta hit him with a knife, causing Toshou to scream in pain. He subconsciously said the suffix"death" and Isshiki Makoto recognized who this guy was.

"Are you that junior high school kid?!"

"You just recognized him?"

The three of them were arguing at the door. Senior Sister Anise's goal was naturally achieved. Others were not important, only Yuta had to come. She calculated that Isshiki Makoto would bring Yuta here.

Senior Sister Anise was just dumb, not stupid, but very thoughtful.

"You're here! Dark Flame Master!"

"Don't call me the Dark Flame Master."

As expected, he followed the instructions of the Six Flowers Sect.......

"My eyes, do you want to see?"

"Look at your head"

"Hey~~ Why is this happening?~~"

The unexpected reaction instantly broke Senior Sister Fennel's tone and she returned to her previous soft and gentle tone.

"No, that......

Why did you imitate Rikka?......Well, this is in the script! I know this question!

Senior Sister Fennel resumed her middle two tone, covered her eyes, and smiled evilly.

"This is not an imitation, this is the inheritance of the Evil King's True Eye!"


"Yes, it was on that moonless night that she entrusted all her dark powers to me.......In other words, I am now the successor of the Evil King's True Eye"

"It doesn't matter if you don't inherit this kind of thing!!"

Isshiki Makoto looked at the changed senior sister Anise and couldn't accept the reality. He collapsed and shouted

"That won't do!"

Senior Sister Fennel recalled the lines, covered her eyes, and looked at Yuta mysteriously.

"The Evil King's True Eye must last forever.......The Dark Flame Envoy still exists in the world......"

Yuta understood what this meant. Perhaps Rikka was afraid that he would be lonely here alone, so she specifically asked the senior to inherit her package and accompany Yuta and Toumori.

But he never expected that Anise-senpai would go to such lengths.

So, what happened that made Rikka specially arrange for someone to accompany him?

Yuta had a very, very bad feeling.

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