Yongtai was stunned and didn't figure out what Fang Wuwei and Nibutani were talking about until he got home. He couldn't do anything well, even when cooking and washing dishes, he destroyed countless dishes, turning into a kitchen killer.

And this has been going on for a long time.......

As soon as Yuta put on his apron, he was stopped by Zhangye. With her speechless and gentle gaze, she pointed to the garbage in the corner.......

The bag was full, half of which was broken by Yuta. Yuta was shocked by the miserable situation. What on earth could he do to make such a mess?......

Liuhua's departure had a huge impact on him. Zhangye could understand this. Love is so wonderful. Not to mention that Liuhua had already moved away.

"I can understand that, without Sister Kotori, you would feel lonely.

She originally thought that her brother was just feeling lost and lonely because he knew that Rikka was leaving.......

"What do you mean by gone? I'm not lonely either. Rikka will be back soon."



Looking at the cute little face of Zhangye, which was instantly filled with doubts, Yuta had a bad feeling.

"Brother, don't you know? The moving company came this evening and emptied the upstairs."


Yota's head was buzzing when he heard this news. He was still cleaning up the activity room at school in the evening. Just because he came home late once in a while, such a big thing happened?!

Without even taking off his apron, he shook off the confused look on the face of Camphor Leaf and ran upstairs like crazy.......At least let him see it with his own eyes!

He saw it, with his own eyes, but the ending did not change at all.

He ran up the stairs, and all he could see was a clean door and a sign hanging on the door handle that said it was ownerless.

Impossible......Rikka promised me she would come back!

What a joke! This is impossible! Didn't she say she would only be gone for a few days? Didn't she promise me she would come back? The passionate sorrow in his heart gave Yuta endless strength, and he ran to the station several kilometers away on the spot.......He didn't even have time to eat, he just wanted to see Liuhua as soon as possible, he wanted to ask for clarification, he wanted to know everything, he wanted to know......Why......

Unfortunately, it was not as he wished. It was already very late, and he could not even buy a ticket to Rikka's hometown. Since the train needed to transfer, if he had to go, Yuta would have to spend the night at the transfer station.

Sighing heavily, Yuta suddenly felt the phone in his trouser pocket vibrate, and a pleasant ringtone came out - it was the exclusive ringtone he prepared for Rikka, which made Yuta feel a little bit of strength restored, enough for him to open his phone and take a look.......

Then his heart died.

"Mom, grandpa, and grandma all looked very happy. When I agreed to move back home, they were relieved. So, I think this is definitely the best choice, Yuta.......You think so too, right?......"

Even after returning home, Yuta was still staring blankly at the text message on his phone that meant that the two of them would soon be separated by long distances. He locked himself in the room and sat on the bed, not knowing what to do. Even though Zhangye outside the door sounded concerned, saying that he should at least come out for a meal, he never opened the door.

He didn't feel hungry. He was completely filled with sadness and self-blame. He felt nothing except pain.

But this is reality, this is the cruel fact that he wants Rikka to accept, and this fact means that they are now separated by long distances and can no longer fall in love.......

In the end, he just did it himself.............

He lowered his head and typed a text message to reply to Rikka. It only contained a few short words"Got it". It was such an extremely simple text message that Yuta deleted and revised, and hesitantly wrote it for half an hour. Even after he finished writing it, he was still hesitant to send it out.......

He was afraid. He was afraid that if he sent it out, the story of Yuta and Rikka, the bond between the Evil King's True Eye and the Dark Flame Master would collapse.

What should I do?......Should I accept the reality and start a long-distance relationship, or......

Helpless Yongtai looked around and thought of his good friend Fang Wuwei, who said that if he regretted anything, he could always go to him. Did he expect this?......

After exiting the text message, Yuta switched back to the phone interface and looked at the contact named 'Dongfang Konghong', but he was unable to make a call.

Looking around, he found an envelope on his desk.

He remembered that in the morning, Zhangye told him that there was a letter for him. Is it this one?

Yuta finally diverted his attention and opened it, although he never thought that someone would send him a letter.

He opened the envelope and found another letter inside, which was sealed with a pure black envelope and red sealing wax. The recipient was 'the courageous friend - Yuta', and the signature - a name he would never forget, written in cursive English as dark flame master. Yuta instantly realized who wrote the letter. It was a letter written by himself two years ago to his current self.

This made him feel a little interesting. In order to reminisce the past and not let his efforts two years ago go to waste, he opened his past gift even though he had forgotten the content of the letter.

【When you read this letter, you may no longer be a dark flame user. Because according to the Mayan prophecy, in 2012, the wave of destruction of the world will devour everything and weaken the spiritual wave. 】

When Yuta saw the first sentence, his breath was a little stagnant, but he just smiled as he continued reading. This year is 2012, and nothing has happened. It is just his own fantasy in the past. It is undeniable���This letter made him feel better, so he decided to be patient and continue reading.

【You may see through the world, give up everything, and degenerate into someone who only enjoys what you see, like a stupid ordinary person.

Now I have sensed this sign, so I wrote this letter, Dark Flame Envoy, don't be deceived again! You are a person with power!

You are the one chosen by the Dark King, the Evil King! You are different from others, you are special. 】

A copper-yellow game coin also fell out of the envelope. It was one of the three coins he once said were the source of power, and he once tried to engrave words on it.......

After laughing at himself twice, Yuta only felt how stupid he was in the past, but also felt so clear.......

The him of the past gave the him of the present courage - the courage to take back everything.

Let my past self tell me whether I should go find Rikka or not.

He threw the coin high up, and it kept spinning in the air, shining brightly.

It fell into his hand, and Yuta looked at the coin covered by his other hand. He already had the answer, and as for the real side of the coin, it no longer mattered.


Seeing Yuta hurriedly put on his coat and rushed out the door, not even wanting to eat a bite of dinner before disappearing into the night, worried Zhangye picked up his phone and made a call.......

"Moshimoshi, Konghong brother......"

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