According to the schedule of high school students, they should be sleeping now, at least that's the case for Isshiki Makoto.

Since Isshiki Makoto's home is closer to Yuta's, he chose to come to Isshiki Makoto's home to borrow a bicycle, as he didn't have a bicycle at home.

Isshiki Makoto, who was wearing a set of pajamas and a small nightcap, was woken up by Yuta in the middle of the night, and ran downstairs to open the garage door for Yuta. Now he is very puzzled, because Yuta didn't tell him what he was going to do, and he just lent it out like that. They are really good brothers.

Looking at his good brother going away, Isshiki Makoto stared at him blankly, and then he immediately received a call.......

Yongtai rode his bike desperately. Now he regrets it very much and feels sad.......

This is not what he wants to say to Liuhua, and this is not what he wants to do for Liuhua.

He does hope that Liuhua can recognize and accept reality, but not like now.......By hurting her, she realized the cruelty of reality.

This action broke Rikka and Yuta.

There was no moon tonight, the earth was pitch black, there were no stars in the sky, and only Yuta's bicycle was moving alone on the ground.......

In the dark night, Yongtai rode his bicycle onto the main road. There were no trains, so he planned to ride his broken bicycle all the way to the destination, covering several hundred kilometers.......It would be dawn by the time he got there, but he didn't care.

But soon, he saw a figure standing on the fence of the road, which was very dangerous. When he saw Yuta riding his bike, the figure jumped down from the fence and blocked his way. He didn't care how fast Yuta was riding his bike, he just stood there without paying attention to the danger and didn't know how to hide.

Yuta was in a hurry, so he stopped with a sudden brake, gasping for breath.......He was so tired now, it was a good time to take a break.

He looked up and found that the person who stopped him was Senior Anise who was still wearing an eye patch and bandaged hands.

Seeing Yuta stop, Senior Anise also started her performance.

She imitated the classic poses of Rikka that she had seen before, and Anise tried her best to imitate them. She was now the guarantee that Rikka would stay for Yuta.......God knows what they talked about that made Senior Sister Fennel so cooperative.

"Dark Flame Envoy! I, the second generation of the Evil King's True Eye! I have something to tell you......"................................................

Fennel told Yuta about Rikka's past, a dark and gloomy past. In that memory, Yuta suddenly appeared beside her and was simply the only light in her life.

Fang Wuwei had told him this story before, but now that it was told by Senior Fennel, he was even more touched. The story told by Fang Wuwei was just a story, an extremely objective story. Fang Wuwei had only told Yuta about this past event at the beginning.

But the story now told by Senior Fennel was told by Rikka herself, with more details and specifics. What touched him even more was that he learned from Senior Fennel that Yuta had occupied a place in Rikka's heart since two years ago. Since two years ago, Rikka had always regarded Yuta as the light in her life.......That's why she obeys Yuta, that's why she wants to make Yuta happy and hopes to be with Yuta.

Rikka has always admired Yuta, but this admiration gradually turns into love.......

Yuta's heart was instantly determined. Rikka had such deep feelings for him, but he hurt her.......

He shouldn't, shouldn't, he shouldn't......

Yuta is going crazy.

Looking at Yuta who is riding his bike faster and faster, Senior Anise smiles slightly. Her mission has been completed. As for whether she can bring Xiaolihua back, it all depends on Yuta.......

Now all she had to do was wait on the side of the road for someone from the Tuo Shou family to pick her up.......

Senior Fennel took off her eye mask and bandages. She had just walked to the side of the road and hadn't found a place to sit down when she heard the roar of an engine. The next moment, she saw two red lights dragging in front of her eyes and then disappearing quickly. Those were the lights produced by the car lights moving too fast.......It's going to be alright.......

On the other hand, Yuta had just started his journey again when he felt a burst of fatigue.......It's still too much of a stretch. Some things can't be achieved just by having faith. But......Rokka......

Suddenly, there was a roar of an engine behind him, which made Yuta frown.......Although this is a highway, it is normal to see motorcycles, but the sound of such a fast and loud engine is......

Bosozoku?! No way, I'm so unlucky, they won't come to trouble me, right?......

"Oh, look, look, a kid riding a bicycle, so tired, where are you going~"

Just as Yuta was praying silently, he felt that the motorcycle slowed down and kept pace with him. At the same time, a teasing voice came from the side.......

But, so familiar......

"Empty macro? ?!!!!"

"Well, I'm so sad. I told you that you can come to me anytime if you regret it, but I didn't expect you to go on your own......."

Yongtai turned around in shock and saw that the so-called biker next to him was his good friend Fang Wuwei. However, he was not wearing an eye patch at this time, and his right eye was exposed. The scarlet eyeball looked ghostly in the dark, not to mention the cool heavy motorcycle under his butt, which made him look even more evil.

Fang Wuwei's eyes had turned into a kaleidoscope. Yongtai looked into his eyes for a moment and felt as if something had drilled into his brain.......


"Don't worry about it."

Yongtai was so surprised that he forgot to kick.���Just stop like that, Fang Wuwei also stopped, the purpose of his coming here was for Yongtai

"How come it's only a few hundred kilometers from here to Liuhua's hometown? Are you really going to ride a broken bicycle all the way there? Then how are you going to get back?"


He really didn't consider coming back.......

"Come on up."

Fang Wuwei patted the motorcycle under his buttocks, and only then did Yongtai get a good look at this motorcycle that he had never seen before.

This was a dark motorcycle with purple headlights, and a very evil shape, much like a bat.

The two handlebars on the front of the motorcycle were angular and looked very biological, like devil's horns.

The seat also looked very biological, like real leather, but he couldn't tell what animal's skin it was.......

There are decorative armors on both sides of the car body that look like bat wings.

They are full of metallic texture.

Yuta tried to touch it.

It was very hard and cold.

There are also two huge sharp spikes on the side of the front tire, which are also very hard.......

Yongtai had no doubt that this thing could pierce a person.

It was a very dangerous motorcycle, but it completely hit Yongtai's aesthetic.

It was so damn cool!!!

This motorcycle couldn't be an ordinary motorcycle, otherwise Fang Wuwei wouldn't have taken it out to show off.

【Cavaliere (Heavy Cavalry)

A-level equipment

Description: Finally, there is a motorcycle that Dante can't break.

This is Dante's magic tool in Devil May Cry 5. It can be used as a motorcycle, or it can be separated from the contact between the fuel tank and the seat, split into two, and the tires will also become a pair of huge barbed circular saws to crush the enemy.

Fang Wuwei is very satisfied with this heavy motorcycle. After all, which man doesn't have a dream of a heavy motorcycle?!

"What about this bike?......"

"Never mind, just leave it there and let Isshiki Makoto come and get it when he has time."

"This is not good"

"Get on the bike!!"

Yongtai threw his bicycle to the side of the road with excitement and climbed onto Fang Wuwei's bike. With Fang Wuwei's shout of"Hold on tight", Yongtai suddenly felt the extreme speed and strong wind, which made him extremely excited.......

This is so cool!!!

"Say......Why are you here?......"

"Zhangye called me......Speaking of this, did you leave without saying a word? Zhangye complained to me that you didn't even eat the meal she cooked before leaving, making her work in vain......."

"............What are you doing! You are driving now!!"


The moon gradually began to emerge from the thick black clouds, emitting a little silver moonlight. Above the earth, there were only two rays of light passing by and Yuta's scream that resounded through the night.

(Tom cat meowing)


I am going to do a Tomato multiple book title experiment recently, and I am collecting creative book titles here. If you have any ideas, you can leave a message here......

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