Before the two of them could have a moment of tenderness, a strong flashlight shone on them, interrupting their wonderful reunion.

"Hello......Hey, what are you two doing?"

It was a patrolman. He heard some noises here, and vaguely heard something like"shotgun" and"thief", so he ran over to take a look. Unexpectedly, he saw a boy and a girl standing on the roof hugging each other, and the girl looked very happy.

To be honest, he didn't want to intervene when he saw this.......But he is a policeman.

Yuta and Rikka were a little panicked. If they were caught by the police, it would be difficult to explain. They were thinking about explaining, but they heard a scream not far away.

""Ahhh! There's a pervert!"

The police and Yuta looked in the direction of the voice and saw Nibutani and Isshiki Makoto standing nearby. Isshiki Makoto looked at Nibutani who suddenly screamed with an innocent look on his face. Although he knew that he wanted to attract the attention of the police, he still had a bad feeling.......

As expected, Nibutani actually let him play the role of the criminal, becoming the"pervert" in her mouth. There was no other way.

For the sake of his brother's lifelong event and to live up to Nibutani's"expectations", Isshiki Makoto risked his life.......

Isshiki Makoto smiled lewdly, rolled his hands, and posed like a wretched man, saying"Come and let me touch you!"——"

Not to mention Nibutani, even Ikeuchi Maki who was standing by got goosebumps.

It didn't look like an act.

So Nibutani screamed even louder.

This naturally attracted all the attention of the police. The police saw that there was a molester, so they didn't care about anything and chased Isshiki Makoto with flashlights.

Isshiki Makoto was scared. He had been honest and upright for most of his life. Now he was caught by the police. He didn't even dare to explain and just ran away.

Yuta and Rikka on the top were dumbfounded. They never expected that their friends would appear here.......

"All right! Let's go, death!"

Yuta and Rikka looked down and saw that senior sister Anise and Touma were standing on the upper floor, dressed neatly and looking at them. Now both of them were excited. Yuta brought Rikka back, and it didn't disappoint their expectations.

Behind them was Rikka's bicycle named [Twin Azure Cruisers], and even the retreat route was prepared for them.

They came here in Touma's family's car, and there was a man in black wearing sunglasses standing next to the car, which was full of momentum.

Senior sister Anise called out while taking out the two people's things from her bag.......A pure white eye mask and a pair of Velcro running shoes, which were specially prepared for Rikka.

Rikka was moved to tears, not only Yuta, but everyone, all the ties she left there, were looking forward to her return there.......

Yuta smiled. It seems that everyone loves Rikka.

""Let's go, Rikka."

Just like last time, he jumped high and landed in the grass to cushion his breath, then stood back on the ground. Then, Yuta waved for Rikka to jump down as well.

Unlike last time, this time Yuta caught Rikka steadily. It was an extremely romantic princess hug that made Rikka feel extremely happy.

The person she loved the most finally came to pick her up.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Rikka's grandfather wanted to rush up to pull the two down, but he was surrounded by four girls including Senior Sister Fennel and Ikeuchi Maki, and he couldn't move at all.

Rikka sat in the back seat, looked back at her grandfather who couldn't come over, and waved mischievously.

The patrolman on the other side, seeing this scene, was still a little hesitant about whether to go back to stop the two of them, or continue to chase the molester.

But after just a brief thought, the patrolman quickly chose to continue chasing Isshiki Makoto. The couple over there looked particularly happy, and he, a little single dog, shouldn't interfere with the youthful love story of other handsome men and beautiful women.

"Don't run!!"

Isshiki Makoto wanted to cry but had no tears......Stop chasing me.......

Grandpa saw that the situation was not good, so he called the police.

The sky gradually brightened, and a white light appeared on the horizon. Yuta rode hard with Liuhua. Although he was a little tired, his heart had already been wrapped in love and he could not feel it.

Liuhua did not wear the blindfold. Although Yuta came to pick her up and made her dream come true,......She was still worried that her grandparents, mother and sister would be angry because of this.......Dad, maybe he wants to see me like this now.

A more normal look.

She hasn't gotten over the gazes of others yet, and she still hopes to be that 'normal' child.

With someone, Yong Tai couldn't let Fang Wuwei come to pick him up, but......Eloping at night is still very romantic.

There were no cars on the road in the early morning. There was only a lonely little bicycle on the road, carrying two little people who were not lonely.

Through a small barrier, the two saw the sea. At the end of the sea was a ray of light composed of countless lights, illuminating the world, so beautiful. Is that the invisible boundary that Rikka had seen before?......Yuta glanced at Rikka. He originally thought that Rikka would be happier, at least......

But no, Liuhua just sighed. She wanted to say that it was the invisible boundary line, but she was a good child now, not the evil king's true eyes. She also understood that it was just the lights of the ship.......Lights.

Hearing Rikka's words, Yuta's mood suddenly became bad, and he slowly stopped the car.

"Get off the bike."

So, with Rikka's puzzled look, Yuta parked the bike on the side of the road, took Rikka across the ridge that separated the beach from the road, and walked towards the vast ocean.

Behind them, on the other side of the road covered by trees and grass, a scarlet eye was staring at them in the darkness.���When Rikka was still wondering what Yuta was going to do, she saw Yuta lower his voice and spoke in his middle school voice.

"I will let you see the power of darkness."

Under the doubtful and excited eyes of Rikka, Yuta walked towards the beach, chanting......

"Explode, reality......Break your nerves......"

As Yongtai chanted the spell, Fang Wuwei, who was not far away, felt a huge amount of magic power brewing crazily and coming out of Yongtai's body. He clearly felt the endless darkness, but also full of hope.

As Yongtai clasped his fists and then slowly pulled them apart, a dark imaginary substance appeared in his fists. Slowly pulling them apart, the magic power that had been brewing around Yongtai for a long time suddenly exploded. A powerful magic storm swept across the area and began to slowly settle and accumulate.

"Banish this world!"

As Yongtai raised his hand, the accumulated magic power suddenly condensed, and a burst of powerful magic burst out, which was so strong that even Fang Wuwei was a little scared. Then the magic power condensed into a point, soared into the sky, and formed a beam of light, instantly illuminating the entire sky.

Such an epic scene, unfortunately only Fang Wuwei could really see and feel it.......He is sweating profusely now. Good boy, Yuta still has this trick up his sleeve. Is this the returning veteran's max-level account?!

This amount of magic is more than what that singularity releases every day!!!

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