As Yuta's powerful magic power soared into the sky, it illuminated the entire sky. Rikka saw that the so-called light from the ship in the distance suddenly expanded and instantly occupied her entire field of vision.

Dots of light as bright as gold seeped out from it, and Rikka's eyes were full of light.......Her eyes were already occupied by Yuta. She never expected that Yuta was willing to summon the invisible boundary line for her.......

She also never expected that the invisible boundary line she had been looking for for a long time was brought to her by Yuta.

The ocean was dyed golden, but soon, the golden ocean disappeared, and the starlight that seeped out also dissipated.

The opening of the invisible boundary line turned the world into a sea of stars.

The dazzling sea of stars, countless dazzling and gorgeous stars hang high above the head, and are reflected under the feet, like diamonds, like pearls.

The ocean is also wrapped in the vast sea of stars, refracting countless gorgeous lights, which makes people more obsessed and unable to extricate themselves.

At the end of the sea and sky, there is a dazzling, gorgeous, and seemingly infinitely long white light.......That was no longer the light from the ship. That was the invisible boundary line, the invisible boundary line that Rikka had been searching for for so long.......

Rikka saw it, saw the miracle that Yuta created for her

"The light is watching you......Go and speak your mind, speak your mind that you have never been able to speak."

Lihua stared at the invisible boundary line infatuatedly, tears rolling down her eyes.

She felt it, felt the warmth and love behind the light, and her thoughts were also lodged in it.

Her father must be watching her.......

"Mr. Kotori, are you ready?"

After finally getting himself out of the shock of Yuta's magic, Fang Wuwei patted his chest and looked back to the side. There was a transparent figure standing next to him, but that figure was even more transparent and erratic, as if it would disappear at any time.

The figure was still staring at Liuhua blankly. After hearing Fang Wuwei's words, he turned around. Although he couldn't see his facial features clearly, Fang Wuwei could feel that he was looking at his eyes.


Fang Wuwei took a deep breath, and it was his turn.

He didn't wear an eye mask today and used the Mangekyo throughout the whole process, just to plant the illusion of the Sharingan in Yuta and Rikka, the Tsukuyomi Illusion. Now the illusion has taken root in their eyes.......Although it can only be used once, it is enough.

Fang Wuwei's right eye shed a line of blood and tears, and he felt a little pain, but he still needed to persevere. This was his first attempt, and he needed some time.......

On the other side, Rikka stared at the invisible boundary line infatuatedly, listened to Yuta's words, took that step, sobbed, and shouted out the words she had hidden in her heart for three years towards the warm light in the distance.

"Goodbye! Daddy!!"

Lihua's mind was filled with the beautiful memories of her childhood, the pair of heavy hands, the strong shoulders that could carry the whole family, and the ever-gentle face.

She looked toward the light and expressed her deepest love.

Suddenly, she felt a scarlet glow in front of her eyes, but then it turned bright white again.......The next moment, she saw it. She saw the man she loved so much, who had haunted her dreams, standing in front of her, in the infinite light, at the center of her heart.

Seeing her father standing there, looking at her tenderly, with a smile that moved her, Rikka couldn't stop her tears from flowing.......

The next moment, she saw her father slowly approaching......He hugged her.

The familiar embrace, the warm chest, and the reassuring arms, Liuhua's eyes widened instantly, and the next moment, she buried her head deeply in her father's chest and cried loudly.

"Rokka......You, have grown up too......."

That face that she had dreamed of countless times, that still gentle voice, made Liuhua's mind go blank. She could only stand there blankly, trying hard to get into her father's arms. She felt something in her heart break, and something was gathering.......


"Rokka......Don't force yourself, do what you want to do and be who you want to be......."

Her father's comfort is what Liuhua wants most, and her father's embrace is what Liuhua desires most. It makes her feel at ease and allows her to face her true thoughts.

"Don't let the world limit your thinking, and don't keep thinking about being a normal child in the eyes of others......."

"......I see......I know, Dad......."

Liuhua sobbed deeply in her father's arms. She wanted to feel more of this warmth, the warmth that made her feel at ease and moved the most.

"Dad, I hope that Rikka can be happy. Dad, I also hope that you can be happy."

Koriyu's father smiled and gently stroked Rikka's head. Feeling this familiar warmth, Kotori's father also shed tears.......How much he missed his daughter, how much he loved her.

But he was already dead, he was already dead, if it weren't for the help of that young man, he wouldn't even be able to see Liuhua again, he needed to entrust Liuhua with a task in reality.

"Togashi Yuuta, right?"

Yuuta was stunned. He really didn't expect that he could see Rikka's father again.......Is this the invisible boundary? Does it really exist?!

But when Liuhua's father called him, he was shocked and hurriedly answered......This is my father-in-law, I can't offend him.

"Rokka......I'll leave it to you.......Treat her well."

Yuta blushed instantly, and even the sobbing of Rikka in his arms stopped for a moment.

What is this, a personal promise from my father-in-law?

"Togashi Yuuta, I know everything that happened during this period......You did a great job. I feel relieved that you are with Liuhua......."


Hearing Rikka's call, Xiao Niaoyou's father looked down at Rikka in his arms. Although Rikka was crying, her face was still a little blushing, which was very cute.

Rikka's father's eyes condensed slightly, smiled deeply, and hugged Rikka tightly.

His time......Running out......

Gently stroking Rikka's little head and back, Father Kotori spoke in a weak voice.......

"Rokka......Just do what you want to do, be who you want to be, don't be afraid of fantasy, don't be afraid of words......Dad hopes that you can live a happy life in peace and happiness.............I will always, always, always be by your side, watching you grow up, watching you grow up......Liuhua, I love you......"

The knot in Rikka's heart was completely untied, and something sank to the bottom of her heart.

Mr. Kotori turned into a ball of light and dissipated in the air.

Rikka's arms were empty in an instant, and she fell to the ground. Before she could react, her eyes were instantly scarlet again, and then disappeared.......

Rikka and Yuta returned to the real world. There was no starry sky, no light, only the orange-yellow ocean illuminated by the rising sun.......And the infinite hope of restarting life.

Liuhua knelt on the beach, sobbing softly.......

Yuta stood behind Rikka, staring blankly at the gradually brightening sky and the sobbing Rikka.......

Not far away, Fang Wuwei knelt on the ground, covering his eyes and wailing.......

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