This was Fang Wuwei's first time using multiple people's Tsukuyomi. Before this, he had never thought that this method could be used.

In fact, his original plan was to drag them into the Tsukuyomi illusion, and then transfer the three people's words to achieve pseudo-connection.

Although it took a bit of brainpower, it should work.

But when he saw Rikka howling loudly towards the invisible boundary line, he changed his mind.......

He did not hesitate to use a lot of pupil power to drag everyone's spirit together, using his right eye as a carrier to perform multi-person moon reading.

The good news is that it succeeded.

The bad news is that the side effects are serious.

Fang Wuwei slightly opened his eyes and stretched his hand in front of his eyes to look at......It's already very blurry.

The main reason is that he can no longer control the things in the Tsukuyomi space, especially time. How long they spend in reality is how long it is, and the disappearance of Rikka's father......He had not expected this.

His Tsukuyomi was fine, so the only problem was......

Regardless of the pain in his eyes and the tears of blood that could not stop flowing, Fang Wuwei glanced at the side of him. The soul of Liuhua's father was slowly turning into dots of light and dissipating.

This was not right. According to his calculations, he could survive for at least a while longer.

"Dongfang, I'm leaving."

A gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears. It was the voice of Liuhua's father. This was the first time he heard his voice in reality.

"When I saw Liuhua appear in front of the light, I knew that was what had been calling me, because that was what Liuhua had been looking for, so I responded to Him......."

Fang Wuwei understood that Liuhua's father no longer had any obsessions.

"............Thank you."

Accompanied by a whisper full of gratitude, the soul of Liuhua's father also dissipated instantly, turning into a little light and floating towards the invisible boundary line, slowly blending into it.

Although Liuhua and Yuta returned to the real world from the illusion, they could no longer see the invisible boundary line, but Fang Wuwei could still see it.

That light, that invisible boundary line, has always existed.

As the soul of Liuhua's father dissipated, a dark green gem fell to the ground, illuminated by the rising sun, and emitted a little light.

Fang Wuwei picked it up silently. This was created by him using the soul-sealing technique to seal Liuhua's father's medium. Only by using it can Liuhua's father be brought here. Now......

Make it into a necklace and have Yuta give it to Rikka sometime. She will like it.................................................

The humming sound of sirens came from not far away, and Rikka and Yuta came to their senses. They were on the run.

Seeing the police car getting closer and closer, the two began to run towards where their bicycles were. On the way, Yuta held Rikka's hand.

Rikka felt the warm and generous hands like her father's, and she felt extremely happy.

The police car on the road originally received a report that a young boy had eloped with his granddaughter, and they were planning to catch him, but when they saw the young man and woman running towards the sunset on the beach, their faces were filled with infinite happiness, and they didn't look like they were abducted. It seemed more like the elderly in the family broke up the couple.

So the police car decisively slowed down, and the distance from Yuta and his friends was only a dozen meters, but it suddenly became a snail's pace. The policeman driving the police car looked at Yuta who was running and laughing, and smiled knowingly.

"Hello, hey, hey, police officer, have you caught him?"

"Report to the police station, I saw them, but they ran too fast, it will take some time"

"Need support?"

"No! No need! I am enough! Trust me, police station!"

The policeman, driving at a snail's pace, spoke nonsense to his superior who was talking on the other side.......Anyway, there is no surveillance here, so nothing can be found.

Yuta and Rikka finally got on the bicycles. The police car behind them was still sirens, as if urging them to move forward quickly.

Facing the rising sun, the morning light sprinkled on them, and the light in Rikka's eyes was unusually bright, and her eyes were finally no longer numb.

She put on the eye patch again, even though her right eye was not golden this time. She turned her head and looked at the police car following closely behind her. With a serious face, she launched a"magic attack" at the police car, but behind her exposed single eye was a full smile.

The policeman was talking to the police station on the other side of the walkie-talkie, and his speed was as slow as crawling. He just hung behind Yuta and followed him slowly.

Seeing the boy who was struggling to ride his bike, he seemed to see his former self, that beautiful youth.

He smiled, facing the rising sun, and decided to escort them all the way

"Police station——Really not necessary!! I am enough by myself, just two little kids!"

Rikka hugged Yuta's waist and smiled as she let Yuta lead her to the beautiful future.

On the other side, Touma and Ikeuchi Maki went to rescue Isshiki Makoto from the pursuit of the patrolman. The patrolman was stopped by Touma and Ikeuchi Maki, but Isshiki Makoto......Isshiki Makoto was still running and wailing, with no intention of stopping.

Kotori's grandfather knew that the two people could not catch up, and was afraid that his precious granddaughter would really be arrested by the police, so he calmed down and helped Nibutani and Kaede to explain to the police he called.

After listening to the three people's stories, the police station felt that something in his heart had sprouted again from his old heart. He had originally decided not to pursue the case, but......

Wait, you said they left on bicycles?

The police officer's face darkened when he got a positive answer, so he picked up the walkie-talkie.......

"【Noise reduction——】,〇〇Police, you [silencer——】, and you dare to lie to me! I really am [silenced——】!���

The policeman on the other end was numb, but soon, he heard the police station on the other side sigh, and then spoke to him in a tone he had never heard before.

"Forget it, it's still early in the morning, and the two children haven't slept all night, so this is considered fatigue driving.......You are responsible for escorting them."


The policeman breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Liuhua's fluttering white dress and the extremely happy smile on her face, and he also sighed with a smile.......The commander was also young once - everything seemed to be going smoothly, and the crisis was resolved.......

Only Fang Wuwei was still standing there, looking at the place where the sea and sky met, sweating profusely.......

The invisible boundary line did not disappear. He was staring at him.

Fang Wuwei felt that he was locked by an extremely terrifying aura, even more powerful than the host in the battle royale. He could not move at all.......

I......I didn't provoke you.......

As the two looked at each other, the invisible boundary line that had been motionless suddenly began to expand, and a golden light spot spurted out from it, leaving a golden tail in the air, and finally drilled into his body.

Fang Wuwei suddenly felt a golden color in front of his eyes, and his body was in great pain. Even his soul seemed to be burning.......Pain enveloped him from the inside out.

His powerful mental power felt that something had been planted deep in his soul along with this light spot.

The pain was fleeting, and Fang Wuwei knelt on the ground in pain. The first thing he did when he regained his vision was to look up at the invisible boundary line.......

He disappeared


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