Things ended just like that.

Everything was back on track. Rikka went back to school. Her mother was moved by Yuta's persistence and took Rikka back to live upstairs in Yuta's house. They rented the house again.

But Rikka returned to her middle school second-year look. Her new friends were very happy to see the energetic Rikka now, especially Wubu Furin, who was the happiest. Her new friends did not exclude her. Instead, they began to slowly accept her middle school second-year look and began to slowly understand Rikka's words.

Rikka was integrating into the class.

Seeing her master return to the peak, Touma followed suit. She tied her twin ponytails again. This time, she claimed that her"mind had evolved and her strength had reached a higher level." She was very energetic, so much so that it gave Nibutani a headache. Senior Anise also took off the title of the second-generation evil king's true eye and became the"specially disadvantaged student" again, which made Isshiki Makoto very happy.

Speaking of Isshiki Makoto.......He lost a mountain bike and it took him four or five days to find it on the road. But he didn't blame Yongtai. Instead, after listening to Yongtai's explanation, he asked Yongtai to take him to Fang Wuwei to play with the so-called super cool dark heavy motorcycle.......It's great that the brothers have become close friends.

Ikeuchi Maki's training is also proceeding in an orderly manner. Now she has started the preliminary training of the Gale Sword Technique. She goes to high places every day and sits there quietly listening to the sound of the wind.

Everything has returned to the way it should be, except for the club.

The day after Yuta and Rikka came back, Rikka wanted to continue her"Far East Magic Nap Club Summer", so they went to find teacher Kujuu Nanase that day to ask for the club to be disbanded, but this did not comply with the school regulations, so they had to give up.

But when they left, teacher Kujuu Nanase smiled and told them that they would come again soon, which made the two of them a little confused.......The two returned to the classroom dejectedly

, having lost a club. Not only did they lose the club, they also lost their small gathering place.

Without that gathering place, they would not be free at school, not to mention that they could not be with Rikka/Yuta.......No, no, what am I thinking?

The two were very frustrated and returned to the classroom. As soon as Yuta sat down, he found a club application form on his desk. The club name and information were already filled in with a handwriting that Yuta was familiar with. The only thing he needed to do was......Sign Yuta's name.

The club's information is......Far Eastern Magic Nap Club Summer?! ?! The activity room is on the top floor of the old school building?! The old place?!

Seeing this familiar self, Yuta turned around in surprise and looked at his good friend sitting next to him, and Fang Wuwei also turned around and pointed at the form with a smile.

Kong Hong!!! My hero!!!

Seeing Yuta quickly signing and pulling the equally excited Liuhua out of the door, Fang Wuwei's smile never stopped.

I told you that you would regret it.

Yuta and Liuhua hurriedly walked out of the classroom, Fang Wuwei stroked his right eye, and the smile on his face slowly stiffened.......

Since that day, Fang Wuwei would run to the beach every day when the sun rose and watch the sunrise.......He hoped to see the invisible boundary line once.

There was no other reason. After the severe pain, Fang Wuwei opened the system panel and found that his three-dimensional attributes had doubled.

Wow, a super invincible automatic training machine.

He has tasted the sweetness, how could he just let it go? Of course, he would squat every day!

Unfortunately, the invisible boundary line never appeared again. It is so mysterious that even Morisummer's"Dark Bible" did not record it.......well......

As for that thing deep in his soul......

He was not worried about what the invisible boundary would do to him.

Apart from anything else, in the indigenous world, as a guardian, he was considered the world's big daddy.

It was not enough to protect him, how could he harm him? The golden light spot on the invisible boundary was probably a gift from the world consciousness to him, but it seemed that"He" could not give him more, which made Fang Wuwei a little disappointed.

With a deep sigh, Fang Wuwei came to the activity room again during the lunch break.

The sign was hung up again. In the activity room, Tu Shou tied two familiar long pigtails and squatted on the ground, enthusiastically installing the familiar LED magic circle. He also upgraded the magic circle and turned it into a colorful light. Senior Fennel was sleeping nearby, and Nibutani went to the drama department. No one else was there.......

Fang Wuwei found a place and sat there, watching Tu Shou busying around, and suddenly he felt a sense of accomplishment.......................................................

That night, Fang Wuwei's family hadn't seen anyone for a long time. Yongtai brought Liuhua to visit.

He said he was here to thank him for helping him some time ago, but his eyes kept wandering towards the backyard of Fang Wuwei's house. Liuhua was also very excited.......

No need to think, he's looking for a car, looking for his Cavaliere heavy cavalry......He knew this day would come.

As a large magic tool, cavaliere can be transformed into a magical form and stored in the body. When needed, it will gradually emerge as a stream of light. It is so handsome, but it is definitely not something that can be shown in front of Yuta and the others.

In a hidden corner, Fang Wuwei summoned this super handsome heavy motorcycle, and pushed the car over with a satisfied look on his face, letting Yuta and Rika feast their eyes.

This handsome car is completely in the hearts of Yuta and Rika.......

Although they knew that they shouldn’t have a super modified heavy motorcycle at their age, they couldn’t help being excited!!!

But unfortunately, even if the two of them begged in a low voice, Fang Wuwei refused to let them ride it. Are you kidding me? This motorcycle will automatically decompose into flowing magic power and return to its body if it leaves him ten meters away. Let them ride it?

"You guys, want to try riding it?"

"Yes! Yes!"

So, with Yuta and Liuhua's faces full of regret and resentment, Fang Wuwei rode his bike and disappeared rapidly into the night, leaving only two red taillights quietly flowing in the darkness.......Want to ride a bike? Just go on a date alone! I've left my home to you guys!

In the darkness, Fang Wuwei was a little overwhelmed. Where should he go? What should he do? On ordinary days, he stayed at home by himself and rarely went out. Occasionally, he would go out to bask in the sun on a whim.

He slowed down the car and got off in a deserted place. As soon as he left the car, he stretched out his hand and the cavaliere heavy cavalry began to disintegrate rapidly, turning into red and white flowing shadows, and with a gorgeous halo, it drilled into Fang Wuwei's body.

The surrounding scenery was so familiar, and yet so strange.

What was familiar was that he had such scenery in his memory.......But what was strange was that he had never been here before.

That was the memory of"Dongfang Konghong", not his. To him, this place was just strange.

This was also the main reason why he didn't want to go out.

So now should......

Just when Fang Wuwei was at a loss, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Hey, Brother Konghong, why are you here?"

"Red eyes!"

As soon as Fang Wuwei turned around, a little cutie jumped onto his lap. It was Meng Ye. Not far away was Zhang Ye, who looked surprised.............Yongtai, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. I will sleep at your house tonight.


In the next chapter, we will go on a mission to another world. We are collecting online suggestions on which world we want to go to. Please leave a message actively.

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