The busy streets, the bustling crowds, the countless shops on the street, the hawkers' cries and the children's noises......Everything here indicates that this is a peaceful and beautiful place.

Dusk falls in the sky, and the orange sunset light fills the earth. There is no traffic, no neon-like light pollution, and even no high-rise buildings or power grids.......It looked like a small, backward village, but there were an unusually large number of people.

In this bustling crowd, a red-haired woman with a big belly was walking slowly on the street.......Even when you are pregnant, you still need to exercise properly, which is good for the child and the mother.

There was an old woman in front of the woman, leading the way. The two of them walked slowly on the street, but not far away from them, there were countless figures following them. They wore animal masks on their faces, covering their faces, leaving only their eyes exposed. They wore the same uniforms, indicating that they belonged to the same organization and were secretly protecting the safety of the two.

"The village is peaceful, it's great"


The red-haired woman touched her belly, her face full of love and hope.

She would soon become a mother.......She will give birth soon and see her lovely child. Their family will soon welcome a new member and live happily together forever.......I am so happy just thinking about it~~

Uzumaki Kushina hugged her belly and began to enjoy her future life. Her husband is the Hokage, so her child should also aim to be the Hokage, right? This is the child of Minato and me, and it will definitely be excellent. She was imagining the future until she met her old friend on the street.

"Ah, Mikoto!"

Uchiha Mikoto was walking slowly on the street with her baby who was not even three months old, buying some things. The baby in her arms had the same black hair as her and was sleeping peacefully.

Perhaps because she was about to become a mother, Kushina suddenly fell in love with children, a cute creature. Looking at the cute child, a smile appeared on her face.

"so cute......Is it a girl?"

Mikoto smiled slightly. Her son was indeed very cute. His brother had also said so about him.

"It's a boy."

Kushina smiled and poked the child's face with her little finger. As the softness came from her fingertips, she felt that the most tender part of her heart was touched.

"Is there a name?"

"Yes, it's Sasuke."

The old lady beside him also popped up when she heard this name. She was Sarutobi Biwako, the wife of the Sandaime Hokage. This name was the same as the Sandaime Hokage's father. Mikoto explained that this was in the hope that Sasuke could become an excellent and powerful ninja.

Awakened by the voices of the three adults, Sasuke's little brows were wrinkled, and he seemed to be very dissatisfied, struggling in Mikoto's arms.

Unfortunately, this attracted the love of the three adults even more. Kushina directly rubbed Sasuke's head with her hands. Sasuke looked at this strange beautiful woman.......If Mikoto hadn't been holding him, he would have just started crying.

"Kushina, you are about to give birth, right? In that case, it is better to give it a name first."

Mikoto coaxed Sasuke, who was about to cry, and changed the subject. Hearing this, Kushina held her belly and said proudly

"I have already chosen the name, Naruto.

Kushina likes this name very much.

"Naruto and Sasuke will become classmates and companions in the future," Kushina poked Sasuke's little face, who had already calmed down. They were good friends, and she hoped that their children would still be good friends."Get along well with each other, little Sasuke."

Speaking of children, Kushina quietly lowered her voice, and with a worried look on her face, she came over and quietly asked Mikoto a question that she had been concerned about for a long time.......

"Say......It will really hurt, right?"

After standing there for two seconds, Mikoto finally realized what Kushina was saying, and she also broke out in a sweat.......That irritable bright red pepper, the irritable wife who could beat her own Hokage husband so hard that she couldn't fight back, actually had something she was afraid of. It really surprised her.

Speaking of this, Sarutobi Biwako, who was standing next to Kushina, quickly pulled her away.

"Well, it's time to go, Kushina. It's getting late, you have to go back quickly."

Kushina said goodbye to Mikoto with a smile, letting herself be dragged away.

Sarutobi Biwako scolded Kushina, saying that although Kushina's identity as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was still kept secret, she shouldn't be so careless.

"Your childbirth is a secret, so even if you meet someone you know on the road, it's best to avoid them."

Kushina agreed with a wry smile. She knew what she should do, and she knew that Biwako-sama was doing it for her own good. It was just that she was about to give birth, so she was a little overwhelmed.

"besides......Leaving the village is a top secret! Even if the labor pains start, you have to endure it!"


In order to keep the secret and to ensure that the Nine-Tailed Fox would not escape when Kushina's seal weakened, the Sandaime and the Fourth-Haimei arranged a residence and a barrier outside the village to supply Kushina with production. The

Nine-Tailed Fox must be safe. If there is any mistake,......The consequences are disastrous!

Kushina looked at the sun gradually disappearing in the sky, touched her belly, and imagined a better life in the future.......Under the guidance of herself and Minato, Naruto will definitely become an excellent ninja!

They will definitely give Naruto a happy home!

With this idea in mind, Kushina followed Sarutobi Biwako on the way home. In order to create the illusion that she was still in the village, she still lived in the center of the village with Minato.

Passing by the busy streets, some passers-by around knew that this was the wife of the Fourth Hokage, and they all respected her. Kushina smiled and responded one by one.

Although it was dinner time, she had no appetite when she smelled the food sold by street vendors and countless shops. Only when she passed by a certain store, she swallowed slightly.

Ichiraku Ramen......Let Minato come and take me to eat later. There seem to be a lot of people inside now.

Looking at the small ramen restaurant emitting the aroma that made her appetite, Kushina wiped her saliva and thought to herself.

As Kushina left, a young man among the diners of Ichiraku Ramen raised his head and looked back at the scarlet pepper that was going away. Fang

Wuwei wiped the soup from his mouth, but his mental power was locked on Kushina who was leaving in the distance.......She can still go out and walk, I'm afraid the Nine-Tail Night will still last a few days.

""Master! This is so delicious! This is the first time I've eaten ramen this delicious!"

A burst of rapid slurping sounds came from the side. Maki Ikeuchi slurped the ramen in big mouthfuls, making a sound that made Fang Wuwei want to punch her. It was not elegant at all.

On the contrary, the hand-beating uncle who was cooking the noodles laughed out loud. The recognition of the diners was the greatest encouragement to him, and it was also what he loved to hear the most. He liked people like Maki Ikeuchi.

Glancing at Maki Ikeuchi who didn't have much image beside him, Fang Wuwei silently picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

There is still some time before the Nine-tailed Rebellion......Let 's give her extra training during this period.

Poor Ikeuchi Maki, she has been given countless training tasks for no apparent reason, and now she is still ignorantly meeting people.......This tea is not good. It is not as good as the one brewed with camphor leaves.

Fang Wuwei put down the teacup and sighed.


Something happened at home, so it will take some time. The updates will be slower in the next few days. The only thing I can guarantee is that it will not be interrupted. Please forgive me.

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