They just landed in the world of Naruto, and the current timeline is the 51st year of Konoha.......The year of the Nine-Tails Rebellion was also the year Naruto was born.

When he knew he was going to become Hokage, he planned to come alone and had no intention of bringing a burden with him. The water here was still too deep.

But when Maki Ikeuchi heard it, she nodded in agreement on the surface, but when he started to cross over, she suddenly jumped over and grabbed him. Due to the impact of the crossover, he was unable to pull Maki Ikeuchi away in time.......So this guy came over.

But Fang Wuwei was so angry that he decided to leave her here to fend for herself while he went out to fight the reincarnationists.

Fortunately,......Judging from the radar, his target is not even in Konoha Village, but has always been nearby.......He didn't dare to go out. There was a barrier around Konoha Village. He was afraid that he would not be able to get back in if he went out. Fortunately, he stayed here for the time being.......The target of the group of reincarnations is most likely Minato or Naruto, because they have been around Konoha Village and have not left.

What are you waiting for? No need to worry about it.

Fang Wuwei sat on the tree, holding a book in his hand, listening to the strange and absolutely unrecognizable breathing sounds coming from below him. Without frowning, he knocked on the tree trunk next to him with his hand.


"ha......ha......Master......Master......ah......I......I can not make it......"

"There is no option in front of you, don't stop."

Looking down, Ikeuchi Maki collapsed to the ground with sweat all over her forehead, breathing heavily, and it seemed as if she was about to die at any time.

"......Forget it, the war is imminent, let's have a good rest."When

Ikeuchi Maki heard this, it was like hearing the sound of nature. She closed her eyes on the spot, smiled, and lay on the ground without a sound.

God knows how she got through the past two days. She only knew that her master was very angry about her sneaking behavior.......

This was the first time she saw her master so angry. He was even angrier than the last time she ran around in that other world (referring to Demon Slayer) and almost died.

In the past few days, she has been scolded and beaten, and then the training tasks are super super doubled.

There are also some new training contents, such as the master said that if she wants to further understand her wind swordsmanship, she must learn to feel the wind.......Then she watched helplessly as her master drew his sword from his waist, creating a tornado over ten meters high that instantly lifted her up into the sky. She fell and was nearly killed, but she had to prevent herself from being blown away by the wind. After she was healed, another tornado came.......

She has burned out and now deeply regrets following her master out......If I had known this, I would have stayed at home quietly.

Maki Ikeuchi was lying on the ground with tears streaming down her face, accusing Fang Wuwei of all his inhuman deeds in her heart.

Fang Wuwei looked at Maki Ikeuchi lying dead on the ground, threw a low-quality healing pack down, and continued to read the book in his hand. This was a ninja book called"Basic Chakra Training", which contained many basic ninja chakra usage methods, such as treading water and climbing trees, chakra release and training, etc. He was trying to replace part of the chakra with magic power to release it, and use magic power to replace chakra to use these tricks.

It turned out that it was feasible, but it was a bit embarrassing that it was not feasible and needed to be transformed.

He tried to use magic power to imitate chakra climbing trees. To be on the safe side, he attached the magic power to his fingers and tried to grab things.

The good news is that he succeeded, but the bad news is that he couldn't stop.

So he cosplayed as Spider-Man for a whole day, hanging on a tree.......Although he later tore off the bark and burned it with a fireball, it still gave Ikeuchi Maki a good laugh.

So that day, Ikeuchi Maki's training volume doubled.

This was their fourth day in the Naruto world, and they had been spending these four days like this - training, studying, and eating.......Life was pretty good. Although there wasn't much fun here, it was so novel that Ikeuchi Maki had always liked this place.

But it was far from as peaceful as one might have imagined.

Fang Wuwei could always feel that there was an unknown thing spinning around underground, and it frequently followed Uzumaki Kushina who would come out for a walk every once in a while, but no one or the Anbu had discovered it.

Even Fang Wuwei's magical perception talent could only vaguely sense that there was a fuzzy thing swaying. If that thing hadn't passed by their feet several times, he really wouldn't have been able to detect it.

He guessed that this thing might be Zetsu, the filial son Black Zetsu, who was still working for Uchiha Obito.......It was probably the one who told Obito the important information that Kushina was about to give birth and that a residence and barrier had been prepared for Kushina outside the village.

Zetsu was extremely good at detecting intelligence, and the Mayfly Technique was even more so when he came and went without a trace.......

But he won't fight with Jue Gan anyway.......No matter what.

Kushina's belly is getting bigger day by day, which means that the Nine-Tails Rebellion is coming day by day.......................................................

"Hey, Xiaohua, I don’t want to eat braised beef noodles anymore. It’s been several days.~~"

"It's good to have something to eat! How come you can't keep your mouth shut?!"

"Hey - at least give me a different flavor.——"

"The God Mall is not open during the mission!!! This is the only flavor I have now!!!"

Outside the wilderness, there were six people squatting, four men and two women. One of the men was holding an oversized bowl of instant noodles and wailing to one side. The man called Xiaohua was the thinnest among the men. He wore glasses and looked gentle, but now he was cursing and eating instant noodles. There was a bonfire next to him with barbecue on it.

This was the Reincarnation Team, Fang Wuwei's goal for this trip, but now they were surviving in the wilderness.

It's not that they don't want to enter Konoha. They tried to disguise themselves as a caravan to sneak into Konoha before, but they were kicked out on the spot because they didn't have proper identification. The gatekeepers also scolded him.���Manual......They swore that they would make the gatekeepers pay the price.

So they waited around Konoha for a while, and this place was quite far from Konoha.......As for why, when they were close before, they were discovered by patrolling ninjas and chased away.......If they were not afraid of being discovered by Konoha and then being on high alert, they would definitely kill the group of ninjas!!!!

But no, they had to run even though they were so angry.

Now, they could only watch the weather getting colder day by day, then gather around the campfire, occasionally go out to hunt game, and look at Konoha from a distance.......Good

"team leader......When can we start working? I can't stay in this damn place for even a moment.——"

The reincarnation who had been complaining about not wanting to eat Master 0's braised beef noodles wailed as he looked at the person sitting in the corner, their captain.

Their captain was a woman, without an explosive figure or a devilish face, but everything about her was ordinary, yet somehow cute enough to be seen. Despite this, everyone here knew that this person was the most terrifying person here.

"Letian, be patient, don't even think about fighting. If you go in now, you will be surrounded and beaten by the Anbu, not to mention that yellow-haired Yongdaimei.......We can't beat him."

The captain took a mouthful of noodles and chewed while talking. Her mouth was bulging from the big mouthful of noodles she took in.

"You have to remember, what is our goal? To destroy Konoha! To kill people.......Woo......we......Slurp......The only chance is......Whoosh——Mia-Mia......Ah——We just sneaked in while Obito was fighting."

"team leader......Next time we start talking, can we swallow the food in our mouths first?"

The group was chatting happily here, and they didn't notice that a white head popped out from the tree trunk behind them and stared at them blankly.......

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