Almost all the whereabouts of the Samsara team were clearly seen by the hidden Zetsu, and the information was passed to Obito who was hiding in a dark corner.

"......That's it, bring......Madara, they seem to know your plan."

After hearing this, Obito sat on the edge of the cliff in silence for a long time.......What went wrong? Why did the plan leak out? Why did they know that I was going to cause the Nine-Tails Rebellion?

Obito raised the danger level of this group of reincarnations by several levels.......If it weren't for the information from Zetsu that Kushina was about to give birth, and that group of guys seemed to be heading for the destruction of Konoha, and if it weren't for the fact that he and the group of guys on the opposite side seemed to have the same goal, he would have to find that group of guys no matter what, at least ask them clearly, and cooperate if possible, or kill them if not.

He is now a maniac, but he still has some self-knowledge.......The enemy is in the open, while I am in the dark, and the enemy's strength is unknown. In two days, I will fight with the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze.......Gotta conserve your energy, these little fleas, look at how they perform.......

Although he wanted to kill them, he finally held back and just silently memorized the faces of these people from the scene that was recorded and transmitted.......I hope these guys can survive the riot he is about to create, so that I can have a chance to settle the score.

Everything returns to darkness, and night gradually begins to fall.................................................

Today was a rare day of relaxation. Ikeuchi Maki was very happy. Finally, she no longer had to be forced by her master to undergo those hellish trainings that no human could bear. She could go out and play freely!

Ikeuchi Maki was walking alone on the street, holding a large pile of banknotes that her master had stuffed into her before she left. It was enough for her to spend for a long time, which made her very happy. Her master seemed to be very powerful. He could take out the currency of another world in any other world!

As for where her master was, she didn't care much.......Anyway, the master is very strong!

So, Ikeuchi Maki hummed a song and skipped around the street, looking at the scenery and shopping at the same time. She was a real spendthrift. The long-lost relaxation gave her a great sense of comfort.......

On the other side, Fang Wuwei was sneaking into the Hokage office building......No, it's not so much about sneaking in as it is about......

He went in openly.

He came here this time hoping to learn the ninjutsu from the forbidden scroll - the Sealed Book, so he made up for it by cramming his knowledge of chakra. Now he can convert a small amount of chakra into magic power.......This is just the beginning. If he is given some time to perfect this system, he can use magic to release ninjutsu. A system is not enough without ninjutsu. As for ninjutsu, the stuff in the Sealed Book is the best.......Of course, we can copy other ninjutsu, right?

As for how to get these things......Come on, brother World Consciousness, I came here to do something for you. What's wrong with lending you something? I'm not taking it away. I'll just copy it.~~~Whether or not you can learn it is another matter.~~~

So, after shouting to the ground and conveying his idea to the world consciousness, Fang Wuwei walked directly to the Hokage's office building.

As everyone knows, the security of the Hokage's forbidden technique room is very poor, and anyone can sneak in at will.......

There were ninjas patrolling outside the Hokage office building. No matter how much Fang Wuwei believed in the world consciousness, he had to give these ninjas some face. He did not choose to enter through the main gate, but......From the back door.

Luckily, the ninjas had gone to change shifts and there was no one guarding the back door.

Fang Wuwei went in directly from the back door. The Hokage Building, which was supposed to be full of ninjas or civil servants, was now completely empty.......

Fang Wuwei looked up at the sky outside.......World consciousness is really awesome......

However, Fang Wuwei was unfamiliar with the place, and before he could slowly look for it, he saw a bug passing by him by chance, and it was flying towards a certain place. It was clearly indicated, and Fang Wuwei followed it. The room in front was a special room for storing forbidden techniques and some advanced ninjutsu.

Fang Wuwei relaxed his vigilance a little, and was about to walk forward carelessly, when he heard voices.

There was also a guard......It's not a big problem. My illusion skills are not practiced in vain. It's just that the Uchiha clan has to bear a little blame.................................................

Where did he come from? Where did he go? When Fang Wuwei slipped out of the back door of the Hokage Building, his face was full of joy. He ran away in an instant.

The Book of Sealing! Advanced Ninjutsu! More profound and advanced knowledge of Ninjutsu!


Due to time constraints, Fang Wuwei used the replicator produced by the system to carefully select several scrolls including the Book of Seals, made a copy and left.

But even so, it was enough!

Apart from anything else, the Flying Thunder God and the Eight Gates of the Book of Seals alone were enough for him to play with!

Wu~~ I made a lot of money!!

After calming down his excitement, Fang Wuwei looked up at the sky. It was getting darker and dusk had appeared in the sky. Fang Wuwei looked at the orange-yellow sun slowly sinking. He should go find Maki.

So, he followed the radar and came to the downtown area. Tonight, it seemed a bit lively.

There were a bunch of vendors hawking their wares here, and a bunch of children playing on the right. The crowd on the street was much denser, and it seemed very lively.

Fang Wuwei met Maki Ikeuchi in this bustling street.

Now Maki Ikeuchi had a lot of shopping bags hanging on her left hand side, and no one knew what was in them. She bent her arms and held the bags in her arms, which was quite feminine.���In his hand, he was holding a small bag filled with snacks such as three-color meatballs and small lucky bags. He was happily eating them. He was wearing an artistic coat with a beautiful cloth band with a small fan on it. There was also a fox mask hanging on the side of his head.

Damn, you really came here for vacation, right?

Fang Wuwei's mouth jumped.......Veins popping out of hands......

"Ah! Master!"

Ikeuchi Maki saw him, stretched out her hand and waved at him, with a lovely and cheerful smile on her face.

Fang Wuwei looked at Ikeuchi Maki who seemed to be carefree, and his tightly clenched fist slowly loosened.......Never mind, I promised her to relax for a day.......

"You are quite happy today."

"Yes! There are so many new things! Master, try this! It's delicious!"

Ikeuchi Maki smiled and took out a string of three-color meatballs from the small bag in her right hand and handed it to Fang Wuwei. That innocent smile reminded him of his sister.......never mind......

Fang Wuwei took it. This was Itachi's favorite food, so why not let him have a taste?

Seeing Fang Wuwei saying nothing, Ikeuchi Maki swallowed hard.......That was a close call......She just saw Fang Wuwei's fist with bulging veins.......She was secretly thankful now. If she hadn't been smart, she would have been hit by a punch.

Ikeuchi Maki stared at Fang Wuwei's back with eyes as wide as a cat's, silently wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Fang Wuwei suddenly turned around, which scared her.

But Fang Wuwei was not looking at her.......He just felt the extremely difficult to perceive chaotic magic floating past his feet.......That was Jue, Jue would be here?

He looked back, intending to see the direction Jue left, and saw a figure at a high point in the distance, with only one scarlet eye flashing in the darkness, full of evil and murderous intent.......

Fang Wuwei was surprised, he turned on the radar and took a look, and found several blue dots marked with"Minato","Kushina", etc. moving away.......

The Nine-Tailed Rebellion begins tonight............

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