The day that Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato had been waiting for for a long time finally arrived.

Kushina, who was pregnant, had already left Konoha at dusk under the escort of her Hokage husband. It must be said that Flying Thunder God is fast.

The couple, along with the Sandaime's wife Sarutobi Biwako who was in charge of the delivery, and Taji, came to a barrier far outside Konoha. To put it in a good way, this was for confidentiality, and to put it in a bad way,......This is also to prevent the worst situation - the Nine-Tails breaking the seal, this is a necessary measure.

So here, Uzumaki Kushina began her delivery, starting the first thing she should do as a mother.

And Obito, at this moment, was coming to Konoha in the dim sunset, with a tiger-skin mask and a black hood on his face, revealing his ill intentions everywhere.

Through Zetsu's intelligence, he already knew that Minato and his wife had left the village at this moment, and also knew where they were now, there was a barrier there......Unfortunately, he has Kamui.

Looking at the familiar Konoha Village, there is only a familiar and hateful face on the Hokage Rock.......He had already made plans and strategies. Now he only had two goals: to retrieve the Nine-Tails and to destroy Konoha. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.......I definitely will......

Obito disappeared after he was swept into the Kamui Space. He wanted to reward Lin before taking action. Fang

Wuwei only took a quick glance at Obito and immediately looked away. He was not stupid. If he looked at him for too long, he would probably be noticed. Then Obito left.

But since Obito had come out, then......Can the Reincarnation Team be far behind?

"Maki, you better stay away tonight and leave the village."

"Eh? Master?"

Fang Wuwei ate the three-colored meatball in his hand, threw the stick back, and solemnly warned Ikeuchi Maki - it was already unusual for her to follow him here, but he couldn't let her die here. This place was not a place she could touch.

Looking at the solemn master, Ikeuchi Maki understood something.......He nodded and left silently.

The night gradually fell, the bright moon began to shine, darkness swept the sky, and was about to sweep Konoha.

Somewhere outside the village, Kushina's long and painful wail could be heard. This is a process that every mother needs to go through, a great process.

When Kushina was giving birth, Minato had been by her side, his face full of worry and heartache. He knew his wife well. He dared not imagine how painful it was for such a strong person to scream so loudly.

Outside of them was a barrier, and next to the barrier were countless Anbu guards, guarded by the Hokage himself, plus dozens of elite Anbu guards, which was already the highest level of care.

But unfortunately......These were not enough to deal with Obito, the Kamisama that came and went without a trace. He had already taken a good look at Konoha Village, and the memories of the past emerged again and again. When he looked at it again, it was already shattered like a mirage, and only hatred remained in his heart.......He made up his mind, and he couldn't turn back.

According to the information, he came to the place where Kushina gave birth. It was a cave. Although it was not secret, there was a barrier around it, and several Anbu guarded it. There was only one entrance, which was the safest place.

Bursts of painful wails and flickering candlelight came from the cave. Obito knew that it was time.

The Anbu around him were useless and could not stop Obito's steps at all. Kamui was almost unstoppable and killed people invisibly.......

Cleanly and neatly dealt with these miscellaneous soldiers, facing the defense of the barrier, his choice was......

He went straight through the rock wall below the cave. The barrier had no effect on him.

Inside the cave, the painful wails gradually stopped. With a burst of crying, Kushina opened her tightly closed eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, tears sliding down her face.

It was both painful and joyful.

Minato on the side stared blankly at the yellow-haired child in Sarutobi Biwako's hands.

It was born.......

Under the candlelight, the child was so cute that it touched his heart.

Tears of excitement slid down Minato's face. He stretched out his trembling hands to take his child from Sarutobi Biwako's hands. Minato's face showed tenderness and love. He reached out and stroked Naruto's little face. Minato gently put the child next to Kushina so that she could see clearly.

Although Kushina was weak and extremely weak, her eyes were fixed on Naruto. Although Naruto was still crying, she felt full of joy.

Naruto......I finally see you......

Every mother is so great.

Sarutobi Biwako took the still crying Naruto away. Next, Kushina should relax and take a rest. She will take care of the child for the time being.

Minato put his hand on Kushina's hand, feeling her body temperature and softness, and couldn't help but care about her.

"Kushina, are you okay?

Although Kushina was very tired, she felt as if her whole body was healed when she saw Minato's gentle and concerned face.


Minato was still being affectionate with Kushina, while Obito, who had been lurking in the dark for a long time, knew that this was a good time, it was simply too good to be true.

After a while of being affectionate, Minato opened Kushina's belly, revealing the Bagua seal on her belly. Kushina had given birth, and the seal had weakened. The Nine-Tails had been making a fuss just now.......The most urgent task now is to strengthen the seal and make the Nine-Tails completely obedient.

As he married into the Uzumaki family, he naturally had the ability to learn the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique. Just as he put his hand on Kushina's belly and prepared to bless the Four Symbols Seal, he heard a scream from Sarutobi Biwako behind him.

""Master Biwako! Tianlu!"

As soon as he turned around, he saw Sarutobi Biwako and her assistant lying in a pool of blood, and they were silent in an instant.

While Minato was still immersed in the joy of becoming a father and the Nine-Tails not breaking the seal, Obito made a clean move to kill the two, and at the same time grabbed the still crying Naruto as a hostage. He held Naruto in one hand and put the other hand not far from Naruto's face. Naruto was still crying in the cradle. He was just born and was facing the gates of hell at this moment. This was the fastest moment for Naruto to end.

"The Fourth Hokage Minato immediately left the Jinchūriki......Otherwise, this child will only live for one minute!"

Kushina and Minato were shocked and angry. Minato, who was overwhelmed by joy, immediately calmed down. He began to think about how this mysterious masked man passed through the barrier here, and who this guy was.......

Enemy? Anbu from the rival village? Or a traitor? The two of them focused their attention on Obito, while Kushina began to scream. The Bagua seal on her stomach began to spread and climbed up her face. A sudden pain in her abdomen caused Kushina to scream in pain.......The Nine-Tails started to get naughty.

Seeing this, Obito added fuel to the fire and pulled out a kunai from his sleeve, pointing it directly at Naruto's face, as if he was going to kill Naruto in the next second.

"Get away from the Jinchuriki, don't you care what will happen to the child?"

Looking at Sarutobi and Biwako lying on the ground, Minato had no doubt that the mysterious masked man would kill him.

"etc.......You calm down"

"You should say this to yourself, Minato. I am very calm now. Everything is going according to Obito's plan.......

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