After saying this, Obito threw the baby Naruto high up in the air. Watching Naruto floating in the air, Kushina screamed in anger and fear. She believed that her child was more important than her. Obito picked up a kunai and jumped high, intending to pierce Naruto, but was rescued by Minato at the critical moment.

This was naturally within his expectations. Minato was known as the fastest in the ninja world, so how could he succeed?

But this was exactly his plan.

"It is worthy of being called Yellow Flash, but what are you going to do next?"

Obito made a seal before he landed on the ground, and used his chakra to detonate the detonating tag attached to Naruto's swaddling clothes.

Minato's brain was working rapidly.

In a hurry, in order to protect Naruto and Kushina, he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and teleported to their residence outside the village with the Flying Thunder God Kunai mark, and quickly took off the swaddling clothes and threw them aside, and quickly jumped out of the house.

As soon as he jumped out of the door, the detonating tag exploded violently.

The shock wave made Minato roll twice in the air and landed awkwardly.

The first thing he did when he landed was to check the safety of the child in his arms.

Naruto was still crying, but he was not injured, which made him greatly relieved.

The shock wave generated by the explosion of the house caused wooden thorns to fly everywhere, and one of them was inserted into his calf.

After pulling out the wooden thorn, the pain calmed Minato's brain a little, and he began to think about countermeasures.

He figured out that the target of the mysterious masked man was Kushina, and he......

The tiger has been lured away from the mountain, and he must return quickly.

He threw the wooden thorn stained with a little of his blood, and before the wooden thorn hit the ground, Minato had already flown away like a thunder god, leaving only a puff of dust.

The next moment, he appeared in his own home, a property he had arranged in advance to deal with unexpected threats, and now he was using it.......

He put the child on the bed and covered him with a small quilt. He didn't have time to comfort the crying Naruto. Minato touched Naruto's little face.

"It's safe here, Naruto.......You wait here for a while, I have to go and save your mother now."

Minato left.

He naturally knew that the mysterious masked man could not be in the cave now, so he sensed Kushina's chakra and went in that direction.

On the other side, Obito, who was watching Minato's Flying Thunder God leaving, knew that he could not delay any longer.

He sucked the defenseless Kushina into the Kamui space cleanly and neatly, and then released her from a far distance.

There was a lake there, and he had already arranged several stone pillars on the lake.

He placed Kushina on the stone platform in the middle and bound her with a chakra chain.

The Bagua seal was still being broken, and Kushina was extremely weak and unable to resist.

Obito arranged it like this in order to use these stone pillars to release the"Tail Release Seal", and then use the double combination of the Sharingan to pull the Nine-Tails out of Kushina's body.

Kushina was extremely weak, but still strong.

"You......What to do......"

Obito looked at the weak Kushina, but felt full of hatred......Minato failed to arrive in time to save Lin, but he married and had children.......

"I will pull the Nine-Tails out of your body and destroy Konoha."

Hearing this answer, Kushina's eyes widened, her face full of shock

"Normally, Minato was there to protect you, but now he has been lured away, and because of your childbirth, the seal of the Nine-Tails has been weakened.......This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Do you know how long I have been waiting?......"

The Sharingan under the mask slowly widened. Obito saw through the seal that the Nine-Tails was bound to a giant sphere because of the Tail Release Seal.

The Nine-Tails was now entangled with countless iron chains, and the nine tails were even stuck in the center of the body by wooden pillars, unable to struggle.

However, with the activation of the Tail Release Seal and the control of Obito's Sharingan, the huge sphere that held the Nine-Tails tightly began to melt, and the iron chains also melted away.

The Nine-Tails was able to move.

As the Nine-Tails moved, those huge wooden thorns could no longer restrain it, and it was pulled out one by one, roaring towards the sky.

Kushina's reaction outside was that the Nine-Tails' chakra leaked out beside her, forming a chakra coat that wrapped around her. Kushina screamed in pain, but could not relieve the seal from being released for a moment. The Bagua seal on her abdomen was finally broken.

The Nine-Tails drilled out from her abdomen, and it faced the moonlight in the sky again. The nine tails kept swinging, making a deafening roar.

It was a cheer of freedom, a scream of violence, and Obito's booming ambition.

Obito used the summoning contract left by Madara and the Sharingan as a medium to successfully control the Nine-Tails.

Kushina, who lost the Nine-Tails, collapsed to the ground. It is common sense that a Jinchūriki will die once the tailed beast is deprived.

Obito looked at Kushina lying on the stage, and was ready to march all the way to Konoha with the Nine-Tails, but was stopped by the extremely weak and dying Kushina behind him.

The physique of the Uzumaki clan allowed her to retain a little life after the tailed beast was deprived, and she would not die immediately, which made Obito greatly admired.


"Since you are the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails,......Let the Nine-Tails kill you personally."

Obito exuded a violent aura, and his words frightened Kushina.

The Nine-Tails was controlled by Obito, and he swung his arm towards Kushina and smashed it down without hesitation.

For a moment, smoke and lake water splashed everywhere, but to no avail.

As for why?

On a tree not far away, the fastest ninja in the ninja world, the yellow flash Minato Namikaze, had already rescued Kushina.

This speed made Obito sigh that he really lived up to the name of the flash.

The extremely weak Kushina looked at Minato who was holding her in his arms. She could no longer think too much. What she cared about most now was her child Naruto.

Minato responded to her gently. This attitude and confidence made Kushina feel relieved.

But even so, Kushina understood that she had to stop the masked man. She leaned on Minato's chest, told Minato about the mysterious masked man's intention to flatten Konoha, and told him not to miss her too much, anyway......She was about to die.

Minato tried hard to suppress his sadness, but his anger and hatred were revealed on the surface. Turning his head slightly, Minato took a last look at Obito who was looking at him with murderous and gloomy eyes, and flew away in an instant.

Obito laughed at this, sucked himself into the Kamui space and left. He was going to Konoha to give the people of Konoha Village a little Nine-Tails shock.

Minato teleported home, put Kushina on the bed, and placed her together with Naruto, and told Kushina not to worry about it and let her stay with Naruto. His gentleness and confidence made Kushina feel relieved.......My man can definitely win, but......She couldn't watch Naruto grow up.

Her beautiful fantasies, those happy days living with Naruto and Minato, all turned into bubbles, beautiful but shattered at the touch.

She cried and hugged Naruto's head, feeling Naruto's warmth, tears rolling down, her heart was in great pain and torment.

Minato watched all this, his anger and hatred gradually deepened, he opened the closet, took out his Hokage robe, and brought enough Flying Thunder God Kunai

"Watergate......Thank you......"

Minato turned his back to Kushina, not wanting her to see his sad face, and put on his Hokage robe handsomely, intending to set off.

"Be careful on the road......"

Listening to Kushina's last words of caution on the road, Minato knew that he would never hear it again, but at this moment, he had to fight as a Hokage.

"I'll be right back."

He was so confident, so high-spirited, his back was deeply engraved in Kushina's eyes.

On the other side, Obito had already arrived at the center of Konoha, with ruthlessness in his eyes. He slapped his hands on the ground, and a huge summoning magic circle appeared. With a burst of smoke rising into the sky, the Nine-Tails appeared and began to wreak havoc.

It was already late at night, and the extremely quiet Konoha Village was awakened by the loud noise of the summoning magic and the roar of the Nine-Tails.

The Nine-Tails slapped its hands and smashed countless houses. Following Obito's orders, the Nine-Tails began to destroy crazily. The civilians of Konoha Village fled frantically, and the ninjas were also awakened. Looking at the rampant Nine-Tails, they swallowed hard.

In the woods in the distance, a neatly dressed man wearing glasses hurriedly woke up the person sleeping in the sleeping bag next to him, shaking and shouting

"Captain!! Don't fall asleep! The Nine-Tailed Fox has appeared!"

"Um......"Hmm? Ah?! Oh my god, what are you waiting for! Get up and get to work!"

The whole Samsara team was excited. After a brief preparation, they headed towards Konoha Village under the moonlight.

At this moment, Ikeuchi Maki followed his master's words and left the village early. He came to a small hill where he could see Konoha Village in the distance. Looking at the fox demon that suddenly appeared and wreaked havoc, he touched a blue bracelet on his hand with worry.


The Nine-Tails roared wildly towards the dark sky, marking the official start of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

(It’s a bit strange to write this paragraph. Minato brought his wife and children home. As we all know, the entire Konoha was within the destruction range of the Nine-Tails at that time, but Minato did not feel any concern for his wife and children when the Nine-Tails rioted. Does this mean that the"home" is not in Konoha Village? But according to the scene, there are not only Flying Thunder God Kunai, but also the Hokage's divine robe. How can this be true?......

So I set this 'home' to be outside the village, as another layer of security prepared by Minato to deal with unexpected threats. Is that not too much?)

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