The Nine-Tails roared and raged crazily under the moonlight. Every swing of its nine tails and every swing of its two hands could bring about the destruction of a bunch of houses, and it was also madly harvesting the lives of countless civilians.

In Konoha Village, countless ninjas jumped high from the bottom to protect the civilians in the village and retreated. They constantly used detonating talismans and kunai to attract the Nine-Tails' attention. They needed to attract the Nine-Tails' attention and delay more time for the villagers to take refuge, even if they would die.

Konoha had been fully awakened. The fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was not there, so the responsibility of presiding over the overall situation fell on the retired Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. At this moment, he had put on his battle suit, and countless Anbu followed him out.

He was old and unable to do it, but now he had to delay until Minato came back.

Fang Wuwei left Konoha early, and even he didn't want to touch the Nine-Tails. Now he was running at full speed towards the red dot on the radar, and the cavaliere under his butt roared and roared.

Apart from the Nine-Tails, there is another reason why he doesn't want to stay in Konoha.......

The strong wind kept whistling in his ears, but it could not completely cover the wailing and screaming of countless civilians in the distant Konoha Village.......

These painful voices kept ringing in his ears.

He was still a human being, he still had humanity, and he couldn't bear to hear these......

But this was not the time to talk about this.

He couldn't deal with the Nine-Tails himself.

The best thing he could do now was to quickly get rid of the Samsaras so that Minato could go back and deal with the Nine-Tails.

This was the biggest thing he could do for the villagers.

Although the blue dot representing Minato appeared on the Hokage Rock not far away on the radar, Fang Wuwei still ran away. He knew that Minato would teleport away soon. He had to go straight to his destination. His goal was......A reincarnation from beginning to end................................................

"Follow the plan! Xiaohua, you and Letian will act together. Now keep an eye on the Hokage Rock and Konoha. Once Minato leaves, you will immediately go into the village to look for people!"


"Oh my god! I don't want to act with this bitch!"

Lotte, who complained that he didn't want to eat the braised pork noodles, smiled and agreed. Xiaohua complained a lot, but didn't say anything. With a gloomy face, he and Lotte left the team and went to Konoha.

"Mandis, go outside the village and see if there are any other people hiding!"

"yes , Sir~"

A heavily made-up woman with long golden hair fluttering on her head showed a not-so-good smile and turned to leave the team.

The remaining three people rushed forward and first went to the place marked on the map given by the Lord God. That was the place where Obito and Minato had a decisive battle in the original work.

They had to be there, and do their best to assist Obito in killing Minato. At the very least, they had to delay it so that Minato would miss the time to seal the Nine-Tails and go back for support.

An unprecedented huge crisis has arrived, but Minato, who had just arrived at the Hokage Rock area, is still unknown. Instead, Fang Wuwei had a headache looking at the six people who suddenly dispersed on the radar.

A Flying Thunder God came to his own Hokage Rock. This is a high ground, which is very convenient for observing the current situation of Konoha.

Carrying the name of Hokage and protecting the civilians in the village, this is his current obligation, and he must never let them do whatever they want!

Looking at the crazy destruction of the Nine-Tails and In Konoha, which was ablaze, Minato's eyes were full of anger, and he released a large amount of chakra to lure the Nine-Tails.

The Nine-Tails soon discovered Minato. Its eyes were confused, but deep inside it was filled with hatred. Driven by Obito's Sharingan and the Nine-Tails' own hatred for humans, the Nine-Tails opened its bloody mouth, and the yin and yang chakra in its mouth quickly condensed, combined, and compressed, and finally turned into a huge black and purple chakra ball, which was the Tailed Beast Ball.

It fired at Minato, and the path of the Tailed Beast Ball caused a huge storm. The powerful destructive power and speed made the Tailed Beast Ball leave a mark on the ground just by passing by. Countless smoke and dust were scattered, and houses collapsed, and it flew straight towards Minato.

When it was close to the Hokage Rock, it suddenly stopped. A black magic array combined the characteristics of the time and space of the Flying Thunder God with the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan. Minato created his own use of the Flying Thunder God - the Flying Thunder God Guided Lightning!

Although this was not the name he thought of at first......But it doesn't matter.

The Tailed Beast Ball slowly sank into the black technique of Flying Thunder God's lightning, and disappeared directly into the air. As Minato made hand seals, Flying Thunder God was unable to move. The sky in the distance suddenly lit up, even illuminating Minato's place. A huge explosion sounded, and the explosion power of this Tailed Beast Ball exceeded Minato's expectations. The Tailed Beast

Ball had no effect, and the Nine-Tails continued to destroy the houses around it. The many ninjas below saw the place where the Nine-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball disappeared. Although they couldn't see Minato because it was too far away, they could clearly see that the technique to transfer the Tailed Beast Ball was a space-time barrier. Minato came back, and the Fourth Hokage rushed to the battlefield.

Seeing that the Nine-Tails' terrible attack was resolved, the morale of many ninjas rose. Under the leadership of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the ninjas and Anbu who had recovered began to form a decent defense line to further limit the Nine-Tails' range of destruction.

Minato, who was still standing on the Hokage Rock, was thinking about going back to report the information to Sarutobi Hiruzen, but he felt a coolness behind him and a strange chakra appeared.......

Obito appeared behind Minato, stretched out a hand to grab Minato, and sent him into the Kamui space, cutting off Minato's high-end combat power, and then taking good care of him.......

But Minato's excellent reaction nerves and perception quickly allowed him to turn around and stab with a kunai, piercing only the forehead.

Minato watched his attack go through the enemy's head, and his eyes were filled with shock. Then Obito's hand suddenly materialized and grabbed Minato's hand that had just pierced through it.

"Your opponent is me, and......"

Obito glared with his right eye and activated the Kamui. He planned to suck Minato in and then fight him in the Kamui space.......At worst there's still time to escape. As long as it doesn't affect the Nine-Tails, what if Minato starves to death in there?

"It's over!"

The space began to twist and deform, and Minato's body began to unconsciously spiral towards Obito's right eye.......

But Minato reacted quickly and used the Flying Thunder God on the spot, completely escaping from Obito's Kamui range. Obito's pupil technique was cut off, his body stagnated, and he could only see a flash of light in front of his eyes.......

Even if it was a single-eyed Kamui, it could be said to be extremely fast when it was close to the face. Obito had used this move with no failures, but today, he was defeated by the speed of his mentor. He used

Kamui to absorb himself away again, and was about to continue chasing Minato, but before leaving, he felt that someone was watching him, so he turned around and saw through the mask that two men were squatting in a dark corner not far away, watching here.

Roar......Those strange people he saw a few days ago......Humph, I'll deal with you later.......

Watching Obito disappear, there was only a vortex-like distortion in the air. After confirming that Obito had really left, Lotte and Xiaohua quickly disappeared and took a detour towards Konoha Village.......Fishing in troubled waters, I am most familiar with it!

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