The mysterious divine power forced Minato to deal with it carefully. He almost got hit just now. This Flying Thunder God was just a reluctant attack. The embarrassed Minato teleported to the house that had just been blown up.

My attack penetrated him, but he was able to materialize and was planning to absorb him. It seems that he is lethal.......What kind of ninjutsu is that? He has never heard of it before!

Before Minato could recover, the air in front of him twisted and turned, and a figure suddenly emerged from a point, and Obito came to kill him.

Looking at the red in the single eye of the mysterious masked man, the Sharingan, the Uchiha clan.

But he was able to avoid the assassination of the Anbu directly under the Third Hokage.......To be able to pass through the top-secret barrier without being discovered by him, he must know the barrier code.......I also know that the seal will weaken when the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki gives birth.......More importantly, there is only one person who can unlock the seal and tame it.......

A figure appeared in Minato's mind, the figure riding the Nine-Tailed Fox under the moon, fighting against a huge wooden man.......

"Are you Uchiha Madara?"

After hearing this, Obito silently took off his hood. Although this was true, he was still disappointed.......Minato, his mentor, still failed to recognize him.

Before Obito could deny it, Minato himself spoke up to deny this speculation, Madara was already dead

"Who knows? It may not be"

"Then why did you attack Konoha?"

Hearing this, Obito looked up at the moon.......How beautiful it is, shining into the eyes of the moon, it will be even more beautiful

"If you insist, this is a whim of mine, and it is also what I planned long ago, both for war and for peace."

Obito silently slipped out a super long handcuff from his robe. This is the equipment he brought with him. He handcuffed his hands and dragged the chain behind him to attack, which is a perfect match with Kamui.

Minato took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai, and he had to deal with it seriously.

In any case, he is not a small character. He has the ability to control the Nine-Tails, and the space-time ninjutsu that is higher than mine and the second generation. He appears and disappears like a ghost.......And there is such a dangerous thought. If we don't make a break here, then things will become worse than the Nine-Tails. If I jump to the village, then this mysterious masked man will follow, which will only make the battlefield more chaotic.

In his mind, even Madara can't control the Nine-Tails for a long time, so the village's affairs can only be trusted by you, the third generation, and he wants to completely solve the masked man here.

Obito also put on the handcuffs on his hands at this moment. The two handcuffs hung on the ground like Silas, and Minato's chakra breathing was also completed. The two began to rush towards each other at a high speed. Minato stabbed out the kunai in his hand and tentatively attacked Obito's abdomen. It was not unexpected that his attack passed through Obito's body, and even the whole person went with it. The scene was very strange.

When Minato passed through Obito's body, Obito's long handcuffs came in handy. He pulled with both hands and firmly controlled Minato, but before Obito turned around, Minato disappeared with a Flying Thunder God, and reappeared not far away with a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Because of the explosion just now, there were many Flying Thunder God Kunai here, which could be said to be his home ground.

But before Minato could recover, a silver light flashed in front of his eyes and rushed towards him at a high speed. Minato's pupils shrank, and he leaned back in a hurry to avoid this inexplicable attack. The silver light flew past his nose, and Minato realized that it was an arrow, and the arrowhead was flashing an unnatural silver light.

Unnatural......Very unnatural......

But before Minato could figure out what that thing was, a figure as fast as lightning rushed over, and the spear in his hand whipped towards Minato's body.

The Samsara Squadron officially attacked.

Seeing this, Minato did not care about the loss of chakra in his body, and quickly used Flying Thunder God again to leave. The spear hit the ground, raising a puff of smoke. Minato finally passed two attempts and successfully deduced part of Kamui's ability. He had already deduced that Obito's body would materialize at the moment of attack. Before he had time to think of a countermeasure, he was interrupted by the sudden attack.

Accomplices?! It's really difficult!

The one holding the spear was the captain of the Samsara Squadron. At this moment, she put the spear on her shoulder. She was wearing a set of somewhat revealing but very beautiful crimson battle armor. The whole spear was blue, emitting a faint cold light under the moon.

Minato looked solemn, but Obito was a little silly.

No, who are these? Those strange people I saw outside the village a few days ago......Is it really coming for Konoha?

That arrow......There must be another one hiding in the woods. After careful observation, there is an unknown thing around that does not look like chakra.......Behind him!!

Minato used Flying Thunder God to jump again, and the next second the place where he was standing exploded, and the powerful shock wave and explosion sounded throughout the sky.

"Tsk, what a quick reaction."

A very balanced-looking man suddenly appeared at Minato's place, with an unhappy look on his face.

Explosion......Detonating Talisman? No, there is no chakra fluctuation from the detonating tag. It should be fire escape. And that person's ninjutsu level is very high, so he can't sense much chakra fluctuation.......Difficult......

He glanced at Obito in the distance and found that he was staring at him, as if ready to make a move. He was frightened.

Whether it was the masked man alone or the helpers, he was confident that he could deal with them, but once they joined forces,......Not to mention there was someone shooting a sneak attack in the woods.......

With rich combat experience, no matter how anxious Minato was, he had to test it out first. He took out several Flying Thunder God kunai from his arms and threw them at the enemies in the style of scattering flowers, and then took out a few flash bombs from his ninja tool bag.

When the reincarnations saw Minato shooting the kunai, the captain and another person quickly retreated, trying to get out of the range of the Flying Thunder God, but unfortunately, they failed. The kunai thrown by Minato was extremely fast and hit the captain's face in the blink of an eye. He squeezed the flash bomb in his hand, and a burst of light burst out. It was so dazzling in the darkness that the captain's eyes unconsciously narrowed slightly.

As an anti-human special attack ninja, Minato had no way to deal with the Nine-Tails, but he had plenty of ways to deal with a human-shaped enemy!

Death was at hand. The captain clenched the spear in her hand and swept it with unmatched power, hitting Minato solidly. She had no vision, but she heard a faint explosion that was almost covered up, and she almost didn't feel like she hit anything. It didn't seem like she was swinging in the air, but it seemed like she was swinging in the air.......

The moment it hits, it disappears.

Shadow clone! When!!

""Gain! Over there!"

The captain, who noticed something was wrong, immediately turned around and shouted to his teammates, but before he could finish his words, he saw a Minato appear next to his teammate. Minato was holding a huge Rasengan in his hand, and shot an arrow from the woods, aiming at Minato at a very fast speed, intending to intercept him.

Gain was the reincarnation who had attempted to attack Minato with an explosion. As soon as he heard the captain's voice, the tacit understanding over the years made him squat quickly, and a shield began to form around him to try to protect himself.

Unfortunately, it was too slow. In front of the yellow flash, no matter the condensation of the shield or the arrow, it was still.........Too slow!

This is the Spiral Flash Super Rondo Roar II!

A Rasengan was launched at Gain's head, but he narrowly avoided it and it only hit his back.

The Rasengan created a large spiral wound on Gain's back, and the formation of the shield was interrupted.

He was still thinking about leaving a Flying Thunder God mark, but he watched the arrow getting closer and closer.

He didn't know what was wrong with the arrow that he had to dodge, so another Flying Thunder God disappeared quickly, and Gain fell to the ground wailing, but he was not dead anyway.......

As Minato disappeared, the arrow was stuck in the tree.

The next moment, the tree began to wither, turn yellow, and gradually die.

How weird!

A drop of sweat dripped down Minato's forehead. It was probably because he ran fast.......We must not be hit by that arrow!

Seeing his teammate being badly injured, the captain quickly jumped to Gain's side, but his eyes never left Minato for a moment, keeping a close eye on him.

Obito, who was standing by, just watched quietly, watching these unknown people fighting with Minato.......Although he didn't understand their grudges, he didn't care.......He felt inexplicably annoyed with this group of people.

Listening to the deafening roar of the Nine-Tails not far away, Minato knew that he could not delay any longer.......But he couldn't go back to the village, so he had no support. Once these people joined the battle, it would cause���More serious consequences than the Nine-Tailed Fox......This voice suddenly appeared in his mind, telling him that the mysterious masked man could be put aside, but these people must be dealt with!

So, Minato began his duel with the Reincarnationist.......


The protagonist still has many unused draws, and we need to improve the concentration of this novel and the protagonist's combat effectiveness.

We are collecting moves, equipment, training methods, various skills, etc.

What moves do you want to see the protagonist use, regardless of their strength.

Those that are too strong can be arranged later.

You can leave a message here first.

The scope includes but is not limited to anime, novels, games, and creative moves.

Please note that all of them must include some rough descriptions.

Please be proactive.

I don't have any ideas.

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