Watergate is under a lot of pressure now......A mysterious masked man and his three accomplices, with strange abilities.

The woman holding a spear looks more like a samurai from the Iron Kingdom than a ninja.......But why not a knife? Such a long weapon is really hard to handle.

The fire ninja was crippled by him, but he should be able to stand up again. There is also a cold arrow shooter in the woods.......

He didn't have much time to think now. The woman picked up her spear and rushed over. It looked like she was going to be hard to deal with.

Obito stood aside calmly, watching the fight between Minato and the others. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.......But he just felt inexplicably unhappy and hoped that those people would die at the hands of Minato.......However, it is better to take action.

Obito decided to follow suit. Seeing the captain stabbing at Minato with his spear, he followed suit and reached out to Minato.

Facing the attack from both sides, he jumped high when the two rushed to him, dodging the captain's spear and Obito's attack at the same time, then turned in the air and hit the captain with the Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Obito can be hollowed, so this move will definitely not work on him, but this woman may not be the case.

Neither of them braked, and Obito went straight through the captain, just like he penetrated Minato, but the captain seemed to have anticipated it. The moment Minato jumped up, he thrust his spear, changing the straight stab to an upward thrust, blocking Minato's kunai attack, and then used Minato's power to brake forcibly, retreating at the cost of losing his balance, and returned to Gain.

Gain, who was lying on the ground wailing, also stood up at this moment. He touched the burning scar on his back with a grin, and a white ball appeared in his hand and he threw it at Minato.

Seeing this, Minato naturally didn't care about anything else. He used Flying Thunder God in the air and disappeared on the spot. He appeared again next to the Flying Thunder God Kunai on a tree.

But just as he stood firm, seven or eight arrows suddenly shot out from the woods and flew out, aiming directly at the surroundings of those Flying Thunder God Kunai, covering most of the Flying Thunder God Kunai, as if predicting Minato's landing point. Unfortunately, Minato was now in one of them.

The strange arrows and unprecedented techniques forced Minato to hide. After seeing clearly which Flying Thunder God Kunai were attacked in a short moment, he teleported to a Kunai that was not targeted.

As soon as he landed, he saw a sudden burst of white light under his feet. Before he had time to think about what it was, there was a violent explosion under him, and Minato was blown away.

The explosion happened almost instantly. After he reacted, he just barely used Flying Thunder God to transfer part of the explosion energy. He could only do this.

Before Minato, who fell to the ground, could get up, the captain rushed over with a spear. The blue spear in his hand emitted a silver-black light, and stabbed at Minato, who was lying on the ground, and hit him in the chest.

But soon, a burst of smoke suddenly exploded from Minato's body. The captain didn't even squint his eyes and looked at it.......A broken wooden stake lay quietly on the ground.......Minato, you really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve.

Before the captain could finish her sigh, she sensed that Minato had appeared behind her at some point. She wanted to hide, but how could she hide when her speed was far inferior to Minato's?

Minato fired a heavy Rasengan at her back, and the blow hit her right on the back. The energy of the Rasengan exploded wildly behind the captain's back, spinning. As Minato pushed it out with one hand, the captain screamed and flew backwards, collapsing on the ground, his life or death unknown.

Minato was a little embarrassed now, his clothes were a little torn, and he was still gasping for breath. He had dodged the previous shot with a substitute technique, but he was hit hard by the explosion.

Looking back at Gain, who was making a strange gesture with his hand, the kunai in his hand had just been thrown away, and countless arrows shot out from the woods behind him, heading straight for Minato.

These arrows looked a little unreal, emitting a white light under the moonlight.

They were not as strange as the previous arrow, but there were so many of them and they were so fast that he had to bite his teeth and teleport to another kunai instead of using Flying Thunder God to teleport to Gain.

He dodged the kunai by turning sideways, and then an explosion blew the kunai far behind him.

He didn't have any chance.......

And their companion fell to the ground, but the man's face showed no concern or panic.......

Is it because of discord within the team, or......

Minato was still thinking about how to break the impasse, but he suddenly heard a strange roar that he had never heard before, and it was approaching rapidly. He could even sense that his kunai that had been blown away was also approaching.

Support?! No, no one in the village knows I'm here now, so it can't be support.

No, this is support.

Fang Wuwei rode a cavaliere and arrived late at the battle site. When he saw the red frame marking the enemy's reincarnation, he was ready. He also reached out and caught the Minato brand Flying Thunder God Kunai that was flying towards him. Seeing that the distance was enough, he jumped high on the motorcycle, facing the moonlight, and released the rapid brake in the direction of the reincarnation.

Fang Wuwei jumped high, and the gravitational potential energy plus the speed and momentum brought by the rapid brake directly kicked towards the reincarnation Gain.

Gain hadn't reacted to where the inexplicable roar came from, but he sensed that a murderous aura was locking on him. In a hurry, he instantly compiled the previous���The shield he created when facing Minato, unfortunately, at this stage, Fang Wuwei, who had activated the rapid brake, was almost as fast as Minato.......Still didn't release it.

This flying kick hit Gain's back firmly.......

This time, his kidney was really injured.

He was disabled on the spot by Fang Wuwei's flying kick.

There was a terrible sound of fracture, and Gain spit out a large mouthful of blood mixed with fragments.

He flew out and collapsed to the ground, and it was declared GG.

Although he was not dead yet, he was breathing more than breathing in.

It was really cool when Fang Wuwei kicked him.

He had wanted to do this for a long time, not to mention that he drove to the scene for two and a half chapters and was so anxious.

It was really cool to kick him with a flying kick.

Minato stared blankly at Fang Wuwei's arrival and the kick, wondering where this guy came from. How come he had never seen such a strong person in the village?


He seemed to have seen it before, just two days ago, when he and Kushina went to Ichiraku Ramen!......It doesn't matter, support is here! Although I don't know what this person's background is, he should be a villager.......His intuition told him that even if it wasn't true, he should finish this fight first, deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox, and then settle the score!

Fang Wuwei held Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, and the unmanned Cavaliere rushed over behind him. With a single move of Fang Wuwei's hand, it melted into a ball of light and disappeared.

The current situation is much more optimistic.

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