A Flying Thunder God came to Fang Wuwei. Minato looked at the strange man next to him who was taller than him (Minato's height was 179.2, according to official data). Although he was a little puzzled, he still had to focus on the current situation.

"Don't die here, Fourth Hokage.

Fang Wuwei made a somewhat playful joke, and did not return Minato's kunai.

Instead, he put it on his waist and chased after Gain, who had just been kicked half to death by him.

Minato did not reply, and watched Fang Wuwei leave quickly to finish off the enemy.

Minato then locked his eyes back on Obito, who was standing at the edge of the OMO......

Two have been knocked down.

Now we just need to hold the masked man back and let this unknown backup take out the one hiding in the woods.


It's over.

It can't be over.

Fang Wuwei's speed is much slower than Shuimen's teleportation. Countless arrows were shot out from the woods, in front and behind, with the intention of hindering Fang Wuwei's progress, and also to stop and kill him.

Although I don't know where this guy came from,......No matter what, he must be killed first! Shuimen can be put aside for a while, this guy must die first!

Facing countless arrows, Fang Wuwei was not panicked at all.......What would Yasuo do when faced with a flying object


A sword appeared in Fang Wuwei's hand. After he drew out his sword, he moved forward on the ground, injecting the power of the gust of wind into the sword, creating a wind wall on the ground. As he moved forward and the sword kept moving, the wind wall continued to expand, steadily blocking his side.

All the arrows that hit the wind wall lost their damage, and were either blown away or fell to the ground, turning into bits of magic power and disappearing.

Seeing that those arrows had no effect on Fang Wuwei, the hidden reincarnationist became anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch Fang Wuwei rush over and stab Gain in the head with a knife.

【Eliminate 1 Reincarnationist, get 3727 points, and 1 free lottery chance.

Capture 1 Lord God Space Binding Protocol System, get 100 points.

The more powerful the Reincarnationist, the more valuable points are. At this level, points are not so scarce.

Hearing the familiar and pleasant sound coming from the depths of his soul, Fang Wuwei drew his sword. Minato and Obito were already confronting each other not far away. He now planned to rush into the woods to kill the one who shot the arrow.

But......It's not that simple.

Before he could turn around, a long spear came from behind and stabbed directly at Fang Wuwei's chest.

Oh my god! What the hell! When did it appear?

Fang Wuwei didn't react for a moment and could only watch the tip of the spear getting closer and closer.......In a hurry, Fang Wuwei gritted his teeth, ignored the cooling and forced to use the rapid brake, giving himself a lateral speed, narrowly avoiding the shot, but the tip of the gun scratched a little skin as Fang Wuwei moved, bringing a few drops of blood floating in the air.

Flying to the side, Fang Wuwei, who fell to the ground in a mess, quickly turned sideways and stood up, leaving two deep grooves on the ground, staring at the captain with a serious face. The captain now stood up straight, a little shaky, staring at Fang Wuwei with a pair of lifeless eyes, looking at him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Question, what will happen when looking into the eyes of a pair of kaleidoscopes that are proficient in illusion?

The captain's body suddenly stagnated, and then a mouthful of blood spit out of his mouth, his body became a little soft, his expression looked a little listless, and he stared at Fang Wuwei with an incredible face.

But Fang Wuwei didn't intend to waste this great opportunity. He dared to look at him. Did he think his mental strength was too low, or did he look down on the moon? He rushed forward on the spot, activated the power of subjugation, and attached a golden light to the shallow sword, drawing a bright and terrifying sword light in the air, going straight for the captain's head.

Faced with the life-and-death crisis, the captain had no time to mourn for his dead teammates, so he urgently raised his spear and used the blue spear barrel to block Fang Wuwei's attack, but was shocked and took two steps back, a little embarrassed.

The two of them were in a stalemate, and now it was a competition of strength, but Fang Wuwei soon discovered that the strength of the captain in front of him began to slowly increase, and he even began to be able to press forward two steps, slowly forcing Fang Wuwei back.

Moreover, the captain, who had already learned a lesson, now lowered his eyes and looked at Fang Wuwei's chest. Without Fang Wuwei's eyes in his field of vision, he could not use illusions.......

This was not a solution. Fang Wuwei decisively gave up the struggle and pushed the spear away. He turned around and slashed the captain's calf with a lightning-fast knife, but it didn't go deep.

That was enough. Next, he would just fly her.

Neither of them liked to talk during a fight. This was a silent duel.

But as Fang Wuwei continued to harass and attack, he found something wrong.......

Although this Reincarnationist had been injured, Fang Wuwei could see that she didn't have much defense at all.

She defended against her fatal attacks and let Fang Wuwei attack her in other ways.

What was even more strange was that the archer in the woods seemed to have given up on him and kept attacking and harassing Minato who was fighting with Obito.

Minato, who could have taken down Obito long ago, could only give up great opportunities again and again under the constant harassment of the archer, and he was very annoyed.

Minato used

Flying Thunder God to dodge the hidden arrow again, feeling a little irritated, but when he saw Fang Wuwei and the captain still fighting on the side, he knew that the fight between the two had entered a white-hot stage and he couldn't interfere.......There is no way, after all he is the Hokage.

Sighing slightly, Minato once again used the Thunder God Jump to dodge an arrow, and threw a kunai towards the depths of the woods, intending to kill the AD first. However, when the kunai was halfway through, countless illusory arrows were shot out from the depths of the woods. They were large in number but weak in power, and they rained down like arrows, knocking Minato to the ground.

This was not the first time that Minato threw a kunai, but all of them failed without exception.

Fang Wuwei, looking at the captain who seemed to not care about his injuries, began her attack with a spear slung over her shoulder. Repeated stabbings and side smashes made Fang Wuwei slowly fall into a passive position, and the battle between the two began to be dragged into the captain's rhythm.......Fang Wuwei finally understood that this guy was a masochist. The more serious the injury, the stronger he became. The more he was beaten, the stronger he became. His strength was endurance.

No wonder he had let me beat him for a long time.......Fang Wuwei broke out in a cold sweat and looked up at the radar. There were still three reincarnations outside.......We must fight quickly and decisively, we must.

Fang Wuwei's eyes condensed, and he lowered his head to avoid the captain's sweep again. Before the captain could attack again, Fang Wuwei had already activated the rapid brake again with the force of lightning and rushed towards the captain. The sudden burst of speed made the captain unable to react, and he was hit directly. He groaned in pain and followed Fang Wuwei to retreat.

Iron Man Duel Arena!

Fang Wuwei's hand had already touched the captain's chest, and then a dead black mist burst out of his body, covering the two of them, and disappeared in reality.

The captain's eyes suddenly became dazed, and darkness enveloped her. Before she could panic, the environment around her had changed drastically. The grass under her feet was now full of cold black fog, and the space around her became smaller, shrouded by countless dark green black fog, among which there were some undead who kept wailing, and the air in front of her was even a miserable green. It seemed that this place was born specifically for duels, like an arena.

"All right."

Fang Wuwei suddenly appeared in front of the captain not far away. He was surrounded by a burst of orange-red energy that enveloped him and slowly began to form bones. Some lines appeared out of thin air on it and gradually formed meridians and flesh, turning into an orange-red half-body giant with a huge body like a martial god.

"It's time to play something real."

The second form of Susanoo!

The captain was carrying a gun, looking at this half-body Susanoo, his mouth almost dropped, and he was dumbfounded.

No, you have this thing and you just fought me in hand-to-hand combat?!?!


Come up with some tricks, come up with some tricks, give the protagonist some good skills or something......I'm dead, hurry up and do something for me!

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