The captain looked at this half Gundam and shuddered. Damn, you are so sinister.......With this thing, you just fought me in a hand-to-hand fight, fishing for information gap?

Fang Wuwei didn't care about these, and controlled the Susanoo's big hand and smashed it, smashing it on the dark green ground of the Iron Man's singles arena, raising a black fog.

It seems to be solved, but Fang Wuwei knows that this matter is not that simple.

Turning back quickly, Fang Wuwei's Susanoo suddenly appeared in front of him with a huge shield in his hand. The captain behind him appeared at some point and stabbed it fiercely. Even if it hit the shield, half of the spear was inserted into it, and then it was quickly bounced away.

This is the Eight-foot Mirror, a divine shield without a physical body but with all attribute changes, and it has the same defense as Susanoo. The second form of Susanoo can be used, but the Tenfist Sword needs to be opened to the third form and the Karasu Tengu armor can be put on before it can be taken out, but Fang Wuwei is now difficult to control the third form of Susanoo. His pupil power and practice are not enough, and it is difficult to exist continuously, and it is very unstable.

He used the second stage to deal with the enemy because he was afraid that he would be exposed as soon as he opened the third stage. He could not even maintain the second form for long. He had to fight quickly. Fang Wuwei did not give the captain time to rest. He removed the Eight-foot Mirror, closed Susanoo's hands, and then quickly opened them. A ring of three magatama appeared between his hands and threw them towards the captain.

Yasaka's magatama!

Yasaka's magatama hit the ground, causing a violent explosion.......Since the space of the Iron Man Duel Arena was relatively small, the residual power of this explosion could affect the entire place, but the difference was the amount of power received.

The dark green fog raised by the explosion gradually dissipated. Before Fang Wuwei could see the situation inside clearly, a blue light rushed out and stabbed directly at Fang Wuwei.

The speed was so fast that Fang Wuwei didn't even have time to condense the Eight-foot Mirror. The blue light came in front of him and stabbed on Susanoo.

After just a moment of pause, the blue light pierced through Susanoo and attacked Fang Wuwei.

Susanoo turned into a ball of red fragments and scattered energy. In Fang Wuwei's astonished eyes, the blue light continued to rush, but the time it took for her to break through Susanoo allowed Fang Wuwei to react.

Shallow hit appeared in his hand, holding it with both hands, drawing a semicircle in front of his face and striking sideways to the right, while quickly braking and forcing it to open, applying speed to the left.

The blue light broke through Susanoo and stabbed straight at Fang Wuwei's head, but Fang Wuwei's sword strike hit the tip of the spear, causing the angle of the spear to tilt a little. At the same time, the speed brought by the rapid braking allowed him to dodge the shot, which only hit his ear, directly destroying his right ear. It was a minor injury, no big deal.

Fang Wuwei rolled on the ground twice in an extremely embarrassed manner, then quickly half-knelt to brake, stuck the knife into the ground, and used the knife to support his body to stand up. He understood what the blue light was. The blue light was stuck in the ground, and the captain was holding the spear and gasping for breath. At the same time, the wounds on his body kept bursting, bringing out countless blood, and the whole person turned into a bloody man.

The previous blow was her explosion.......The damage she received was reduced and distributed to all parts of her body. This meant that she now had not only external injuries but also internal injuries.......He took that shot just to fire that shot.......She should have killed him unexpectedly! She was almost there! She was almost there!!

She was seriously injured now, but......Her passive skill is that she gets stronger the more she fights, and the more seriously she is injured, which means that she is stronger now!!

The captain almost left an afterimage, an afterimage that was so hard to see even with a kaleidoscope. He came to Fang Wuwei and fired a shot at Fang Wuwei's body. Fang Wuwei didn't have time to react at all. He just saw a blue afterimage suddenly bombarding him, and instinctively made him tense his body. Then he was knocked to the ground by the shot, and flew out and hit the edge of the barrier. Countless green ghosts on the edge howled and wailed, as if they were laughing at him.

Regardless of the pain, Fang Wuwei struggled to get up, and rolled over quickly without even looking. Sure enough, as soon as he rolled over, a deep ditch appeared on the ground.

That reincarnationist is crazy.......Rather, her Berserker passive made her stronger, and she also wanted to end the battle quickly.

Fang Wuwei's brain was working rapidly. Facing a spearman, a Berserker spearman, not to mention that Susano had just been shattered and his right eye had not recovered yet, so......

The captain of the Samsara team attacked again, but this time Fang Wuwei did not dodge. A burst of blood-red light suddenly burst out from his body, producing a powerful force, which repelled the Samsara team leader who was stabbing at him rapidly. Then a pair of black and red bird feathers emerged from his back, and carried him high into the air before the captain of the Samsara team could stab him again at high speed, causing the captain's shot to miss again.

【Demonic Sublimation & Demonic Radiance

A-level skills

Description: Who can't fly? Right, Groudon?】

The ultimate move of Swain, the leader of Noxus in League of Legends, known as the Crow.

The demon wings behind Fang Wuwei emit bursts of energy, dyeing the area black and red, and matching the dark green surroundings.......Well, it's a bit creepy.

The energy that came out of Fang Wuwei's body began to linger around the captain, drilling into various wounds, seeping into his skin, and then bringing out waves of blood mist to drift towards Fang Wuwei who was suspended in the air. The blood mist energy that came out began to repair Fang Wuwei's body and heal his injuries.......Fang Wuwei touched his body. He had just had five or six ribs broken by the spear, but looking at this posture......I'm afraid it won't be long.......Right.

There is still time left for Iron Man to fight in the arena���Twenty seconds.

On the other side, the captain felt the pain in her body getting stronger and stronger, and her hands and feet began to become weak. The energy would absorb her vitality and vigor, and her Berserker passive began to fight against it, which caused her to suddenly feel her body getting stronger, then suddenly weaker, and then suddenly stronger.......It was as if she had hit a bug.

She knew that if she wanted to break the situation, she had to kill that person first, or wait until his skill time expired.......The captain who wanted to kill Fang Wuwei, looked at Fang Wuwei flying high in the sky, holding the spear in his hand, looking up blankly.

I didn't shoot at the air!

(Recalling the past~ tears still linger~♪)

Usually, ADs are responsible for shooting flying targets.......She could shoot the spear.......What if she misses? She'll be dead! That spear is half her life.......Try it, otherwise there is no other way.......

The spear in her hand was charged with magic power, and the spear instantly turned into a meteor and threw it out, stabbing Fang Wuwei fiercely.

The good news is that it did hit him.

The bad news is that he was not killed.

The spear hit one of Fang Wuwei's wings. Her idea was to knock him down first, and then use her excellent ground skills to kill him, but......This B skill doesn't make sense.......Who said I fly with wings?

Fang Wuwei, who had lost one of his wings, simply tilted his body, and then began to quickly and urgently inject magic power. In a short while, the wings grew back.

He is not the real Swain, there is a demon in his body, he is just borrowing a skill.

Fang Wuwei grabbed the falling blue spear with his hand, and then shook his hand and put it into the system space.

Looking at the captain with a pale face, Fang Wuwei smiled and opened his hands. As Fang Wuwei injected magic power, six white magic circles appeared around him, composed of hexagrams and some strange characters, floating in the air.

There are still eighteen seconds left in the Iron Man Duel Arena. If he wants to kill her within these eighteen seconds, he must use this new skill.......

【Suppressive Firepower

B-level skill

Description: Boy, have you heard of the East? 】

Continuous multi-stage high-speed magic bullet attack, which can become stronger as Fang Wuwei injects more magic power. The lower limit is low, but the upper limit varies from person to person.

Fang Wuwei waved his hand, and the six magic circles began to rotate. Then, countless magic bullets sprayed out from them. Although the damage was not high, the number was so large that it was like rain, directly drowning the captain.......

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