While the two of them were fighting (single) (Xiang) (painfully) (beating) inside, the situation outside became more and more serious.

The roar of the Nine-Tailed Fox in the distance became more and more violent, repeatedly touching Minato's uneasy heart.......It's been too long. No.......The reinforcement suddenly disappeared along with an enemy. I guess they were dragged into a one-on-one duel by the same space-time ninjutsu. I just hope he can solve it as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, he is really powerless here.......

Obito is unpredictable in close combat.

Although he has completely tested the strange space-time ninjutsu after countless fights, and knows the ability of this ninjutsu, it is not difficult for him to deal with it.

The difficulty is......

Every time he tried to defeat the mysterious masked man, the insidious archer in the woods would always attack at the most critical moment, and even predict that before his Flying Thunder God Second Stage teleported over, an arrow would be aimed at the point he was preparing to land.

He was forced to dodge and give up teleporting every time.......

Who knows what that strange attack is capable of?

And the archer shoots arrows and moves to another place at a very fast speed. He has no idea where that guy is now.......Not to mention that the masked man also knows ninjutsu, fire escape and even wood escape.......

Grandma, why is it so gloomy?......

He raised his hand again to knock away the arrow, but it was followed by another illusory burst of arrows, forcing him to teleport away with Thunder God.......

After performing Flying Thunder God many times in a row, his chakra consumption was huge.

He could see that the archer was stalling for time, as if waiting for his companions to come back.

But the mysterious masked man's attack rhythm was very tight, he was eager for quick success, and his temperament was impatient, which made him tired of parrying.

He was already a little impatient, but fortunately at this moment, a voice that excited him suddenly came from his side.

A voice that seemed to come from a thousand years of ice appeared beside him with a hint of weirdness, attracting the attention of the three people. Looking back, they saw Fang Wuwei standing on the ground with an excited face.

He was the only one.

Minato and the reincarnationist understood instantly that the remaining one was gone.

Me?! The captain is dead?!

The AD in the deep woods wanted to run away instantly, but unfortunately, Fang Wuwei would not give him this opportunity.

Minato didn't know where he was, but Fang Wuwei could see it clearly, after all, the radar was there.......That AD is invisible, even his aura is hidden so deep that it cannot be sensed at all......No wonder Minato couldn't find him, but now that he intervened, this guy had no room to hide.

Seeing Fang Wuwei rushing towards him with a clear goal, AD knew that this guy could see him, and he immediately shot a rain of arrows into the sky in an attempt to intercept Fang Wuwei. He quickly turned around and left, not caring about mourning the death of the captain and Gain. He only knew that if he didn't run, he would die.

The rain of arrows couldn't hurt Fang Wuwei at all. The wind wall opened to block those arrows. Fang Wuwei didn't chase him hard. A golden light appeared in his hand, and Fang Wuwei's hand grasped the Flying Thunder God Kunai that had been hanging on his waist.

""Eternal Sister!!"

Fang Wuwei threw the kunai, which shot straight into the depths of the forest, towards the rapidly leaving Reincarnator.

The power of the enemy made Fang Wuwei's kunai throw count as an attack, and the golden light attached to it made the kunai fly faster, so fast that the AD could not react and shoot in time to intercept it.

After Fang Wuwei shouted, he picked up the long sword and slashed at Minato who was fighting with Obito.

Minato heard the shout, and sensed that the Flying Thunder God Kunai was flying towards the depths of the woods, and understood what Fang Wuwei had done.......

A Rasengan quickly condensed in his hand, and Minato disappeared on the spot with a flying thunder god, raising a cloud of dust.

AD in the depths of the woods looked at the Flying Thunder God Kunai that was getting closer and closer and strangely carrying a burst of golden light, and hurriedly made a seal with one hand.

A stream of magic power burst out from his body, blowing up the Flying Thunder God Kunai so that it stagnated in the air for a moment before flying backwards.

The kunai had already reached his face, almost only half a millimeter away, but it was blown away, which suddenly gave him a sense of accomplishment in successfully counterattacking.

Humph, so what Minato? You still can't catch me!


Before a smile could appear on AD's face, before the kunai flew far, a hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the flying kunai in the air. The Rasengan in his hand brought out a burst of light, which made AD's eyes light up.......

Flying Thunder God Stage 2!!

Almost as soon as he was blown away, Minato came over with Flying Thunder God. Now the two of them were almost face to face. Minato's perception was also very strong. He quickly sensed that the sinister villain who had been harassing him for a long time would become invisible.

Without any hesitation, Minato fired a Rasengan and hit AD right in the chest. He screamed instantly. With the massive injection of Minato's chakra, the Rasengan began to become unstable, suddenly enlarged, and then exploded.

This shot completely killed AD. He lay on the ground without a breath, and his invisibility was also lifted. Minato moved forward to take a look. It was a muscular man who looked very majestic.......

Forget it, the most urgent task now is to go back for support.

Minato returned his gaze to the battlefield between Fang Wuwei and Obito, and returned with a Flying Thunder God.

On the other side, Minato suddenly disappeared, and before Obito could react, Fang Wuwei slashed at him with a knife, passing through Obito's body.

It didn't matter to Obito, he just changed the target, passed through Fang Wuwei's body, pulled with both hands, and tied him up with chains, intending to strangle Fang Wuwei.

Fang Wuwei is not Minato, and he can't use Flying Thunder God. He has his own way to escape.......With the power of the enemy, Fang Wuwei suddenly pulled with both arms, and Obito's handcuffs broke.

It was simple and crude, but very cool.

Obito seemed to stand there in a daze, and Fang���

He turned around and slashed with his sword, but Obito didn't even try to dodge, letting the sword pass through his neck.......It's not easy to mess with, so I have to leave, but Minato has already returned.......Shenwei cannot be used while penetrating......

It's difficult......

Fang Wuwei watched Minato appear, and a kunai stabbed towards Obito, but it passed through his body. Then he listened to the system prompt sounding in his mind, and he breathed a sigh of relief.......

"Fourth Hokage! I leave this to you!"

Fang Wuwei ignored it on the spot, threw a bag of unknown things to Minato, then jumped back, leaving the battlefield to Obito and Minato, a red and white stream flashed in his hand, and Cavaliere appeared again, he was going to moisten.

The bag he threw to Minato could restore magic power, and using it on Minato was to restore chakra.......

Although the effect is a little slow, he has already given it.

It is up to him whether to eat it or not.

There are still three reincarnations outside to deal with.

As for Obito? Leave it to this teacher and disciple.

Fang Wuwei rode on the Cavaliere heavy motorcycle, and disappeared into the night with a tailspin.

Minato wanted to stop him, but he couldn't.

He still had to deal with this mysterious masked man.......

We must find a chance to use the contract seal to sever the summoning contract between the masked man and the Nine-Tails!

Minato fought with Obito again. This time, there was no interference from the Samsara. In addition, he had already tested Obito's abilities and attack methods through countless attempts. He defeated Obito at an extremely fast speed and made Obito eat a screw cap that he was destined not to escape from. The victory and defeat were decided.

The battle here was over, but on the other side far outside the Konoha Village, two figures were fighting in the deep forest.

Ikeuchi Maki was panting heavily, with several scratches on her body. She felt a little uncomfortable due to fatigue and pain, but also a little excited, because her opponent was not much better.......

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