A little earlier......

Ikeuchi Maki, who followed Fang Wuwei's orders and left Konoha Village, was still wondering what would happen when the night fell.......What on earth would happen? The master left in a hurry, feeling a little uneasy. She looked up at the bright moon. As time passed, she became more and more sleepy.......It was already late at night, and even most people in Konoha Village had gone to sleep. She couldn't bear it any longer.

She made a bonfire, yawned, took out a small sleeping bag from her space bracelet, and prepared to go to sleep.......Since the master didn't come back, she had to deal with it herself. She didn't dare to run away again.

She had received this space bracelet from the master a long time ago. It contained a lot of luggage, equipment and other things.......I have to say it is very convenient.

Maki Ikeuchi leaned against the campfire, lit a plate of mosquito coils beside her, and got into the sleeping bag with a smile, feeling the warmth and softness wrapped around her. She couldn't help twisting her body and cricketing twice like a caterpillar. Her face was full of comfort, and she was in a very good mood and ready to go to bed.

But soon, there was a loud noise not far away, and the sound like an explosion woke her up from her drowsiness. Before she could react, she heard a terrible scream, accompanied by a thunder-like crash that reached her ears.

What's going on?!

Maki Ikeuchi, who was no longer sleepy, got up in an instant, got out of the sleeping bag cleanly, and looked in the direction of the sound with a little sleepiness.

She saw it, she saw the fox demon roaring and destroying wildly under the moonlight, the symbol of destruction and hatred.......The Nine-Tailed Fox that the master had mentioned.

After only one glance, Ikeuchi Maki knew that the monster was definitely not something he could deal with. He was afraid that if he just waved in front of it, he would be killed by the aftershocks of its attack.......She understood why her master wanted her to leave quickly.

Shivering, Ikeuchi Maki put on her shoes, stomped out the bonfire, put on her clothes, and hurriedly prepared to leave.......Now it seems that this place was chosen too hastily. It is too close to the village. It will be affected in a minute. Run quickly. Run quickly.......

But just as she finished packing her things and was about to run away, the wailing and screaming of countless civilians in Konoha Village came to her ears on the wind, causing her to stop running.

The wailing filled with despair and pain, the unbearable screams......The impact on Maki Ikeuchi's soul again and again, she was instantly in a dilemma, should she run, or......

However, she understood that this time was not like the last time. Once she really stepped into the attack range of the fox demon, she would probably die.......But her kind soul as a human being repeatedly stopped her from leaving.

But in the end, Ikeuchi Maki still left with tears in her eyes.......She didn't want to die, let alone die so miserably.........................

"I really can't bear it!! Master! Mom and Dad! Forgive me!"

Ikeuchi Maki's figure shuttled through the forest, and with tears in her eyes, she began to run towards the nearby Konoha Village at full speed.

But on the way, she met a person, a woman with thick golden hair, who looked like a European and American, passing by her.

Is she the one who escaped?

"Miss! Miss! Please wait a moment!"

Mandis, who was searching for an additional base in the forest with full perception, suddenly heard a voice coming from nowhere, which startled her. She turned her head quickly and saw a girl looking at her anxiously. It must be her who made the sound.

This person? When was she there? Why can't I sense it!

Mandis, who was scared and sweating, stopped and looked at Ikeuchi Maki vigilantly, but soon found that she really couldn't sense her.......I was actually scared by something like this.......That means most of her skills are ineffective against her, and she is also a scout, usually playing a supporting role in the team.

"Miss, are you calling me?"

It was clearly English, but what appeared in Ikeuchi Maki's ears was the Japanese language she was familiar with, and it was very innocent. Unfortunately, Ikeuchi Maki didn't notice this detail. She thought Mantis ran away from the village.......

"Yes! What is the situation in the village now? I want to save people!"

Save people?"

Mandis narrowed her eyes.......Is this the sentry she was looking for?

A plan came to her mind.......

"Ah, yes! Yes! I escaped from the village! Mr. Ninja, please take me to your evacuation point!"

Mantis’ main task this time is to find the evacuation point for those who evacuated from Konoha. According to the intelligence, there are a large number of key points including Kakashi and Iruka, as well as a large number of civilians who can be easily reached. She was naturally sent here because of her strong perception, but her task is to find and mark, not to fight. The battle will be dealt with after the captain and others have dealt with the fourth generation.

Thinking that Maki Ikeuchi was a secret ninja, she now planned to find the evacuation point from Maki Ikeuchi, which would be much easier. So she ran to Maki Ikeuchi on the spot and pretended to fall down, so that Maki Ikeuchi quickly helped her up with an anxious face.......Seeing Ikeuchi Maki's speed that could not be matched by an ordinary person and her anxious expression that did not seem fake, Mandis was more certain that the person in front of her must be a ninja sentinel.

Her heart was extremely twisted. What she wanted to see was that this person led her to the evacuation point, only to find out that he was the disaster that brought death.......

The contrast , the fear, and the delicious anger are so tempting!

"Ninja? No no......I'm not a ninja, evacuate or something......I don't know either!"

After helping Mandys who had fallen, Maki Ikeuchi also patted the dust off her body. Maki Ikeuchi was full of anxiety, but Mandys was different.......No? With such a powerful perception shielding ability and strength that is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to have, you told me that you are not a ninja? You don't know the evacuation point?

She doesn't believe it.

""Mister Ninja! Stop kidding! You must be Sir Ninja, please take me to the evacuation point!"

Mandis hugged Maki Ikeuchi's shoulders and shook her, her voice a little hysterical.

Maki Ikeuchi was overwhelmed.......She really wasn't, but she couldn't bear to push this"poor civilian" away, and she stood there frozen for a moment.......

But soon, the Nine-Tailed Fox roared again, mixed with the screams of the villagers. Although Ikeuchi Maki was terrified, she still decided to save people.

She is the brilliant wind who has made saving the people of the world her life goal! Even if she has no power, even if she has no ability, she still can't bear to see others suffer, can't bear to see pain, let alone the weak and innocent civilians.......

"Miss......I really don't know, but you can rest here first and wait for the ninja you mentioned to take you to the evacuation point!......I'm going to save people!"

With a ruthless heart, she pulled Mantis's hands apart, pushed her to the side and let her rest first, took out some food and drink from her space bracelet and handed it to her, then turned around and intended to leave.

Mantis lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, but soon she noticed that the girl's bracelet could actually store things.......Moreover, it was so beautiful, the color and style were very much to her liking, and she immediately became greedy.

She actually had not watched the so-called"Naruto" anime in this world. Her understanding of this world was all from the captain of the same team and the general introduction of the main god space. Otherwise, she could easily recognize that Ikeuchi Maki was not a ninja, and there was no such thing as a space container in this world.......But this did not stop her from snatching. In her eyes, all the lives in the world except them were pigs.

It is better to say that all the reincarnations think so.

Looking at Ikeuchi Maki who settled her and left, Mantis pinched the food left by Ikeuchi Maki in her hand, crushed them roughly, stood up and chased after Ikeuchi Maki, even using skills, and in the blink of an eye she was on top of Ikeuchi Maki's head, her hands turned into claws, leaving a scarlet scratch, and grabbed Ikeuchi Maki.

Since you can't do what I want, then it's better for you to die.

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