Maki Ikeuchi was completely caught off guard by Mantis's sudden attack.......In her eyes, Mantis was just an innocent and pitiful commoner who ran away from the village. This claw grabbed her very firmly, causing sparks and blood.

Wait, sparks?

Looking at Maki Ikeuchi who was flying backwards, Mantis grabbed her hand. She felt that the feeling just now was not right. There was no feeling of flesh and blood. It was more like a claw grabbing an iron plate.

She felt something was wrong and was about to go forward to finish her off, but she saw that Maki Ikeuchi had already stood up, so she had to give up.

Maki Ikeuchi felt the burning pain on her back, took a deep breath, and stood up in pain.......If he hadn't worn the gold silk soft armor given by his master, he would have no fighting power now.

Fang Wuwei gave Ikenai Maki a lot of things before he left. After all, this place was too dangerous. The so-called gold silk soft armor was actually just a chain mail made of special materials, so he couldn't use it.......After all, he had Susanoo, so he gave it to Ikeuchi Maki, but he didn't expect to use it now.

Ikeuchi Maki stood up with a grin, and slowly turned his head to look at the"innocent and poor civilian", that Mandisi.......This claw made her very angry, but also very puzzled.


"Why? Of course I want your bracelet!"

Mandis saw that the sneak attack failed, but she was not discouraged. She squatted on the ground, put the hand that had just scratched Ikeuchi Maki in front of her mouth, and licked the remaining blood on it.......So delicious......

"No......What I'm asking is......"

Ikeuchi Maki has already vaguely guessed who this person is - this person doesn't have a ninja forehead protector, so he can't be a ninja, and the master once said that their mission in traveling through the other world is to kill the"enemies of the other world" in order to protect the safety and existence of this world.......She didn't understand it before, but now, she has seen the so-called alien enemy with her own eyes. When she thinks of the fox demon that is causing trouble inside,......

"Why do you want to destroy Konoha Village?"

Looking at the girl who seemed to be full of anger, Mantis suddenly smiled. Mantis's smile was not very beautiful, but it was not ugly either. It was just that in the eyes of Ikeuchi Maki, that smile was so evil and disgusting.

"You are so naive......Why? How dare you ask such a question?

Mandis stood up straight and looked at Ikeuchi Maki, who was already full of anger, with a mocking look.

"Of course, it's for the sake of profit! Those lives, those lowly inferior species, those lowly inferior species who don't know the existence of the Lord God and have never set foot outside this vast universe, are only worthy of becoming those points on our panel! Become the power that accompanies us! They are just a bunch of pigs.......You too!"

Ikeuchi Maki was more angry than ever before, and her body began to tremble with anger.

"and......Don't you think that? The sound of those pigs screaming is so beautiful and so beautiful......."

Mandis opened her arms, morbidly in the moonlight, with a face full of joy, facing the moonlight, as if she was telling the most beautiful thing in her life.

"me......I like to see them struggling......."

Maki Ikeuchi looked at the disgusting scene in front of her, silently took out the Fuchen Knife from her space bracelet, and clenched it with her hands that were shaking with anger. With Maki's steady breathing, ripples appeared on it, bringing a burst of energy.

She was so angry that she couldn't speak, and now she just wanted to defeat her.

The screams and wails from Konoha Village rang in her ears.......Ikeuchi Maki took a starting stance, stepped heavily on the ground, and rushed towards Mantis, creating a hurricane, the ripples of which were transmitted to the whole body to strengthen the body, and swung a horizontal slash at Mantis, who naturally jumped back and fell not far away. Ikeuchi

Maki did not stop, and quickly rushed forward to slash again. Mantis stretched out her hand to block it, but easily grabbed the blade and held it tightly.

Seeing this, Mantis became even more rampant, and the mockery on her face became even more intense.......Such a weak creature, such an inferior species, really deserves to be trampled under her feet.......

Before she could crush the blade in her hand, Maki Ikeuchi's face turned grim, and he injected color-changing ripples into the blade.

Silver ripples rushed!

The ripple energy can be conducted through metal, and this arrogant enemy in front of her can just use it.

The ripples drilled into Mantis's hand along the blade. A pain in her hand made Mantis reflexively let go of her hand and took two steps back, but the ripples did not disappear. The amount of ripples injected by Maki Ikeuchi was very large, and it had already drilled into Mantis's body along the palm of her hand. Although it could not be conducted far, it was also continuously destroying her muscle tissue.

Feeling the pain coming from inside her arm, Mantis's face was suddenly filled with extreme anger.......

Obviously! Obviously it's just a pig! A lowly inferior species! How dare you......How dare you?!

Mandis was a little out of control. Her mind was not stable. In fact, it was because of this that the captain arranged her to be a scout, and she was often not directly involved in the battle.......This kind of mentally ill thing, once things don't go the way she thinks, it's easy to hurt others and herself.

Maki Ikeuchi, who was standing by, broke free from Mantis's grasp, immediately took a big step back to distance herself, squatted slightly to stabilize her lower body, and held a knife to guard Mantis.......She was calmer now than before, but the desire to defeat Mantis had not disappeared.

Ikeuchi Maki panted silently in place, keeping her breathing rate constant, transmitting the gradually recovering ripples to herself, and began to recover her physical strength and the scratch on her back.......Her body began to gradually return to its peak, and her injuries were gradually healing.

Mandis, who was already a little crazy, had no intention of giving Ikeuchi Maki this chance. Although she didn't know what she was doing, this inferior thing actually hurt her, so she deserved to die.

"You bastard!!"

Mandis ignored the ripples of her hand tearing at her arm muscles, roaring and rushing towards Maki Ikeuchi like crazy. She had already lost some of her mind. What mission, what main god space, now all was thrown behind her. Now the only thing she wanted to do was to cut open the man in front of her and kill him alive, so that this person would regret why she offended her in extreme pain.

This is what a madman does.

Looking at Mandis rushing towards her like crazy, even Maki Ikeuchi couldn't help swallowing her saliva.......As the saying goes, the strong are afraid of the arrogant, the arrogant are afraid of the stupid, and the stupid are afraid of the desperate. Now Ikeuchi Maki is the stupid one, and the guy in front of him is the desperate one. This crazy energy......Damn, she is a complete lunatic.

Mandis, who was at full power, suddenly opened her mouth and let out a high-pitched roar. The sharp sound pierced into Maki Ikeuchi's ears, shocking her so much that her mind suddenly froze. Her eyes went black in an instant, and then she returned to normal. Mandis had already reached her face and clawed at her face.

Maki Ikeuchi understood that she was going to disfigure her, but she couldn't avoid this claw.......

Mandis was faster than her.

She felt a pain on her face.

Even though Ikeuchi Maki quickly retreated, she couldn't avoid it.

She was caught on the face.

One side of her face was torn.

Fortunately, her eyes and other organs were not caught.......

But at this moment, Ikeuchi Maki's heart hurt more than her face.

She really cared about her cute and beautiful face.......

Although she had her master's Stone Wings, she was still annoyed.

So as soon as she stood firm, Ikeuchi Maki swung her knife as if predicting, and chopped it right in front of Mandis who was rushing towards her, adding another wound and blocking her at the same time.

Ripples began to move on her face, gradually allowing the bleeding side of her face to slowly recover. Although it would eventually rely on the Stone Wings to fully recover, it was more than enough to stop the bleeding.

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