Mantis, who had fallen into madness, was gradually dragged into the rhythm of her attack by the rational Ikeuchi Maki. Although she had many more wounds on her body, they were all superficial injuries without exception. Using the ripples could slightly alleviate the injuries and restore her physical strength.

It seemed that things were getting better and better, but as Mantis's wounds increased, she suddenly regained some sanity.......This is definitely not a solution. She will never be able to catch this inferior loach.

So, Mantis regained some of her sanity and began her attack.......

She rushed forward again, clawing as usual, and Maki Ikeuchi dodged as usual, then predicted a slash with a knife, but this time, Mandis suddenly twisted her body when the knife was about to fall on her, and clawed Maki Ikeuchi's abdomen from the side.

The sharp claws and powerful thrust applied to Maki Ikeuchi's abdomen, almost making her vomit her dinner.

With this force, Maki Ikeuchi hurriedly retreated, intending to distance herself, but suddenly bumped into a tree and stopped, with a little blood oozing from her head.

Her scalp was broken.

Before she could recover, she saw Mandis in front of her, leaving a residual image, rushing towards her again. In a hurry, Maki Ikeuchi squatted with a pale face, avoiding Mandis's critical strike that broke a tree in half.

Seeing Maki Ikeuchi squatting to avoid this attack, Mandis felt angry again, and kicked Maki Ikeuchi hard, kicking her away, and rolling on the ground in an awkward manner.

"Inferior! If I hadn't been unable to lock you, you would have been drowned in my rage! Do you really think that an inferior like you can compete with me? Don't eat your sour carrot!"

Maki Ikeuchi struggled to stand up, but before she could stand up straight, Mandis chased after her and kicked her again, and Maki Ikeuchi flew up again, falling to the ground five or six meters away and twitching.

It hurts so much......It hurts......

Pain swept through Ikeuchi Maki's body, causing her to curl up unconsciously, but she knew that now was not the right time. Seeing Mandis approaching, she endured the pain and rolled over, and happened to dodge Mandis's kick again.

Mandis was even more annoyed this time, and ran up and kicked Ikeuchi Maki's chest again. This kick was heavier and more crazy than before.

"Inferior species are inferior turns turns out......"

Walking forward, Mantis grabbed Maki Ikeuchi's hair with one hand and lifted her up in the air. The pain on her scalp made Maki Ikeuchi's face twitch uncontrollably, but Mantis quickly slapped her in the face. She already had a wound on her face, and now her face was covered in blood.

Pain and humiliation filled Maki Ikeuchi, and despair and unwillingness were brewing.

But above that, there was anger. Angry that this person in front of him had no humanity, angry that this person in front of him kept talking about inferior pigs.......She was angry at the man in front of her, who didn't treat her as a human being.

Mandis didn't stop, slapping Ikeuchi Maki in the face again and again, cursing and swearing.......Ikeuchi Maki understood that Mandis was venting her anger like a madman.

She was also angry, but she had to endure it.......She was not crazy. In order to survive and punish this person, Ikeuchi Maki silently endured the humiliation and pain, using the gap between the slaps to adjust her breathing and restore the ripple energy.

She did not drop the knife in her hand, but held it tightly in her hand, just like her other hand, which was already throbbing with rage.

Mandis's crazy venting of anger seemed to make her a little tired. She looked at the girl who was held in the air by her hand and there was no movement. Although she still had her eyes open, she could not feel the breath of life in her hand. She knew that this girl had been tortured to death by her, just like those people before.......Angrily throwing Maki Ikeuchi to the ground and spitting on her, Mantis was about to leave swearing.

Maki Ikeuchi, with her eyes wide open, stared at Mantis's back. She had been waiting for this moment for a long, long, long time.

Ripples spread throughout her body with her anger and penetrated her knife. The three-color ripples of silver, red, and gold attached to the knife, so coordinated that it seemed that the ripples were supposed to be this color. She quickly got up, not afraid of causing any noise. Maki Ikeuchi, with a heart full of anger, stabbed Mantis in the chest with a knife, sending a chill through her heart.

Mantis never expected that this person was still alive and stabbed her hard with a knife.......However, she did not stab her heart.

This would be the biggest mistake she had ever made in her life.

Mandis's face quickly went crazy. She turned around and wanted to hit Maki Ikeuchi, but attracted a critical hit.

Maki Ikeuchi kicked Mandis with both hands tightly holding the hilt of the knife. This kick not only kicked Mandis back, but also pulled out the knife, allowing her to breathe.

She had used three ripples just now, which was already her limit. In addition to the sneak attack, she was actually fully capable of stabbing Mandis to death with one knife, but......She didn't. At the moment of the knife falling, she hesitated for a moment, and finally she stabbed it beside the heart.

Even if many people are really angry to the limit, their minds are full of thoughts of killing people, but when the person is really in front of you, you can really kill that person, will you still do it as cleanly and neatly as you think?

Not to mention, Maki Ikeuchi still has some words to say to Mandis.

The knife caused a lot of damage to Mandis. The three-color ripples were transmitted crazily in her body. The cutting and burning sensations made her feel so painful that she screamed and twitched crazily on the ground.

Maki Ikeuchi walked forward and watched Mandis rolling crazily on the ground, wailing in pain, and just remained silent.

Gradually, Mandis stopped struggling, lying on the ground, her face returned to anger, her eyes slowly closed, and there was no movement.

Maki Ikeuchi looked up at the moonlight.......Mom and Dad, I......She killed someone.

She didn't behave like I imagined, nor did she behave like those murderers in novels.......Maybe this man deserved to die.

With a sigh, Maki Ikeuchi was about to take a breath, but she found that Mantis under her feet had moved.

She suddenly opened her eyes, her entire skin began to turn red, her hair began to turn wine red, her face was full of madness, and she let out a super high-pitched roar, which directly shattered Maki Ikeuchi's eardrums. Her head was buzzing, and she couldn't help but cover her ears and step back, while beginning to be alert to Mantis who suddenly came back to life.

Blood flowed from her ears, and Maki Ikeuchi's ears were buzzing. Tinnitus and earache began to appear, but she still retained a slight hearing.

In order to protect herself, Maki Ikeuchi slashed with a knife and directly cut Mantis. Mantis had already stood up and rushed towards Maki Ikeuchi. Now she was more powerful than others.......More like a scary demon.

"You lowly beast! You must eat it! You inferior species!"

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