Mantis no longer looks like a human being.

Her skin has turned purple-red, her hair has changed from blond to wine red, and a pair of vertical eyes have grown on her cheeks, full of violence and resentment. Her teeth have become sharp shark teeth, her hands have become four hands, and her fingers have become claws, which are extremely sharp and more lethal. She has even become much stronger all over.

She looks very strong, more like a tyrannical demon than a human.

But......Everything has a price. The result of Mantis's opening of the second stage is a sharp decrease in lifespan and the exposure of her fatal weakness.

Her heart is now exposed on the surface of her body, beating violently and seemingly full of energy.

She was forced to open such an ugly form that she hated, not to mention......Being beaten so badly by a dirty and despicable creature, Mandis was furious and lost her mind. She stepped on the ground and created a spider web-like crack. She rushed towards Ikeuchi Maki like a flying fly, punching out with both fists on one side.

Ikeuchi Maki hadn't recovered yet. She only had time to raise her knife to block it before she was knocked out by the blow. She fell to the ground hard, even more embarrassed and in more pain. The Fuchen knife in her hand also made a sound, as if it was already overwhelmed, and some cracks appeared on the blade.

Struggling to get up, Ikeuchi Maki immediately rolled sideways to avoid Mandis's punch, and then swung a knife and chopped Mandis's hand firmly.

But unlike before, it didn't leave a wound. This time, the knife made a sound of metal collision, which made Ikeuchi Maki's eyes widen.

The knife was stuck, leaving only a shallow cut, and no damage was caused.

Mandis screamed to the sky, full of anger and mockery, and smashed with both fists again, knocking Ikeuchi Maki away. Ikeuchi

Maki, who was holding the knife tightly, flew out under this blow, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, lying on the ground gasping for breath......

Fortunately , her knife came out with

Looking at the attacking Mantis, Ikeuchi Maki pulled herself up, took out something from the space bracelet, and slammed it on the ground.

Suddenly, a violent smoke rose up, instantly blocking Mantis's vision. Mantis's kick also stomped hard on the ground, creating a deep pit, but there was no sign of Ikeuchi Maki. Where did she go?

At this moment, Ikeuchi Maki had just jumped away quickly, and was now panting frantically in a corner of the thick fog, recovering her breathing rhythm, panting to recover the ripples, and using the ripples to relieve the pain and injuries in her body. Such a strong enemy......So seriously injured......So......Near death......

Mantis was in the thick fog, howling madly, waving her limbs towards the disturbing, blinding fog around her, as if she was trying to blow away the thick smoke.

"Bastard! Beast! Inferior! Come out! Coward!"

There was no response in the thick smoke, which made Mandis even more angry, but she suddenly remembered that she could sense things, so she forced herself to calm down and began to carefully sense everything in the thick smoke, hoping to find Ikeuchi Maki, and then......She swore that she would gut this inferior creature and brutally kill him!!!

She had completely forgotten that she couldn't sense Ikeuchi Maki when she first saw her. She closed all four eyes and sensed carefully. Everything in front of her eyes was dark, but her heart was bright. Her mental power expanded outward, and she could see the thick smoke that only blocked her vision clearly, even the grass on the ground and the insects hiding in it.

But she couldn't sense anyone in the smoke. There was no one else except her.

Ran away? Ran away......Run away!!!!

Mantis raised her head to the sky and let out a terrifying roar. Her anger had completely worn away her rationality.


Mandis's roar echoed through the forest, but no one responded to her.......


A breeze gently blew over her body, caressing every corner of her body, and then passed this information to another breeze, letting it slowly carry it into the thick fog.

In the thick smoke, Ikeuchi Maki was calmer than ever before. Under the threat of death, she had to try to save herself.......These smoke bombs are just a delaying tactic.

Taking a deep breath, Ikeuchi Maki began to recall what his master had taught him.......The wind is so gentle and so sharp. It can make people feel warm and cut them into pieces.

The wind is so beautiful, the wind is so kind, and the wind is so......Powerful.

A breeze slowly appeared out of thin air around Ikeuchi Maki, swirling around her body, but Ikeuchi Maki still kept her eyes closed, seemingly unable to sense the presence of the wind.

Her hearing was greatly impaired, and it was difficult for her to hear clearly the roar of Mantis in the thick fog. Her only way out now was the strong wind.

Wind!......Respond to me......

As if hearing her request, she felt a breeze falling on her face, gently caressing her wounds. Her bloody face......So cool, yet so warm......

Suddenly, she entered a mysterious state. Although her eyes were closed, she suddenly saw the scenery.......She saw countless birds flying in the woods, countless green grasses under her feet, and the demon roaring in the thick smoke.

She even heard the whispers of the wind, and heard what the wind told her, the roar of Mantis.

With a slight smile on her lips, Ikeuchi Maki knew that she had won.

"you......They keep saying that those people are just breeding pigs, just inferior breeds......."

Ikeuchi Maki's voice suddenly appeared, causing the angry Mandis to pause for a moment and panic.......Impossible, I clearly......Unable to perceive......

"You keep saying that the people here are born despicable and deserve to be the mud under your feet and the points in your mouth."

"What's wrong?! What's wrong!"

"You are totally wrong."

Ikeuchi Maki's voice made it impossible to tell the exact direction. Her voice came from all directions, as if it was moving quickly, but it was also very ethereal, making it hard to tell the distance and direction.

Ikeuchi Maki's voice was transmitted to Mantis' ears through the wind, but she was irrational and didn't know anything.

"In my opinion, everyone is so lovely, so beautiful, and every life has its own value.

They have joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness. They have their own lives, their own thoughts, and their own souls.

They have families, companions, and themselves. Everyone is like this, and everyone has their own dreams and lives.

Because in my eyes, they are people, living people."

Mantis's mouth was crooked with laughter, but she was also angry. The combination of the two made her face extremely ugly.

"They! Are! Just! Pigs! They deserve it.......They deserved to die. It's their honor to become part of our power!!"

Maki Ikeuchi suddenly fell silent. Anger swept through her body again. The breeze around her suddenly grew stronger and gradually turned into a strong wind, instantly blowing away the thick smoke.

As the smoke cleared, Mandis and Maki Ikeuchi looked at each other, with anger hidden in their eyes. The strong wind swirled around Maki Ikeuchi, forming a terrible whirlwind, so sharp and so powerful that it hurt Mandis.

Maki Ikeuchi raised the knife high, and the strong wind gathered on the knife, ready to go.

"you......Unworthy of being a human being......

What do you think of life as?!!"

Face the gale!!!

With a roar, Ikeuchi Maki slashed the long sword in his hand fiercely, and a terrible tornado blew out and attacked Mantis.

The gale was extremely violent, and each gust of wind was so sharp and so powerful that she felt death in it.

She wanted to escape, but the terrible wind pressure nailed her to the spot, unable to move.

Captain......Where is the captain?!

Between life and death, she remembered the reliable captain and hurriedly opened the panel to see three black heads including the captain.

The captain is dead......

In the midst of infinite fear, Mandis was blown up into the sky by the tornado, spinning in the sky, the strong wind tore her body, and the violent wind completely tore her exposed heart apart, and finally turned into a lifeless, broken body, falling to the ground like a broken sack.

Mandis, really dead.

Ikeuchi Maki looked at Mandis falling to the ground, her body no longer resembling a human, her eyes went black, her body went limp, and she just fell to the ground and fainted.


Long-awaited update!

Come on! I hope you guys are still���Forgot who to praise!!!

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