The moon was high in the sky, and the night that should have been peaceful and tranquil was now filled with death and fear.

Fang Wuwei had just ridden his cavaliere out when he heard the Nine-Tails' violent roar from Konoha in the distance. Unlike the violent and terrifying roars before, this roar contained a hint of relief.

Minato successfully deprived Obito of control over the Nine-Tails, and now the Nine-Tails was out of control.......I'm afraid Minato has already returned to Konoha. Damn it, I still have to hurry. If I had known that Minato would be able to deal with it so quickly, I would have stayed a little longer and asked him to give me a ride.

Looking up at the radar, he found a red dot outside the team, which was closely connected to a green dot on the radar.

The green dot represented people like them who were guardians, and now besides himself, there were only......

Fang Wuwei tilted the front of the car, drifted, stepped on the accelerator and sped away into the depths of the woods, but he was extremely anxious.......If this happens,......But halfway through the journey, they discovered that the red dot on the radar had disappeared, and the system notification sounded, indicating that another Reincarnationist had been killed.

Ikeuchi Maki had killed a Reincarnationist alone.

Fang Wuwei was immediately stunned.......Damn, when did my cheap apprentice become so powerful?

But soon, the roar of the Nine-Tailed Fox not far away brought him back to his senses. Since Maki had dealt with one, I had to work harder, solve it quickly, and go home quickly.......

Cavaliere turned around quickly and sped towards the two red dots on the radar.......................................................

"I'm super......Xiaohua, take a look at the main god system......"

"No leader......The captain and Gain are all dead? Is Minato so strong that he can fight four people alone?!"

"The Nine-Tail is out of control......Damn, Minato is so powerful, he really beat me"

"So what should we do?......"

Earlier, after the captain and the other three members of the team that besieged Minato were wiped out, Lotte and Xiaohua, who went to Konoha Village, immediately discovered the death of the captain and others, which frightened them greatly.

In their impression, the captain was super strong, with extremely powerful attack power and miraculous marksmanship, plus her passive ability that made her stronger with each battle. She was always considered invincible in single combat, and her only weakness was anti-air, but AD was also there.......AD can attack with four times the speed of air targets, and can also be invisible, which can only mean that Minato is incredibly powerful.

Not long ago, Mantis, who went out to find a hidden evacuation point, also died.......The cause of death is unknown, it can't be that he was killed by someone on the way, right? The psychopath was probably scolded at the evacuation point and couldn't help but go berserk and was killed in return.......

Le Tian and Xiao Hua were no longer bothered to complete the task of taking advantage of the situation in Konoha Village. Now the two of them were squatting in a dark and safe corner to think about countermeasures. Xiao Hua kept biting his nails, and Le Tian looked at the moon in the sky anxiously. Both of them were sweating profusely.

The next moment, Le Tian, who had been looking up at the sky, suddenly grabbed Xiao Hua's collar, and then jumped away with Xiao Hua. They had just left, and the place where they were squatting was smashed to pieces by a flying giant building wreckage.

Xiao Hua was so hurt that he stopped talking when he saw the miserable state of the place where they were squatting before he could say a word of curse.

It was the Nine-Tails, and it was still destroying Konoha Village. Although the two of them had been far enough away from the Nine-Tails for safety, they never expected that it could still fly over?

"Bad luck......What bad luck that beast......"

He cursed the Nine-Tailed Fox secretly, but the Nine-Tailed Fox seemed to have heard it. It suddenly glared at the two of them, then waved its hand, and another piece of the house debris flew over.


The two of them turned pale and jumped away on the spot. The next moment, the place where they stood was destroyed again.

Although there were countless ninjas around who were dragging and attacking the Nine-Tailed Fox, they were still too powerless to deal with such a huge monster as the Nine-Tailed Fox.......

Although the Nine-Tailed Fox has returned to normal, it still refuses to give up and continues to wreak havoc.

Just as Le Tian and Xiao Hua were still lamenting how beastly the Nine-Tailed Fox was, they heard a sound like the roar of an engine suddenly ringing in their ears.......

Engine? ?

The two were still wondering when suddenly Le Tian was thrown out by Fang Wuwei in the Cavaliere Chuang from behind. The two long spikes on the front of the heavy motorcycle pierced through his chest. Le Tian's body drooped instantly and he let out a series of screams. The lower half of his body was dragged on the ground for several meters, leaving a bloody mark on the ground.


Until Letian was completely caught under the wheel and Cavaliere could not move, Fang Wuwei stopped the car without recalling Cavaliere. He just got out of the car and looked at Xiaohua not far away.

Letian was not dead yet, at least the system had not given a prompt, so the car could not be cancelled. Just keep it like this, that's good.

Deal with this guy first.

Fang Wuwei looked back, and when Xiaohua saw Fang Wuwei's action, his muscles tensed instantly, and he clenched his teeth, ready to fight, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

The roaring Nine-Tailed Fox had been pushed out of Konoha by the Third Generation's summoning beast, the King Kong Ruyi. As the sound of the Nine-Tailed Fox smashing countless buildings rang out, the two took turns and started fighting.

Fang Wuwei saw a knife in his hand and rushed towards Xiaohua. The speed was not fast, allowing Xiaohua to react. He clenched his hands into fists, and then a blue-green energy emerged to wrap his fists, using his fists and Fang Wuwei's blade resisted, and the fist and the blade were deadlocked in the air.

Xiao Hua was anxious in his heart, but calm. He threw the glasses on his face to the ground with a shake of his head, revealing his firm and sunny eyes. He looked at Fang Wuwei, but his eyes were full of anger. He didn't know where this man came from, nor did he know what his purpose was, but he only had one idea now.

Crush the man in front of him.

Extremely irritable in his heart, Xiao Hua turned around and punched Fang Wuwei, knocking him back several steps, and then kicked him up, knocking Fang Wuwei to the ground directly. He rolled around awkwardly for two weeks and stood up again.

He had no intention of chasing Fang Wuwei, but turned around, pressed Le Tian's motorcycle to lift it up, and then carefully got Le Tian off it.

Two large holes had been pierced in his chest, and blood kept oozing out. Blood spurted out of his mouth, and his eyes began to dull, as if he would die at any time.

But this was of no use to Xiao Hua.

"Hey, if you're not dead, recover quickly."

"oops......Xiaohua, just let me pretend for a while."

Le Tian, who was lying on the ground, was dying in the last second, but a smile bloomed on his face in the next second, looking at Xiao Hua with a smile.

Seeing that Le Tian had regained his vitality, Xiao Hua stood up and faced Fang Wuwei who had already rushed over again.

Fang Wuwei swung his sword very quickly, dragging out countless white blade lights to form a net, almost cutting off everything in front of him, but Xiao Hua's punches and kicks were quite powerful, blue-green energy wrapped around his fists, and he began to attack Fang Wuwei continuously, and each punch accurately hit Fang Wuwei's blade, interrupting his attacks again and again.

"I know that as long as your head is still on your neck, you can survive even if it's full of shit!"

Crazy Xiaohua didn't forget to look back at Le Tian who was lying on the ground, and kept talking nonsense, saying what a bad friend should say.

"Recover quickly and come to help me!"

"oops......Xiaohua, you are so good, you can handle it yourself~"

Hearing this, Xiaohua couldn't help but frowned. This didn't sound like something he would say.

But......He liked it.

A smile appeared on Xiaohua's lips.

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