He once again knocked Fang Wuwei back with one punch. Xiaohua turned his head to look at Le Tian, who was still lying on the ground. Veins on his forehead bulged.

"You fucking! Hurry up!"


Le Tian grumbled, and the blood suspended around his body began to light up gradually, slowly returning to his body from the two large holes in Le Tian's chest. His broken heart began to beat slowly again, and the two large holes in his chest also began to recover quickly, forming scabs.......But this process still takes time, and Xiaohua needs to delay it for a while.

He dodged Fang Wuwei's attack by turning his head, and then punched Fang Wuwei in the abdomen, knocking him up. Fang Wuwei spat out a mouthful of saliva and was knocked to the ground. The knife flew out and stuck in the ground not far away.

Looking at Fang Wuwei curled up on the ground not far away, Xiaohua did not act rashly. He was afraid of fraud, and he had to protect Le Tian.......Lotte is in a state where it has no fighting power.

"You, I have to protect you. Before you fully recover, you have no fighting power at all."

Complaining to himself, Xiao Hua violently pulled down the tie on his neck and tore it off. He tore off the neat clothes on his body with his bare hands, revealing the muscular muscles inside.

From a thin man, he instantly turned into a muscular man. Xiao Hua's naked upper body began to show the blue energy. At this moment, his body was greatly strengthened. For the man in front of him, he had to go all out.


He rushed forward and stomped violently, but at the critical moment Fang Wuwei turned over and dodged it. He stood up with difficulty, but as soon as he stood up straight, Xiaohua punched him hard in the abdomen and he stepped back several steps.

"Ha! Is that all you can do? Come again!"

Xiao Hua challenged Fang Wuwei, who was coughing crazily, and even stretched out his finger, using the legendary combination of One Finger Yang and Lion's Roar, challenging Fang Wuwei crazily. Could he bear this? He picked up a knife and attacked him right away. While hiding from Fang Wuwei's knife attack, Xiao Hua felt something was wrong.......

Where did the knife come from?

Turning back, he clearly saw Fang Wuwei's knife stuck in the ground, reflecting a cold light under the bright moon.......No matter what, Xiao Hua shook his head, punched Fang Wuwei on the wrist, knocked the knife to the ground, and then kicked him away again.......too weak......

Xiao Hua was too lazy to fight with Fang Wuwei anymore. There was no need for a weakling to waste his precious time, so he rushed forward continuously. The energy bursting out from his body illuminated the area. The blue-green light illuminated Fang Wuwei's face. Xiao Hua could see fear and panic on his face.

This was the expression he liked to see on the enemy's face the most. A little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but his fists hit Fang Wuwei mercilessly and madly. The swift and powerful punches followed one after another, and even made bursts of explosions in the air. The strong and powerful fists hit Fang Wuwei like raindrops, unable to parry or dodge. Mu Da Mu

Da Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!! Mu Da!!

After the combo ended, there was a heavy punch, which knocked Fang Wuwei away. He flew dozens of meters high, dragging a bloody trail in the air. Fang Wuwei, who fell to the ground, was no longer human. His whole body was covered with blood, and even the bones of his hands and feet were broken beyond recognition.

Exhaling heavily, Xiao Hua turned around and looked at Le Tian who was still recovering, with a look of disgust on his face.

"You said you......The chain breaks down at the critical moment......"

"......I think it's the braised pork noodles you gave me that made me not have the energy to fight......."

"Damn! Why are you still thinking about this?! I told you there's nothing else to eat!"

Xiao Hua was relieved to hear the vitality in Le Tian's voice. He was ready to leave Konoha in a hurry, but he heard a sound of breaking air behind him. With alarm bells ringing in his heart, Xiao Hua turned back in a hurry, only to see Fang Wuwei, who was supposed to be dead, holding a knife and slashing at him, aiming for his neck.

But for Xiao Hua, it was too slow. He stretched out his hand to block Fang Wuwei's attack, grabbed his blade with his bare hands, and felt this powerless attack. A trace of mockery appeared on his face, and he crushed it into pieces with a force in his palm, and dropped it to the ground.

Too weak, too weak, without power......How could Le Tian fall for this kind of person?

I will laugh at him for half my life!!

Xiao Hua took a good look at Fang Wuwei in front of him. His body was covered in blood and flesh. His face was extremely ferocious, with hatred and anger.

Why did this person have such a strong hostility towards them? I don't understand.......But it doesn't matter, just kill him.

He grabbed Fang Wuwei's neck with one hand and lifted him up in the air. Fang Wuwei kept struggling, holding Xiaohua's big hands with both hands, and his feet began to kick in the air, kicking Xiaohua, as if he wanted to get rid of Xiaohua's control, but......It was no use.

Fang Wuwei kicked Xiaohua and dug his nails into Xiaohua's hands, but Xiaohua's expression remained unchanged, watching him struggle calmly.......

Fang Wuwei's face began to turn purple, his eyes gradually turned white, and his struggle gradually weakened.

Only then did Xiao Hua's face change a little.

With a strong force in his hand, accompanied by a sound of broken bones, Fang Wuwei completely lost his life in Xiao Hua's hands.

As soon as his hand loosened, Fang Wuwei fell to the ground, turning into a hideous corpse with a tilted head and sticking out his tongue, like a broken sack.......

Xiao Hua stepped on Fang Wuwei's body and watched the body roll away under his power. After confirming that he was dead, Xiao Hua returned to Letian and watched him recover from his injuries.

"I���......Why are you recovering so slowly today?"

"............I think it's the problem of Red 0 Beef Noodles"

"You! I think you just want to slack off!!"


"Don't disgust me!"

Xiao Hua slapped Le Tian to the ground, but Le Tian didn't seem to care. He scratched the place where he was slapped, smiled, and emanated a burst of energy from his body, instantly taking back all the blood that had been floating around him for a long time into his body, and the two big holes in his chest were instantly restored.

"You are really just slacking off! Asshole!!"

"oops......Don't worry about it~ Anyway, you are here, right? Thanks to you for delaying the time~"

Xiaohua narrowed his eyes and looked at Le Tian with a very strange look.

"Why are you so polite to me today?"

"Hey......Didn't you save my life? Is that person strong?"

"Ha! Him? I can do it with one hand!"

Xiao Hua was instantly proud, you kid will also thank me! Then I have to pretend

"It's his bad luck! Who am I? I am a person who is repelled by metal! Metal products can't kill me, not to mention that he is a swordsman. Even if I don't fight back, he can't kill me even if he kills me for seven or eight days! And you, you loser, if it weren't for me, you would have died here!"

Xiao Hua walked past Le Tian who was sitting on the ground and touched Fang Wuwei's relic beside him, the Cavaliere motorcycle. He looked at it carefully and liked it more and more. Such a handsome car is definitely worthy of him!

"Yeah......Thank you."

Xiaohua was still touching the motorcycle carefully, observing the texture and decoration on it, and didn't notice that the voice coming from behind was not from Letian.

"What are you thanking me for? Just call me dad. Why be so polite to him?"

"Thank you for your information"

"Intelligence? What are you talking about?......"

Xiaohua still felt strange and was about to turn around to ask for clarification, but he felt a sharp pain in his chest, which made him doubt his life.......He looked down in disbelief and saw a bloody hand passing through his chest, holding his heart in its hand, with several blood vessels attached to it.......It was beating in front of his eyes.

The severe pain awakened his mind, and his eyes were instantly scarlet, and then the world turned into bright black and white.......He saw a different scene. He was still standing there, with Lotte and Cavaliere several meters away from him. He saw Lotte's body still stuck on the thorns of the motorcycle, but his head was nowhere to be found.......Someone......

"I said, thank you for your information, Xiaohua."

Fang Wuwei slowly reached out from behind Xiaohua, stabbed his hand through Xiaohua's chest, and his right eye bloomed a strange scarlet.

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