It's not that Fang Wuwei likes to play dirty tricks and sneak attacks, he prefers to fight face to face with real men.......It's just that he is a bit seriously injured now. The captain just now was really strong.

Xiaohua watched his heart being taken out, and endless pain gradually spread from his chest to his whole body.

He was going to die. He himself revealed his own weakness, and also revealed Le Tian's weakness.......Now Le Tian is dead. He can't regenerate his brain without it, and he can't feel any signs of immortality.......He didn't kill me with metal.......

Fang Wuwei kicked Xiaohua away, and he hit Cavaliere, hitting the metal plate. Xiaohua was stung by Cavaliere's armor, and fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and the big hole in his chest kept losing vitality.

Cavaliere, which was hit by Xiaohua, automatically turned on its headlights and blew its whistle twice, as if in protest.

Xiaohua raised his head with difficulty and glanced at Le Tian who was close at hand.......His head was gone, falling not far away. The cut on his neck was very smooth, and you could see the tight muscles and bones inside.......And the blood gushed out crazily.

He died, his good friend died......I am almost there.

I took a look at the Lord God's system panel and saw that I was the only one left alive out of the six-member team.......How pathetic! Xiao Hua laughed at himself and struggled to stand up. He wanted to fight.......On the other side , Fang

Wuwei ignored Cavaliere's small protest, looked at Xiaohua who was still struggling to get up, and looked at Xiaohua's heart in his hand with some doubt.......No buddy, you are still alive even though your heart is gone?

"You bastard......"

Xiaohua struggled, and blue energy burst out from his whole body......He wants to fight Fang Wuwei to the death, at least......He couldn't die like Lotte, who lost his heart. How many minutes could he fight for?......It's very unscientific, but very much like a reincarnation.

It was not until now that Xiao Hua saw Fang Wuwei's right eye clearly, the scarlet bottom of his eye and the strange pattern.

"Sharingan?......Really? It's an illusion......."

"yes......Just discovered?"

"hold head high......when?"

"From the first time I looked back at you, you were already in trouble.

Fang Wuwei silently stored the light attack in the system space. Since Xiaohua could not be killed by metal products, he would use something that was not metal.

Xiaohua laughed at the two of them. He was laughing at himself for being so stupid and mentally fragile.......He is about to die without knowing why. Even if he can fight for a few more minutes, he will eventually die.


Xiaohua squeezed two tears from his eyes. He realized now that he didn't even take off his glasses, but it didn't matter.

"I'm fucking here!"

Xiao Hua roared, all the blue energy was concentrated on his fist, his feet exploded, and he instantly came to Fang Wuwei's face, and punched out, but was easily pinched by Fang Wuwei's outstretched palm, then he swung his hand, threw Xiao Hua's center of gravity away, and his body tilted a little.

Fang Wuwei raised his other hand, and slammed Xiao Hua's heart in his hand on Xiao Hua's face, splashing a burst of dark red blood, and kicked it away.

Do you really think you can beat me? The illusion gave you confidence, right?

Xiao Hua fell to the ground, the big hole in his chest was torn with his movement, and the piercing pain that penetrated into his bones made him unbearable, but at this moment, he no longer cared. He was not afraid of pain, but he was afraid of the shame of death.

Standing up with difficulty, Xiao Hua picked up his heart and looked down at it in silence.......So this is what my heart looks like.......This blood vessel, this flesh......How beautiful......

Before he could take a closer look at his heart, Fang Wuwei stepped forward, grabbed Xiaohua's neck, and broke his neck with one force.

With a click, Xiaohua's eyes dimmed, and finally his hands fell limply, and the blood from his mouth dripped onto Fang Wuwei's hands, tainted with the breath of death.

Fang Wuwei loosened his hands, and Xiaohua fell to the ground limply, with his head tilted, deader than dead. Fang

Wuwei looked at his hands, which were covered in smelly blood. In disgust, he bent down and looked for a relatively clean piece of cloth in Xiaohua's clothes, hoping to wipe it. After all, it is better to return the things taken from others to them.

After searching around, he found that the only clean cloth on Xiaohua's body was his underwear.......That place is even dirtier.

In the end, Fang Wuwei could only gather his magic power in his hands and rub a water ball to wash his hands.

【Water Ball Technique

C-level skill

Description: It has no power at all. If you use it to hit someone, they will think it is a balloon filled with water!

After finishing, Fang Wuwei roughly pulled Le Tian's body off the cavaliere's spikes, comforted cavaliere, and rode away. He now had to hurry to find Maki and then go home.......The green dot representing Maki had not moved since the beginning. He was afraid that she had fainted. He had to go and take a look.

With the roar of the engine, Fang Wuwei drove the Cavaliere and disappeared into the night, leaving only two red light trails, dragging and slowly disappearing.

Not long after he left, the battlefield where they had just fought was smashed by a piece of flying house debris, and Xiaohua and Le Tian's bodies were instantly crushed into meat paste. There was no proof that they had ever existed in this world.......................................................

After speeding all the way, Fang Wuwei arrived at the place where Ikeuchi Maki was, in a forest outside Konoha Village.

It can be seen that Ikeuchi Maki has learned his lesson this time and knows to follow orders and leave Konoha, but it seems that it is very unfortunate that he ran into the Samsara.......

Fang Wuwei arrived at the scene and stopped, got out of the car and walked towards Ikeuchi Maki who was lying on the ground. He sighed, but his face was full of relief and joy.

The grass at the scene was scraped into pieces.......Although it is not easy to describe it with this idiom, he really can't find a better word. The air still retains the sharpness of the gust of wind and the heroic sword intent.......Um......

Fang Wuwei raised his hand, and a breeze swirled in his hand, gently lingering around his fingers, gently caressing them, as if telling him what had happened here.

Ikeuchi Maki had mastered the Gale Sword Technique.

He glanced at Ikeuchi Maki who had fainted on the ground, and then at the broken body not far from her.......

Mantis has now regained her human form, and her red skin has long since disappeared, but she doesn't look like a human anymore.......

At least now I can barely recognize that thing was a person before.

It was all pieces of meat, with no good flesh on its body, especially on its face.......

His mouth was rotten, and his hair was shaved clean.

He wondered if this reincarnation had done something to Maki in his previous life to be so cruel.......

However, this is better than Ikeuchi Maki's mastery of the Gale Sword Technique. She killed someone, and once she did it, it would not be difficult to do it again.......In their line of work, killing is inevitable. This time, Fang Wuwei didn't have to teach Maki how to kill. It was a good thing.

Fang Wuwei picked up the Fuchen Knife that fell beside Maki Ikenai, looked at the cracks all over it, and the blade that no longer shone with cold light, and fell silent.......Then he flicked it lightly, and the light red blade seemed to be unable to bear the weight, and then it broke into pieces and fell to the ground, flickering in the moonlight.

The Fuchen Knife was gone, it had completed its mission. Fang

Wuwei sighed, hugged the unconscious Ikeuchi Maki, and took a closer look at her injuries, which made him even more relieved.

They had completed their mission, and it was time to leave.

Fang Wuwei looked back at the Nine-Tails that had been pushed out of Konoha Village by the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen with the Ruyi Jingu, and was still wreaking havoc, and at the huge toad that suddenly fell from the sky and pressed the Nine-Tails under it.

"Bye now......We'll see you later, Minato."

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