So warm......Very comfortable......It's like soaking in a beautiful wild mountain spring with just the right temperature, swimming in it and enjoying the......My brain is fuzzy and I have trouble thinking. I feel like I am dreaming. My body is warm and comfortable.......Ah~~kimoji~

Ikeuchi Maki felt like she was floating in an invisible beautiful world. From the inside out, from the soul to the body, she felt extremely warm and comfortable. There was a warm current lingering around her all the time, and even the pain disappeared.......

Wait a minute......The pain is gone?

Maki Ikeuchi's brain slowly began to regain clarity and rationality, and she began to think. At this moment, she realized that she was in the Stone Wing of her master's house.......She's very familiar with this place.......

As Maki Ikeuchi's brain returned to normal, she felt a bright light in front of her eyes, and a familiar light enveloped her, forcing her to close her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a familiar living room. It was sunny outside, and the sun shone into the living room through the large French windows in Fang Wuwei's house.

This strong sense of déjà vu made Maki Ikeuchi stand there in a daze.......She took a deep breath. The Wings of Stone were indeed so comfortable.......Then he subconsciously raised his hand and touched his face.......Hmm? No, it feels like there is something hard.......

Fang Wuwei came down from upstairs and saw Ikeuchi Maki standing there in a daze, pulling her face and trying her best to pull it out.............I remember that Stone Wing can restore the brain.

"Are you stupid? If you are still not well, go back and lie down for a while?"

After hearing the voice, Ikeuchi Maki put down her hand and looked back at Fang Wuwei who was standing at the stairs. Fang Wuwei had just finished taking a shower and washed away the blood and fatigue on his body. He looked relaxed and dressed in casual clothes. His face, body and head were all clean. His hair was still slightly wet, and he looked particularly handsome.

Ikeuchi Maki rubbed her little face. She had seen Fang Wuwei like this before. What she cared about most now was her face.......Although she believed in Stone Wing, her own hands told her that there was something on her face.......

"Master......My face won't be disfigured, right?!"


"No, I'm still young, how can I disfigure myself? I don't want to be an ugly person. I don't have a boyfriend yet. I don't want to.......No, this setting seems pretty cool......."

Ikeuchi Maki held her face and kept talking to herself, and Fang Wuwei saw this and kicked her on the spot.

"The blood has just solidified on your face, and Stone Wings won’t help you clean it, so go take a shower!"


Maki Ikeuchi covered her butt that was kicked by Fang Wuwei, and went upstairs to get the clothes she left at Fang Wuwei's house and went to take a shower.

When Fang Wuwei first proposed taking a shower at Fang Wuwei's house, Maki Ikeuchi was a little resistant and puzzled, but until Fang Wuwei chopped her with a knife during the sparring, bleeding and staining all her clothes red, she understood why.......She still has more than a dozen sets of clothes in Fang Wuwei's house, and Fang Wuwei doesn't mind. Such a big house even has three or four guest rooms, so there is no shortage of space.

But Ikeuchi Maki still has some complaints.......The master is quite inhumane. He cuts me when he says so. He also says,"What's there to be afraid of with Stone Wings?"......Humph!

Thanks to this, she is now very resistant to pain from external injuries.

Ikeuchi Maki went upstairs to take a shower, so Fang Wuwei lay down in the Stone Wing by himself. He was also seriously injured in the previous battle.......

Fang Wuwei turned into a beam of light and entered the Stone Wing. Soon after, the sound of water came from upstairs. Ikeuchi Maki was looking at the mirror in the bathroom. She leaned her head over and rubbed the coagulated blood on her face with her hands. Her long lavender hair was wet and draped over her body. Behind her was a showerhead that washed her body to keep her warm. The water splashed on her smooth back.......

Maki Ikeuchi lay on the sink, letting the water from the showerhead splash on her back. Her hands kept moving, and the blood on her face kept coming out. In her heart, she recalled the moment before she lost consciousness, that night.......That devil who was like a madman.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands. The hands washed by water were white and flawless, but they were no longer clean.......

Girls always take a long time to take a bath, even Ikeuchi Maki is no exception. Fang Wuwei came out of the Stone Wings, but Ikeuchi Maki was still taking a bath.

As a result, when Ikeuchi Maki came down from upstairs wearing a white bath towel, Fang Wuwei was already sitting in the living room leisurely drinking tea.

"How about it?"


Fang Wuwei was still walking and getting a towel while wiping his hair. He said something without any context, which made Ikeuchi Maki a little confused.

"Take a shower? It's quite comfortable......."

"You know what I mean."

Ikeuchi Maki was silent. She knew that her master would not care about her for no reason, at least not whether she was comfortable taking a bath.

"How does it feel to kill someone for the first time?"

After hearing this, Ikeuchi Maki understood that it was not her master who rushed to save her. She was not mistaken before she fainted. Mandis had indeed died in her hands.


That's all.

" Ikeuchi Maki shrugged, but the crazy look of Mantis and the dirty and cruel anti-human words that came out of her mouth emerged in her heart.

Even now, she felt a little angry about Mantis's words.......

The attitude of treating human life as dirt, the character of not treating people as human beings, and the inexplicable, extremely uncomfortable sense of superiority......

"Maybe that person was very......

Damn it, Master, listen to me, she doesn't even consider humans as humans, she is totally anti-human.......


Fang Wuwei stretched out his hand and interrupted Ikeuchi Maki who was about to continue. He wanted to let Ikeuchi Maki know officially what they were doing.

"Maki, the person you call anti-human, what do you think of her?"

"How is it?......Damn it, a guy who treats human life as worthless is only a nuisance if he is alive.

Fang Wuwei nodded with satisfaction, feeling very relieved.

"Master......Don't tell me that you told me before that we need to resist the enemy......"

"That's right, they are all this kind of people."

Ikeuchi Maki was silent. One of these people is a huge disaster, and there are many more.......

"The Lord God Space is our enemy. The group of reincarnations under His command are almost all such people, the anti-human scum you mentioned.

For their own interests, they will not hesitate to kill other innocent people, ruin other people's beautiful lives, and even destroy a beautiful world, pushing countless lives in it into hell.......

They are selfish and have almost no humanity, just for their own benefit.

They regard life as worthless and mortals as pigs.

They have extraordinary power, but they don't have the heart to control the power, and there is no rule to limit them.

Everything is based on their own mood and interests.

Moreover, they come from outside the world and have no handle at all.

They come and go without a trace.......

Even if they are just in a bad mood, they will randomly pick people to kill, even if some of them may seem gentle, polite and well-educated, but......Their essence has not changed. They are just a group of hyenas who will do anything for their own interests. They are also a group of unscrupulous natural disasters and a group of inhuman scum.......

Maji, they are a natural disaster to the invaded world, and their only natural enemy is us, do you understand?"

"Master......Just the two of us?"


"Fang Wuwei lowered his head and flipped his palm.

Something appeared in his hand—the emblem, the emblem extracted by the system.

He had already vaguely guessed what this thing represented.......

But he had never seen the people from that organization in person, so he dared not jump to conclusions.

But what was certain was that there might be another organization behind him, or in other words, behind the system.......

An organization that specifically fights against the Lord God Space......

"never mind......Maki, it's good that you understand that person is just your beginning, not your end. As I said, in order to protect the world and to safeguard beauty, our responsibility is to kill all those invading locusts."

"I understand, Master......."

"Okay, let's go to the backyard. I want to see your wind swordsmanship......."

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