It was sunny outside, and Ikeuchi Maki couldn't help but stretch out her hand to block the dazzling sunlight from her eyes.......She remembered that it was late at night when she fainted?

"Don't think about it. We stayed there for nine days, and only a little over a day passed here.

Fang Wuwei flipped his hand, and a long knife appeared in his hand, which he threw to Ikeuchi Maki. After the system came out this time, the function of slowing down the flow of time was stronger, and it happened to be the weekend, so no one noticed that they had left this world.

However, the Ikeuchi couple noticed that their daughter did not come home all night.......But they don't object.


Fang Wuwei threw the long sword in his hand to Ikeuchi Maki, who hurriedly caught it. The moment he caught it, he knew that this sword was not the Fuchen Sword. Ikeuchi Maki recalled that battle, the clear and loud sound of the sword.......


Maki Ikeuchi holds the new sword with a sad look in her eyes......My first favorite knife is gone.......


Seeing that Ikeuchi Maki was a little depressed, Fang Wuwei sighed softly, took out the remains of Fuchendao from the system space - now only the handle and a small half of the blade of Fuchendao were left, and threw it to Ikeuchi Maki.

"If you are reluctant to part with it, take it back as a souvenir. The knife you have now is much better than Fu Chen's."

Taking the Fu Chen knife, Ikeuchi Maki shook her head with a sad expression, and put the half of the Fu Chen knife into the space bracelet Fang Wuwei gave her. She planned to take it home and worship it, and burn two incense sticks for the knife when she had time.......Woo, Chenchen, I'm sorry for you.......

After mourning for her former beloved sword, Ikeuchi Maki took the new sword in her hand and examined it carefully.......The long sword is similar to a samurai sword, but straighter, with a black handle and a golden blade. The copper-yellow scabbard is wrapped with several dark blue strips of cloth, dancing in the wind.

Ikeuchi Maki drew the sword out of the sheath. As soon as the blade was out of the sheath, Ikeuchi Maki felt a gust of wind coming out of the blade, which began to wrap around her arm holding the sword, swirling around it, and then quickly disappeared, but the breeze continued to appear from the blade.......The mirror-like blade emits a cold light, the extremely smooth blade body and the sharp blade, what a good knife, a peerless good knife!

""Master, does this knife have a name?"

Fang Wuwei raised his eyebrows and pointed at the knife that Ikeuchi Maki was holding.


【Storm Cut

A-level item

Description: Follow the wind and move forward.......No, no one buys Storm Blade in this version!】

An item in the game League of Legends. Before he crossed over, people often said that this was Yasuo's sword.......Anyway, now that it is in Fang Wuwei's hands, he finds that this thing can enhance the power of the wind and has a very high affinity with the wind system. It is like adding wings to the wind sword technique.


When Ikeuchi Maki heard the name, he lowered his head, held Lanqie in front of him with one hand, and reached out with the other hand to stroke the blade carefully, his eyes full of tenderness.

Fang Wuwei thought that Ikeuchi Maki was looking at the knife carefully, but the next second......

"Okay, from now on I will call you Storm of Thunder, Gale of Madness, and Blade of Slaughter.

Fang Wuwei almost sprayed her to death with a mouthful of salt soda.

But he was relieved the next second.......This is what chuunibyou is like. I've gotten used to it. Back then, she gave the Morning Blade a lame name like"The Source of Light and Hope - The Blade of the Dawn".

Ikeuchi Maki slung the scabbard around her waist, held the Storm Blade with both hands, and made a starting move towards Fang Wuwei.

"Master, didn't you say you wanted to see the results of my practice?"

Ikeuchi Maki's face was full of excitement. She couldn't wait to let Fang Wuwei see that she could also let loose and take the lead!

"Not urgent......It's a holiday now, so it's hard not to attract attention here."

Fang Wuwei walked up and motioned for Ikeuchi Maki to stretch out her hand. Although Ikeuchi Maki was still a little confused, she still stretched out her hand obediently.

Then, Fang Wuwei made a sword-like finger and scratched Ikeuchi Maki's arm. She only felt a stinging pain, and the next moment, a little blood oozed out.

"Master! You sneak attack!"

"Don't be stupid."

After creating a small wound that did not hinder his movements, Fang Wuwei reached out and grabbed Ikeuchi Maki's shoulder. The next moment, Ikeuchi Maki felt a chill enveloping him, and his eyes were instantly covered in a green that blurred his vision.......But it was only a moment, and the next moment she found herself in an extremely strange and weird space, with dark green fog rolling everywhere, and some things that were obviously not human were screaming.

Fang Wuwei activated the Iron Man Single Arena, where he wanted to let Ikeuchi Maki perform well.

Ikeuchi Maki was here for the first time, and curiosity drove her to look around, and even reached out to fan the black fog, trying to blow it away.......She knew that the master would never harm her.

"Stop playing."

Fang Wuwei's words brought her back to reality. At this moment, Fang Wuwei crossed his arms and looked at Ikeuchi Maki, waiting for her to make a move.

"Don't forget why we're here. This realm can only exist for one minute. Let me see how well you've learned the Wind Sword Technique.......Oh, use this knife, don't use Storm Cut."

Fang Wuwei took out a knife from the system space and threw it out. Ikeuchi Maki took it with excitement.......It must be extraordinary! Nothing is bad from the hands of a master!

"Master, this knife......"

"It's just an ordinary fine steel knife. Storm Cutting will enhance the wind swordsmanship and wind attributes. I want to know your true level, so I can't let you use Storm Cutting."

"Yeah......Then I'll call you Steel Breaker......"

Fang Wuwei was completely speechless. He took out the ebony gun and fired a shot at his head. The loud gunshot echoed in his ears, and Ikeuchi Maki immediately fell silent. He obediently put away the Lanqiri, held the fine steel knife in his hand, closed his eyes, and began to recall the feeling of that battle.......That mysterious realm......

Coming, she heard the wind.

A gust of wind began to appear out of thin air beside Ikeuchi Maki, swirling around her, and finally gathering around her knife. Then another gust of wind appeared, repeating the above steps, and then another gust of wind appeared.......

Ikeuchi Maki held the knife in his hand, placed it vertically in front of him, and closed his eyes. The wind around him became stronger and stronger, more and more, and more and more violent.

Finally, the strong wind surrounded Ikeuchi Maki's knife, and the wind pressure and residual wind released made Fang Wuwei feel the sharpness hidden in the wind.......The gust of wind had already accumulated. Ikeuchi Maki opened her eyes, raised her sword high above her head, and her face was full of excitement.

"Come on! Broken Steel Demon-Slaying Blade No. 1!"

"Why the hell did you give it a name?"

Ikeuchi Maki dropped the knife, and the wind slashed out.

However, it was different from what she and Fang Wuwei had imagined.

The wind did not form a tornado as they had expected.

Instead, it quickly disintegrated and dissipated less than two meters away from the hand, turning into countless tiny wind blades that gushed out and began to attack 360 degrees indiscriminately.

However, the wind's violent degree dropped by twenty levels in an instant, and its power was so small that it could be ignored.

He was familiar with this situation. He often encountered it when he was learning from Brother Suo Zi in the system space.......This is the situation that has not been completely mastered.

Mastered, understood, but only a little bit.......But at this point, it is not far from complete perfection.

Facing the countless wind blades, Fang Wuwei did not dodge or defend himself, letting the wind blades blow on him. When the disintegrated wind blew to him, it was only about the wind force of a fan at gear 5. But Ikeuchi Maki was not so calm. She was very close to the tornado and was frightened by the wind the moment it disintegrated.......

She stood there blankly holding the knife until her own wind blew it away. She never expected that she would fail.

"No......Master, listen to me! I have succeeded before! Really! I just blew up a super......"

"I know, I know. I saw it, but now it seems that you were just exploding.

Fang Wuwei walked forward and stretched out his hand to pull up the fallen Ikeuchi Maki, with a relieved smile on his face, but a feeling of panic passed through his heart.......How long have I been teaching Ikeuchi Maki the Gale Sword Technique? Three months? Not really.......I only learned this skill under the personal care of Brother Suozi for about ten months! Damn, the disciple is almost better than me, the master!

"Now you are only one step away from mastering the swordsmanship.......Practice hard, you will succeed soon"

"Really?! Okay, Master! I will definitely work harder!"

Fang Wuwei smiled, but kept saying"mmp" in his heart.

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