The weather is getting colder and the days are passing by.......

Fang Wuwei was in the club's activity room, yawning......The weather is so cold, you should stay at home, cover yourself with a warm blanket, drink freshly brewed hot tea, eat some delicious fruits, watch TV and play games, and practice swordplay and draw prizes when you have nothing to do.......What kind of school are you going to?

Shivering, Fang Wuwei straightened the scarf around his neck. He was going to hibernate.

"Hey, Dongfang-kun, do you want a pillow?"

"Ah, thank you, Senior Fennel ~ I have a few beds here, senior Fennel, would you like one?"

"Good~ Dongfangjun, you are really well prepared. Do you finally understand the fun of taking a nap~"

So there is one more person participating in the club activity (taking a nap)......

The days were supposed to pass peacefully until a classmate named Togashi Yuta, who had just gotten married and did not want to reveal his name, came to the club.

"What are you doing?"

"As you can see, sleeping......I'm so sleepy."

Yongtai came to the club, wrapped in a scarf that looked exactly like Fang Wuwei's, and saw Senior Sister Fennel and Fang Wuwei sleeping soundly on their beds.......Don't get me wrong, there was a meter between them.

Yong Tai was so stupid that he forgot to close the door.

Fang Wuwei took off his coat, eye mask, scarf and other things and folded them beside his head, so Yong Tai could easily see the scarf that was exactly the same as his.......

"Empty Macro......Where did you get your scarf?"

"Where did you get it from? Did your mother give it to me? Some time ago, when I went to your house, Camphor Leaf gave it to me, saying that your mother bought it for me."

After hearing this, Yong Tai's face darkened. My mother didn't buy me a scarf this year.......No wonder Zhangye gave him a scarf, saying he bought too many.......Well, it seems like I bought too much!

Damn it, Kong Hong, I'm going to beat you up sooner or later!

"Don't talk about me, ha......How are you and your family doing lately?

Fang Wuwei yawned, raised his head from the bed with difficulty, and looked at Yongtai standing aside and taking off his coat and sitting down, with a face full of joking.

Obviously, it worked, because Yongtai blushed instantly.

"you......What are you talking about?......"

"Don't pretend~ You know what I'm talking about~ Haha."

Fang Wuwei opened a can of drink, looked at Yongtai with a smile on his face, and took a sip with a smile.

"How long have you been dating? About a month.......How is the progress? Do you need a military advisor like me to help you?~"

"Stop it!"

Yong Tai blushed, and naturally took an unopened bottle of drink from Fang Wuwei's pillow and drank it, sitting on the ground and began to pant.

"You, don't stare at us all day long. Some things are not urgent. You are happy enough to be with Rikka. Why do you need to do those things?"

"ha......Do you really not want to? Yuta, I understand you. I know everything under your bed.......Woohoo......"

Before Fang Wuwei could start teasing Yongtai, he was covered by Yongtai's hand before he could finish his words. His face flushed as he pointed at Senior Sister Fennel who was sleeping beside him, with a look of anger and pleading in his eyes....... elder brother......I was wrong, let's not talk about it, okay?......

Fang Wuwei understood, stretched out his hand to pull away Yongtai's hand, and changed the subject.

"How is Rikka doing lately?"

In fact, Yuta really wanted to complain about Fang Wuwei calling Rikka all the time. Even Nibutani is called Kotori Yu, but you keep calling Rikka......The height is a bit despised by me

"recent......Liuhua lives with her mother. I was afraid that Liuhua would become immature again and not be able to communicate with her mother, but now it seems......"

Talking about Rikka, Yuta smiled slightly, took a sip of the drink and moistened his lips.

"It seems that I was worrying too much. She and her mother get along well.......Not bad, her mother is a very gentle person, she can tolerate Rikka's second-year like Touka, and actively communicate with her. Although her mother is usually very busy, she still cares about Rikka."

Since Touka left, Rikka's lunch box has begun to change.

It is no longer Touka's luxurious lunch box with large quantity, full nutrition, and her lunch has become less, but it is often filled with things that Rikka likes to eat, and she doesn't stuff some tomatoes and other foods that Rikka hates like Touka does.......

Although Liuhua and her mother had been at odds for several years and had not seen each other for several years, Liuhua's mother still clearly remembered what Liuhua liked to eat and what she hated to eat.

This made Liuhua very happy and she was always happy.

"Empty Macro......Things have changed like this, but I always feel like nothing has changed......"

"Do you regret it?"


"Things have turned out like this, and it seems that nothing has changed. Rikka is still a chuunibana, but her mother can still communicate with her. Do you regret why you had to intervene and help Rikka get out of her chuunibana?"

"......Why do you understand me so well?

Fang Wuwei got up from the bed and stretched himself.......But the next second, I shrank back.

The quilt is still warm.

"Yuta, some things may not seem to have changed on the surface, but actually they have undergone tremendous changes on the inside~"

This incoherent sentence made Yuta scratch his head,"No change?"

"Let's put it this way, has Rikka changed in any way recently?"

"Six flowers......"

Yuta fell into deep thought, folded his arms, closed his eyes and began to recall......

"Recently, Liuhua has become much more cheerful and no longer as withdrawn as before. She also considers other people's feelings.......This is a big improvement.

She has learned to make friends and get along with others. When I visited her home recently, she and her mother were able to communicate well.......She learned to accept reality"

"Isn't this the best? Didn't you already know the answer to the question?"

Looking at Fang Wuwei who seemed a little bored, Yongtai fell silent. Of course he knew that he just hoped to find someone who agreed with him.

After all, humans are complex creatures.......

Suddenly, Fang Wuwei's ears moved, and then he turned around, with a sly smile on his face, and looked at Yong Tai steadily.......

"I said, Yuta, what do you think of Rikka?"


Why are you asking this question out of nowhere ?......Masaka?!

"?! What do you think of Rikka?! I've already given you the camphor leaf!"

"You bastard!"How could

Fang Wuwei tolerate this? He immediately picked up an unopened bottle of drink and threw it at Yongtai, hitting him right on the forehead.

"What I'm asking is what kind of person is Liuhua in your eyes? From the perspective of a boyfriend!"

Why don't you deny the question about Zhangye?!!

That's what he said, but in his eyes, Fang Wuwei just wanted to gossip.......Although I don't know why he has a special liking for the things between me and Rikka

"At once......Liuhua, she......Looks very cute"

"that's all?"

"Of course not only that!"Yuta looked back at Senior Anise who was sleeping soundly and showed no signs of waking up, and then he spoke with confidence."Rikka is very cute, not only in appearance, but also in personality. When she is a middle school student, she always does some actions that seem very cool to her from time to time, but actually.........Very cute.

Also, Rikka is actually very thoughtful. Although she looks a little clumsy, she is actually......return......Um......It's quite stupid......But it's cute......."

Looking at Yongtai who was talking non-stop, Fang Wuwei took out something and silently pointed it at Yongtai, but Yongtai didn't seem to notice.......He is very excited when talking about Liuhua......

"You really like Liuhua."

Fang Wuwei's smile was almost overflowing, and he put down the smartphone in his hand. Yongtai could see the smile on Fang Wuwei's face clearly.......It feels a bit ominous.........................No way......

Yuta turned around and saw Nibutani and Ikeuchi Maki standing behind him. They looked a little embarrassed, but Nibutani still looked a little......Excited.

And behind them, there was obviously another person hiding......

Yongtai's face turned red, and he turned around and glared at Fang Wuwei fiercely.

Liuhua and the others had come in a long time ago. Who told Yongtai to come in without closing the door?......

Now Liuhua has buried her head behind Nibutani, and at the same time, she has tightly pulled Nibutani and Ikeuchi Maki in front of her, trying to pretend that she is not there at all. But if you pull Liuhua out, you will find that her head has begun to steam.

Ikeuchi Maki looked at Fang Wuwei, who was lying on the ground and laughing wildly, and twitched her mouth.

Master......Bad intentions......

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