The weather starts to get colder and colder, and winter is approaching.......There was no progress. Both Nibutani and Fang Wuwei wanted to dig out Yuta's brain to see what kind of wood it was made of. How could it be so hard?

Fang Wuwei was slumped in the club room, sitting on the floor facing the door, half of his body buried in the kotatsu that Tuo Shou had just brought today, his face full of comfort, not to mention a large plate of sweet oranges on top. It would be even better if there was a cup of hot tea.......

Fang Wuwei peeled an orange slowly, put the peel on the table, and swallowed the whole orange in one gulp, chewing it with satisfaction.

Oranges taste good when eaten in big mouthfuls~

Tuo Shou and Senior Sister Fennel were sleeping curled up in the kotatsu. It was so cold and the school didn't have heating.......The kotatsu was the best choice, and the two of them huddled inside it and slept soundly.

Fang Wuwei reached into the kotatsu and soon pulled out a furry little thing, the cat Chimera, which had been making a fuss on his legs.......Although Chimera went back into the kotatsu as soon as it came out, Fang Wuwei still felt extremely healed.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a door opening in front of them. Yuta and Isshiki Makoto came together. The two of them had just gone to the bathroom, so Fang Wuwei directly put them down and went into the club.

Touma was awakened by the sound of the door opening. When she got up, her mind was still a little confused, but she quickly got into the role, suddenly turned over and looked around vigilantly.

"here it is?!"

"Don't worry, it's neither the Dark World nor the parallel world."

Yong is very familiar with it. Rikka often does this action. He naturally understands why Touma does this.......Touma's second year learning is from Rikka. He can understand Rikka's movements, so he can also understand Touma's movements, although he doesn't really want to understand.

"I was careless! I was robbed of my soul by this heat barrier! I actually brought this thing here.......How terrible, death!"

"Didn't you bring this with you?"

Fang Wuwei ate an orange and complained slightly, watching Tu Shou act and slowly get into the kotatsu again, entering the warm world, without commenting too much.......But he looked at Isshiki Makoto with disdain as he approached with a sly smile.

Isshiki Makoto came into the activity room and saw senior Anise sleeping inside. While Yuta and Touma were still talking, Isshiki Makoto ran over and got into the kotatsu, both to warm himself and to get closer to senior Anise.

Isshiki Makoto's hands were waving around in the kotatsu. He might not have any bad intentions, but he was unlucky.......

Isshiki Makoto, who originally just wanted to warm his hands, suddenly felt something extra in his hands.......Plump, soft, warm......I pinched it subconsciously, and it was still a little elastic, like a piece of soft meat....... this......This touch is......?! Masaka!

Isshiki Makoto's face flushed with shock as he looked at Senior Fennel sleeping beside him. Could this be.........Senior Anise's feet?!

But the next second, he heard a sharp cat cry from the kotatsu, and felt a pain on the back of his hand.......I raised my hand in confusion and saw several claw marks on the back of my hand, and then blood gushed out.......

Isshiki Makoto screamed and covered his hands while falling to the ground wailing. The cat Chimera came out of the kotatsu, glanced at Isshiki Makoto elegantly, then jumped into Fang Wuwei's arms and let him pet him. Fang

Wuwei was very happy because cats were very cute.

Isshiki Makoto was motionless, probably fainted. Before Yuta could silently (mocking) mourn (laugh) for Isshiki Makoto, he heard footsteps behind him.

Looking back, he saw Rikka also came to the club activity room. They looked at each other, blushing and looking away.......Ever since Yuta was tricked by Fang Wuwei in the activity room last time, Liuhua has been a little shy when facing Yuta. Although the communication between them is still normal, there is a rhythm of warming up.

Liuhua puts her hands behind her back, with a Christmas special issue magazine in her hands. She wants to spend a Christmas that belongs to them with Yuta.

But Liuhua is a shy child after all, and she is a little shy that she can't express. She doesn't want Yuta to know, whether it's a surprise or planning together.......She wanted to be with Yuta.

Before Rikka and Yuta could have a good word, Touma popped her head out of the kotatsu after hearing the voice, and became excited when she saw that it was her master.


Toumori smiled,"Be careful, death! The temptation of this thing is extraordinary, death!"

"Report the situation."

Lihua walked over and bypassed Yuta, while blocking the view, she tucked the Christmas special issue magazine in her hand into the coat she took off in front of her, perfectly avoiding Yuta's sight and keeping him in the dark.

Lihua squatted down and talked to Touma, and started their daily chuuni activities.

"The monk and Fennel have lost consciousness. Death!"

Lihua's hair moved, and she followed Tuo Shou to open the kotatsu and crawled in. It was so cold outside, and she had wanted to go in for a long time.

"lead the way!"

"Yes , Sir!"

Rikka followed Toumori into the kotatsu, the two of them huddled together, whispering to each other.......

"What's wrong? Are you standing there? Aren't you cold?"

Yong Tai was still looking at Liu Hua, and Fang Wu Wei called him back to reality. Yong Tai looked back and saw Fang Wu Wei peeling the oranges and eating them one by one, showing a heroic

"I'm talking about you......Isn't the way you eat too exaggerated?"

"What do you know? This is how oranges should be eaten to be sweet!"

Fang Wuwei smiled and stretched out his hand, motioning Yongtai to get into the kotatsu quickly,"Are you really not cold, or do you not want to experience using a kotatsu at school?"

"It sounds tempting, but......"

Yuta put his backpack and jacket���But after turning around for a moment, he found that there seemed to be no room for the kotatsu.......Toshou, Rikka, Anise, Fang Wuwei and Isshiki Makoto, five people got in, the kotatsu was already full.

It seemed there was no other way.......

"What's wrong? Sit down? Yuta, sit down."

""Why are you sitting here? There's no seat left!"

Yong Tai sat quietly aside, not getting into the kotatsu, and complained to Fang Wuwei. But Fang Wuwei was a little dumbfounded when he heard this.......No location......Oh, I see.

Fang Wuwei stretched out his hand and put it on the shoulder of Isshiki Makoto, who was sleeping on the table. He pulled Isshiki Makoto out of the kotatsu.

Isshiki Makoto was still unaware. He was thrown to the ground with his mouth wide open by Fang Wuwei and pulled out of the kotatsu. There were a few drops of drool on his collar.......Seeing this, Yong Tai frowned and felt disgusted.

"Okay, there's a spot."


Fang Wuwei pulled Isshiki Makoto aside and knocked on the spot where Isshiki Makoto had been sitting. He smiled at Yuta and indicated that there was a spot for him. Yuta didn't hesitate at all and went in, occupying Isshiki Makoto's original spot.

"So, you don't have any plans for Christmas? Something like Rikka or something......."

"oioioioi......Even if you want to say this, at least wait until Rikka is not around......."

Yuta glanced at Rikka, but luckily she didn't seem to hear......He looked back at Fang Wuwei and began to ask him for some advice.......

Liuhua and Tushou were having fun, Fang Wuwei and Yuta were having a military meeting, Senior Anise was sleeping soundly, and even Chimera the cat was meowing comfortably under Fang Wuwei's cooking.

Guess who was the only one injured?

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