After being slapped by Nibutani, Liuhua finally calmed down and listened to Danma's instructions at the stairs.

Christmas is coming soon. Both Nibutani and Fang Wuwei think this is a good opportunity, but Liuhua's personality is still......

If she were asked to do it, she would definitely not dare to do anything.......Seems like he is a bit content with the status quo? It makes Nibutani so angry that his teeth itch, or else he is just a blockhead.......

If these two are alone, they might just touch each other's little fingers and be satisfied. They must create a condition for Liuhua, at least to create the right atmosphere, so she has to be present.......

Nibutani tightened her skirt. The best idea she could think of was to hold a party.......It's definitely not her intention to play!

On the other side, Isshiki Makoto shivered twice in the cold wind and sneezed to wake up....... where am I......Very cold......Wait, wasn't I in the kotatsu just now


Isshiki Makoto tilted his head and took a look, and saw that Yuta was sitting in his original position, but now Yuta had his hands around Fang Wuwei's neck, forcing him down and choking him, while saying things like"beast","bastard","this is how you treat your brothers".......

Fang Wuwei did not resist at all, and put his hands on Yongtai's arms that were clamped around his neck, letting Yongtai lock him like this, laughing heartily.......This fight made Isshiki Makoto dare not intervene at all.......I don't even dare to ask about the kotatsu.......

But when he turned his head again, he saw Senior Sister Fennel who was awakened by the noise of the fight between Yongtai and Fang Wuwei, and instantly forgot about the fight between Yongtai and Fang Wuwei.......He didn't forget what he was here for.

"fennel......Senior Fennel!"

"What's wrong~~"

Senior Anise smiled and answered Isshiki Makoto in a soft voice. That cute and gentle smile made Isshiki Makoto very excited.

"I......We're going to make Christmas pies......Party! Please, please do join us!"

"What? Christmas celebration?! How can such a grand feast be without me?"

"Toshou wants to die too!"

Before Senior Anise could agree, two little heads popped out from her side and agreed with excitement.

Ikeuchi Maki and Toshou came out from the kotatsu and stuck their heads out next to Senior Anise, who was lying down. It looked like two more cute heads had grown on Senior Anise's shoulders.

"Party~~ sounds fun~~"

The senior sister Anise, whom Isshiki Makoto was most looking forward to, gave a positive answer, which made Isshiki Makoto very excited.......

Great, great - two lines of excited tears slid down his face, Isshiki Makoto felt as if his soul had been sublimated, and a bright future was beckoning to him.......

"So, what about you, Dongfang?"

"No! He won't go!"

Fang Wuwei, who was being locked up by Yong Tai, was interrupted angrily by Yong Tai before he could answer. Yong Tai just subconsciously didn't want to see this yellow-haired man, but he soon changed his mind.......If he wasn't going to the party, where would he be?

"No, it's not......He must go!"

"No, I want to go......"

"You must come!!!"

Yong Tai was tough for once and interrupted Fang Wuwei's words. Even if no one else came on Christmas Day, he had to come!

Fang Wuwei looked at Yong Tai, who seemed a little angry, with a smile on his face and a smile on his heart.......He was just teasing Yuta. Even if Yuta didn't let him go to the Christmas party, he would definitely go. But he didn't expect that he would react so strongly. It was really funny.

"Okay, okay, I'll go~ Let's go first~"

Fang Wuwei smiled and patted Yongtai's arm, and Yongtai let go obediently. To be honest, he didn't object, but he was unhappy.


He let go of Fang Wuwei and angrily slapped Fang Wuwei on the thigh, making a loud and crisp sound.

Fang Wuwei took it with a smile.......It doesn't hurt anyway

"Okay, let's discuss how to have the party......."

"Let's gather all the members of the club first and then discuss it.......Where are Nibutani-san and Kotori-san?"

"Outside, the two of them are probably discussing how to help Rikka and Yuta get closer during Christmas.......Isise, can you go and call him?"

""Don't talk nonsense!"

Yuta interrupted with a red face, but Fang Wuwei picked up the Christmas special issue from the side and put it on the table, pretending not to hear it. Ikeuchi Maki and others came over to study it immediately, so he had to ask Isshiki Makoto to go out and call for help.

Isshiki Makoto didn't mind at all. He had already studied this magazine, so he ran out to find someone.

When he came to the corridor outside, he heard Nibutani and Rikka talking at the stairs......

"Christmas is coming soon. This is a good opportunity. Make good use of it."


Isshiki Makoto leaned over and looked at the two people who were talking. Suddenly, he felt a sour feeling rushing to his head.......Rikka is really discussing with Nibutani how to take things a step further with Yuta!

Ahhhhh......I'm so envious!!!

Although I'm envious, Isshiki Makoto is a very loyal person. Yuta is his buddy, so he has to help him.

"Since you can't do anything by yourself, let us hold the Christmas celebration......."


Before Nibutani finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from above his head. He looked up and saw Isshiki Makoto leaning against the fence and looking at him with a smile.

"We decided to hold a Christmas party! Everyone agreed!"

This idea naturally coincided with Nibutani...... result......

The group returned to the activity room and had a heated discussion for quite a while.......Hot pot, drinks���Programs, activities......A lot of them, but......

Because all of their Christmas plans are based on having somewhere to use them.......Their ideal location is the club room, which is their home ground and the most suitable place.......

"No, Christmas party or something......."

When they went to Mr. Kujuku Nanase with their plans and ideas to apply, Mr. Kujuku Nanase rejected them outright.

"teacher......We will only use the club room and we won't play too late."

Faced with Yuta's repeated requests, Kujuku Nanase lifted his cheeks and squeezed a bunch of soft meat......She can understand the children's desire to play together, but the school also has its own rules.

"It's not about the activity room, it's just that the school has banned people from entering the school since the 24th."

"Eh?! Is it a bloody Christmas?"

When Rikka heard this, her face changed immediately and she entered the middle school second mode. Seeing this, teacher Kujuku Nanase smiled and nodded.

"Ah, yes, that's it!"

Yongtai couldn't bear to watch it anymore.......

"Please stop teasing them, they will take it seriously!"

Fang Wuwei and Danshenggu looked at each other, and saw determination in each other's eyes.......Grandma, Christmas is such a good opportunity, I must let my children seize it!

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