The Christmas party plan was ruined halfway through, and everyone was very depressed, especially Rikka, who had already pulled Touma aside and tried to ask to go to Touma's house to hold the party.......She really doesn't want to miss such a great opportunity like Christmas!

The activity room is gone......However, the party cannot be cancelled!

The group of people in the club left the school and gathered at the overpass station instead. However, they did not go home separately. They discussed in the club activity room for so long, they could not just let it go.

"What a rare Christmas......It's a pity that the activity room is not allowed to be used"

"Club activities are allowed even during the spring, summer and winter vacations, but not during Christmas......."

Fang Wuwei and Dan Shengtani leaned against the guardrail and complained while watching the trains passing by below. They said that the Christmas party must be held, even if it was just for the two children!

"I see......"Then let's go to my house!"

Isshiki Cheng volunteered. His house was a small villa similar to Fang Wuwei's, except that it lacked a courtyard. The house was still quite big, more than enough to hold a party.......Not to mention......

Isshiki Makoto secretly glanced at Senior Anise, and when he found that she was looking at him, he immediately looked away.

"turn down"


Nibutani ruthlessly rejected this bad-sounding proposal on the spot. Even Yuta and Fang Wuwei put on an expression of"Do you know what you are talking about?", making Isshiki Makoto feel that his dignity was trampled on.......Only the naive senior Fennel is still looking at him......Ah~ Senior Sister Fennel~~

"Because, I feel like your room will be messy."

"What's fun in your house?......Did you find the mountain bike?"

Nibutani and Fang Wuwei attacked one after another, allowing Isshiki Makoto to completely break through the defense.......

"After all, Togashi-san's house is the best......."


Seeing that Nibutani was targeting him, Yuta quickly shook his head and refused. His family was busy right now.

"No, no, my dad is coming back from Jakarta to celebrate the New Year with us. It's not convenient to have too many people at home......."

Yongtai said as he looked at Fang Wuwei with murderous eyes. Fang Wuwei cleared his throat and looked away.......

Others looked puzzled.......Yongtai's attitude towards Fang Wuwei had been a little subtle since before, but they had no idea what was going on. They thought it was just a daily fight between the two brothers, and Yongtai was just broken by Fang Wuwei.......

"That......It’s the Ikenai family after all?"

"My home?"

Ikeuchi Maki never thought that the criticism would be directed at her. After thinking it over carefully, she shook her head and refused.

"no......My family has attached great importance to Christmas since they met the master. They will hold many magical ceremonies and we cannot disturb them."As soon as

Ikeuchi Maki said this, Nibutani and Yuta could not hold back.......Taking Christmas very seriously? Holding a magic ceremony? Is the whole family suffering from Chuunibyou?!

After meeting the master......Yongtai and his group fixed their sights on Fang Wuwei, who looked innocent and confused.......What the hell does this have to do with me? There's even a magic ceremony going on? How come I don't know about it?

"I guess I should go to Master's house......."

"um, I?"

"Yes, because we all have families, isn't it convenient?......"

As soon as Ikeuchi Maki said this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

"............From now until Christmas, double your daily training volume"


"three times!"


"Five times!"

Ikeuchi Maki said nothing, silently lowered her head and clenched her little pink fist......

Fang Wuwei punched Ikeuchi Maki on the head. Although what Ikeuchi Maki said was indeed problematic, the truth was there, and others really thought it was okay.......Especially Yuta, he has long wanted to see Fang Wuwei's super cool dark motorcycle again

"That......Oriental classmates......"

Before they could come to a conclusion, Rikka and Toumori came to a conclusion first.

Toumori agreed very straightforwardly, almost as soon as she was asked. For Toumori, the Master's request was the first priority, not to mention that she had been there before.

She was very confident about her home.

"Since you keep arguing, there's nothing we can do about it. Death!"

Tu Shou came over with a proud look on his face, swinging his ponytail.

"Then I will have to take you to my base, death!"

"Is it really okay?"

"So many high school students suddenly came to your house, do your family have any objections?"

Tomomori proudly said that there was no problem, and patted his chest to tell everyone that he would definitely let them have fun.

Yuta, who was very curious about Tomomori's house, turned around and asked Rikka, who had been to Tomomori's house. Rikka's answer was:

"The Touma family is a huge fortress with strong defenses that can withstand any attack!"



Everyone who was still deeply puzzled by this sentence, when they came to Touma's house on Christmas Day, they understood why Rikka called it a fortress.......

On Christmas Day, the seven people, except Toshou, first gathered at the station when it was just getting dark, and then followed the address left by Toshou and went to Toshou's house.

Facing this super villa full of Christmas decorations, a huge fence and an electric iron gate, they finally understood why Liuhua called this place a fortress.

Except for Fang Wuwei and Ikeuchi Maki, everyone else was dumbfounded.......

" big......"

"How rich is her family?......"


Everyone in the group was wearing their own winter clothes, but at this moment, they seemed a little dull in front of this huge courtyard and villa.......

""Okay, stop being a country bumpkin."

Fang Wei pushed the sunglasses on his face. For Christmas, he took off his eye patch and replaced it with sunglasses, which also caused his Sharingan to appear like this, but......It is really nice to see things with two eyes.

The electric guardrail gate slowly opened with the remote control of the housekeeper inside, welcoming everyone.

Then, a dog came out from the courtyard full of Christmas atmosphere.

It seems to be a very valuable purebred husky, but there are very realistic fake dog heads on both sides of this husky, which are extremely similar to the husky head in the middle.

It can be seen that Toshou is obsessed with the three-headed dog of hell.

Even this dog has heterochromatic eyes, one golden eye and one black eye, which makes it look even more precious.

Nibutani was shocked.......

"What on earth did she do to this dog that looked so valuable?!"

Before Nibutani could finish his rant, the dog seemed to understand, or......I just like Nibutani, just like the dog in Rikka's hometown, chasing Nibutani everywhere.

"It seems that she might be kept to guard against you, Mr. Morisummer"

"You are really loved by dogs."

"Are you sure the dog doesn't hate you?"

Fang Wuwei, Isshiki Makoto, and Yuta walked in directly, ignoring the grudges between Nibutani and the dog.......

"Hey, hey! Help me! Dongfang! Use your invincible eyes to think of a solution!"

Fang Wuwei stopped. He liked to hear this. Since you are begging me like this.........

Fang Wuwei raised his sunglasses proudly. To be honest, he had wanted to show off this eye for a long time, otherwise he would not have taken off his eye mask and put on sunglasses today.

The dog, who had already put his paw on Nibutani and licked her several times, was glared at by Fang Wuwei, and just like the one in Liuhua's hometown before, it instantly became obedient.

"Thanks. To be honest, no matter how many times I see you do this, I am still amazed.......How did your eyes change?"

"Hehe......Did you finally find it?"

Faced with Nibutani's question and Yongta's curiosity, Fang Wuwei put his hands on his hips, looking very proud.

"My Sharingan has evolved again! Now it is an eternal Mangekyō! If you overuse the ordinary Mangekyō, you may go blind.......And now! I will always be bright!!"

Fang Wuwei took off his sunglasses and showed his right eye. He spent a huge amount of money to upgrade the kaleidoscope. The kaleidoscope has changed from a red background with black patterns to a black background with red patterns. Even the triangular windmill of Itachi has an extra corner, which has become a pattern similar to a four-pointed star.

【Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (Naobata)

S-level item

Description: There is no darkness that these eyes cannot see through!

Although I don't know how the system upgraded the Mangekyō, his Mangekyō now retains the two super skills of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, and gives him a new skill. In other words, he can now use one eye to open Susanoo, and even has three eye techniques.......It was simply amazing, and this was his first S-level item, and he had wanted to show it off for a long time.

Nibutani, Yuta and the others saw Fang Wuwei standing there with a smug look on his face, revealing that shameful eye, and left him and walked into Tushou's house with black lines on their faces.

"It's all right."

"The condition has worsened again......."

"Eh? Eh! Don’t go! Give me some praises! I got it with great difficulty!!"

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