The group was on their way to the small room arranged by Toshou, and halfway through, Toshou and Rikka came back. The first thing Toshou did when he came back was to find that Nibutani was not in the group. When he heard that Nibutani had gone to change clothes, he smiled sinisterly.......

Using the excuse that"Christmas is fun only when we play dress-up together, death", she dragged Rika Anise and Ikeuchi Maki away, leaving Fang Wuwei and the other boys alone.

Fang Wuwei could see that this guy was just looking for trouble with Nibutani, but he didn't want to care.......

After passing through a long endless corridor, only Isshiki Makoto, Wuwei Yuta and the other two came to this small room.

Although it is called a small room, it is surprisingly large, and even the door is a large double-opening wooden door.

You say this is a big room, right?......It is said that this room is not really big in Touma's house.

But Yuta and Isshiki Makoto were shocked. They had never seen such a big room in their lives. The living room in their house was probably not even half the size of this room!

The door slowly opened, and a huge hall appeared in front of Yuta and the other two. There were several tables on one side of the room. They were full of Western dishes made with expensive ingredients that looked delicious and beautifully decorated. It seemed that this was the dinner party that Touma's mother said.

On the other side was the entertainment area of this room, a perfect leisure area with sofas, tables, chairs, game consoles, etc.

There were also several servants around who were setting up and slowly bringing some things such as flowers, candles, and drinks. Touma's mother gave the highest order, to let these friends of the eldest lady enjoy the highest level of treatment, and not to be sloppy.

Now it was almost over, and the servants inside began to leave gradually. The eldest lady had ordered that no one else should be there, so they naturally had to listen.

Yuta and Isshiki Makoto had already rushed in with excitement, like Liu Laolao visiting the Grand View Garden, looking left and right, without any image at all.

At least there is Fang Wuwei to support us.......

"So, guests, please have fun."

""Okay, thank you."

Compared to Yuta and Isshiki Makoto, Fang Wuwei was much calmer. Facing the butler's polite farewell, Fang Wuwei smiled and nodded gently in reply.

Simple actions, but a sign of maturity and education.

The butler left, and the servants inside also pushed the carts and left one after another. Only Fang Wuwei and the other two were left in the empty room.

Seeing that there were no strangers, Isshiki Makoto and Yuta completely let go, touching here and there, and any new things they hadn't seen before would cause the two to exclaim.

"She's too perfect.......Even her mother is a beauty, and her family is so rich."

Isshiki Makoto walked forward and looked at the table full of exquisite Western dishes and expensive food. He picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of braised beef. It was so delicious that his mouth was full of oil. He had never eaten such delicious food, and he couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Yuta was not as excited as Isshiki Makoto, but he was not much better.

Putting down his chopsticks, Isshiki Makoto saw the leisure area on the other side of the room, and took Yuta with him.

He picked up a remote control on the table and pressed it. A projection screen slowly lowered in front of him, causing Yuta and Isshiki Makoto to shout.

"You will definitely be excited if you watch this."

"......What are you talking about?"

Isshiki Makoto said something shocking, which shocked Yuta and Fang Wuwei.

There were many unknown remote controls on the table, and Yuta and Isshiki Makoto were going to try them one by one. There was no other way, they were too curious. He was really curious about what surprises the Touma family could give him.......

""Okay, you two."

Just as Yuta and Isshiki Makoto were about to pick up the remote controls to try, Fang Wuwei stepped out and interrupted them. He couldn't bear to watch any more.......

"Don't act like you haven't seen the world, okay? Learn from me, be more mature~"

Yuta and Isshiki Makoto, who originally felt a little ashamed after hearing Fang Wuwei's previous words, immediately frowned when they heard Fang Wuwei's next words."

You kid is talking nonsense."

But it must be said that it is useful. Yuta and Isshiki Makoto did calm down a little, but they were ready to unite to give Fang Wuwei a beating. Anyway, it wouldn't hurt.

But before the two of them could give Fang Wuwei a beating, they heard the sound of the door of the room being opened. The three of them looked in the direction of the sound. In an instant, Isshiki Makoto's blood rushed to his veins, and his qi and energy surged. He turned red on the spot, and steam came out of his head.

I saw Senior Sister Fennel standing outside the door and pushing it open. She was wearing a female Santa Claus outfit that exposed her thighs and arms, carrying a small white bag behind her, and a cute Santa hat on her head. At this moment, she was winking at everyone with a playful face.

"Merry Christmas!"

Isshiki Makoto was so excited that his nose and tears were falling, and Yuta and Fang Wuwei beside him were so scared that they stood still.......Don't get me wrong, I wasn't scared by Anise-senpai, I was scared by Isshiki Makoto, just like the fucking Red Tank, anyone who sees it will know



Isshiki Makoto suddenly became serious and spoke to his good friend Yuta in a serious tone.

"After living for decades, one day something will happen that will make you feel......This life is worth it!!"

Isshiki Makoto's tears and snot flowed down together. He now has no regrets in death.......

"So exaggerated?"

"Your life is too cheap."

Yuta and Fang Wuwei complained casually, their faces speechless.

Before Isshiki Cheng could take a closer look, Senior Sister Fennel found the small sofa in the room and ran over without paying any attention. She didn't even eat dinner, threw the small bag and lay down on the sofa.

"A soft sofa.......Good night......"

She fell asleep in a second. Before Yuta and Fang Wuwei could say anything, Isshiki Makoto came over with a serious face, and then silently opened the camera of his mobile phone with a sacred look, and pointed the camera at the sleeping face of Senior Anise.

Yuta quickly went up to cover the camera, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and persuaded Isshiki Makoto not to do this, because he didn't want his friend to become a pervert.

But Isshiki Makoto didn't listen and was unwilling to......This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! This is a Christmas special!!!

"One! Just one!!"

That's what he said, but Isshiki Makoto didn't seem to intend to take the phone back from Yuta. He didn't take the photo just now, probably because he had a conscience.

Just as the two were arguing, the door of the room was suddenly opened roughly. Nibutani Morika, who had turned into a dark magician at this moment, was wearing a white thigh-revealing jumpsuit, a black cloak, and holding a crystal ball wand in her hand. She opened the door and walked in, leaving Yuta and the other two dumbfounded.

But it was expected. When Touma left just now, he said that everyone would dress up.......

But when Nibutani appeared, there seemed to be something wrong with his aura.......As soon as she came in, she was full of anger and resentment. She called out"Tu Shou" as soon as she entered the door. The three of them probably knew what was going on.

Haha, I have to laugh.

Just laugh, Fang Wuwei took out his mobile phone in a flash and took a photo of Danshenggu. Then, under her murderous gaze, he silently put away his mobile phone with an expressionless face, raised one hand, pointed his finger at Danshenggu, and then his expression instantly changed from expressionless to a mocking smile.


Nibutani had a death smile on his face, and smashed his magic wand over, hitting Fearless on the forehead with a crisp sound.

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