"I said......If you don't like it so much, why don't you just not wear it?"

Yong Tai glanced at Fang Wuwei, who was hiding in the corner with his head in his arms, and spoke to Danshenggu in silence.

When it came to this question, Danshenggu was so angry that his mouth was sore and his face was extremely gloomy.

"That bastard took my clothes! Leave me this one......"

Nibutani turned around, and Isshiki Makoto and Yuta saw a big word in front of them.


The big red words were printed directly on the back of Nibutani's black cloak, bright and conspicuous.

This outfit fits her well. Touma spent a lot of effort to prepare this for Nibutani.

Nibutani left and went to find Touma Sanae. Even if this was at Touma's house, he had to teach her a lesson.

"Now that everyone is in costume, who's next? Ikeuchi-san or Kotori-san?"

"I think it's better not to have any illusions about them."

After Nibutani left, Fang Wuwei stopped pretending and stood up, followed Yuta and the others to the door, waiting for the next contestant to come on stage.

Let's welcome the next student to come on stage.......

Ikeuchi Maki slowly pushed open the door. She was wearing a large black cloak that covered her entire body. There was a strange magic circle pattern embroidered on the back of the cloak. There was also a circle of gold thread embroidered on the sleeves of the clothes. The clothes were not simply black, but made up of red, gold and black. It looked quite gorgeous. Although the style was probably a very standard wizard robe, it looked luxurious and beautiful.

"How about it! Our Ikeuchi family's magic robes!"

Ikeuchi Maki proudly showed off her dress. She was quite satisfied. Sure enough, mom and dad still had some in stock.......

But Fang Wuwei did not feel any magic from this robe, not even a little bit, which meant......This thing is actually a fake. It was probably specially customized by the Ikeuchi family after they came to this world.

"you......The Ikenai family?"

Yuta discovered a blind spot

"Yes! We used to be a powerful magic family! This gorgeous dress was also made for me by my parents!"

Ikeuchi Maki put her hands on her hips, raised her head, and looked proud.

Yuta and Isshiki Makoto looked at each other, both of them looked helpless.

It seems that Ikeuchi's whole family is full of Chuunibyou?

"Okay, I understand. Next one."

Fang Wuwei waved his hand and drove Ikeuchi Maki away. Maki was also obedient. She closed the door and didn't stand at the door. She walked to Fang Wuwei's side and watched the door with them.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at the cross-dressing of you girls"

"According to this routine, the next one is the bird swim, right? Yuta, are you excited?"

Suddenly being called, Yuta didn't react. She still remembered the evening dress that Rikka had just taken out. In fact, he had seen it before. Rikka wore it to show him the day she bought it, so there was really nothing to be excited about.

That dress was actually no different from what Rikka usually wore.

"Well, I can basically guess it. It's pretty much the same as usual......."

Before Yuta could finish his words, Rikka suddenly opened the door, struck a handsome pose outside the door, and made a dazzling appearance.

However, the clothes Rikka was wearing were completely beyond Yuta's expectations. Rikka was wearing a gymnastics suit. The white short-sleeved shirt and the triangle gymnastics shorts that really hit Yuta's xy, set off Rikka's slightly raised butt, and the black stockings on her legs. The small and cute body and innocent face, coupled with this set of pure and youthful clothes, completely hit Yuta's xy.

Isshiki Makoto, I understand, there are indeed moments in life that make you feel......This life is worth it!

But Yuta soon calmed down. It's not like he hasn't seen it before. Although he really likes the way Rikka looks in her gymnastics uniform, he hasn't gotten the devilish feeling like Isshiki Makoto.

Isshiki Makoto was very disappointed.

"Where are the clothes you brought?"

Rikka walked up to Yuta with a volleyball in her arms. Yuta was very puzzled and asked. He never thought that Rikka would come out wearing a gymnastics suit.

Well, although he also liked the way Rikka looked in a gymnastics suit.......

"Nibutani said this one is more suitable, Yuta, you will like it"

"I do like it, but......"

Yongtai covered his forehead, feeling a little headache. Why would Maodan Shenggu know?......

Speak of the devil, Nibutani caught Tosho, but couldn't find where her clothes were hidden. She had no choice but to take her clothes back to the room by her ponytail. She said they were in this room.

But in fact, Tosho just wanted Nibutani to dress like this. She liked this look, so she found an excuse to bring Nibutani back.

"This is my base, don't think you can do whatever you want.......Ah, it hurts, it hurts, death!"

Tomomori warned Nibutani fiercely, but Nibutani didn't buy it at all. He grabbed the whip and pulled it up before Tomomori could finish his words. It hurt so much that two tears came out of Tomomori's eyes and he screamed fiercely. Nibutani was so angry that his lungs almost exploded.......Especially when she just went out to look for someone, the servants outside looked at her with a half-smile.

Yuta couldn't wait any longer, so he put his arm around Rikka's shoulders and pushed her towards Nibutani. He wanted to ask Nibutani why Rikka was asked to wear this outfit.

Facing this question, Nibutani looked innocent. She was really thinking about Yuta.

"Isn’t it cute?"

"Very cute indeed......No, but why is it a gymnastics suit?"

Nibutani looked at Yuta, feeling a little disappointed. Isn't this the tune you still like? Are you not happy with my assists?

"I heard you like this tune.......Is the intelligence wrong?"

"......Who told you that? Where did you get the information?"

Danshenggu pointed behind Yongtai. Following the direction of Danshenggu's finger, Yongtai looked and found that Danshenggu was pointing at Fang Wuwei.

Seeing that things had developed to this point, Fang Wuwei knew that the matter had been exposed.......Didn't we say that it was Sister Shihua who gave us the information? How could it be revealed like this! If it was Sister Shihua, even if Yuta had ten times the courage, he wouldn't dare to go to her to settle the score!

Seeing Yuta's face suddenly darken, Fang Wuwei shrugged helplessly, put his hands behind his head, stood up straight, tilted his head slightly, and a gentle and sunny smile appeared on his face.

(BGM: whistle)

"......Nibutani, lend me your magic wand."


Yong Tai stretched out his hand with a dark face, and Nibutani did not hesitate to hand over the magic wand that had just hit Fang Wuwei on the head.

"Oioi, Yuta, it shouldn't be that serious. I'm helping you......."

"There is no need to say anything, I understand you."

Yong Tai had the same death smile on his face as Dan Shenggu just now, and rushed towards Fang Wuwei with the magic wand in hand. He swore that he would take this guy's head as a sacrifice to the gods today.

Seeing Fang Wuwei being chased all over the ground by Yong Tai, Dan Shenggu no longer paid attention to him, and started to pull Tu Shou's whip again, asking about the whereabouts of his clothes. The air was peaceful again, and the orange was the orange, and the gay was the gay, until Fang Wuwei broke this harmonious atmosphere. Fang

Wuwei, who was chased by Yong Tai for three minutes, turned around and stopped the magic wand with one hand, with a little smirk on his face.

"Tai, aren't you hungry?"

Fang Wuwei pointed to the tables of sumptuous banquets not far away that were beginning to get a little cold.

"Now that things have come to this, let's eat first. You like it anyway, don't you?"

Yuta turned around and looked at Rikka in her gymnastics uniform, who was excitedly talking to Ikeuchi Maki, and sighed, leaving it at that.

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