In the end, Rikka didn't change her clothes and just wore her gym clothes because Yuta liked them very much.

Everyone was already growling with hunger, and they unanimously decided to eat first.

Everyone enjoyed this super luxurious and extravagant dinner that they had never seen before in amazement and the pride of Toshou. Toshou clapped his hands and announced that it was time for dessert.

The door of the room was pushed open, and several servants came in and began to clean up the leftovers on the table. Soon, several carts came in, loaded with desserts and snacks.

From small biscuits, candies and snacks to large three-layer cakes and chocolate fountains, there was everything you could think of.......Although it was impossible for them to eat too much.

The servants left, and Touma waved his hand, showing the landlord's style.

But Nibutani didn't care at all. She had already discovered the word"fake" on the back of her cloak. She was so angry that she threw her cloak aside and tortured Touma.

But Touma would rather die than obey, so Nibutani had no choice but to give up and went to play with Yuta and others in this outfit.

Fortunately, she was not alone......

Nibutani glanced at Ikeuchi Maki who was wearing a similar cloak to hers, and Maki's was even longer, which made her feel relieved.

No, she is a chuunibyou, she did it voluntarily!

Toumori felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Nibutani who had given up on her. Nibutani had been playing with her less and less recently, and was more perfunctory. This made her have an inexplicable impulse to steal Nibutani's clothes, hoping to make Nibutani accompany her again, even in battle.

"Fake Morisummer!"

"Don't call me a morisummer!"

Nibutani had decided to give up. Anyway, when she left, she would definitely return her clothes that were soiled by the dog. So she just let it go and let Touma be happy. However, she didn't expect Touma to be so unyielding, which made her a little annoyed.

"Come to a duel with me, death! If you beat me, I will give you what you want, death!"

Tu Shou took out a deck of cards from behind, pointing at the sofa not far away and the small table next to it, with great interest.

Now is entertainment time!!

——————This is a super cute dividing line that returns for a limited time——————

The duel proposed by Tu Shou was a card game called [Great Revolution (also known as Monopoly and Great Pauper)], with similar status and gameplay to Landlord. The first one to play the card wins, but the rules are much more complicated, with things like 8-cut, revolution and counter-revolution, tax collection, tax resistance and tax evasion, and a lot of messy things that even the author has to read a 3,000-word article plus a 15-minute video to understand. Although

Fang Wuwei had memories of this thing in his mind, he had never heard of it in his previous life, so naturally he had no interest in it.

Therefore, Fang Wuwei did not participate in the competition, and the excuse he gave was that he did not like playing Great Revolution. Originally, Tu Shou was planning to play some other games that Fang Wuwei liked to play. After all, the party is to make everyone happy.......But he was stopped by Yuta, who said that he didn't need to care about this guy.

Tuo Shou was still hesitant, but Fang Wuwei personally asked him not to care about him, so he gave up.

Fang Wuwei just watched from the side, eating snacks from time to time, and studying the ninjutsu book copied from the Hokage, and he was very happy.

But he was actually waiting, waiting for the Christmas yacht to arrive.......That was the Christmas he was really looking forward to.

The others were having a great time, and the party games included card games, and they were having a great time with all kinds of snacks and cakes. The happiest person was Touma, who was chosen as the rich man (landlord), while Nibutani was the poor man, which made her even happier.

Touma was lying on the sofa in a very arrogant posture, while the others were sitting on soft chairs around a table, but Nibutani had no chair or cushion, so she just knelt on the ground.

Touma was lying on the sofa, and senior sisters Rikka and Kale on her left and right fed her cakes and snacks, which made her feel very happy. Nibutani lowered her head and felt a cold and stiff feeling under her butt. She looked up and saw Touma's extremely satisfied eyes and provocative expression.

Suddenly, it felt quite realistic to play the Great Revolution game in this environment.......

But she didn't want to spoil the fun, so she followed everyone's lead and played cards when necessary.

She gave two cards to Tu Shou, who took them and showed a hint of displeasure on his face.......Giving two bad cards, I'm not happy, let the fake morisummer suffer a little! She arrogantly threw the two cards directly to the ground, leaving Nibutani to pick them up on the ground, without any basic respect. She even got off the sofa and stepped on Nibutani before he could pick up another card.

When Nibutani looked up and glared, Touma looked at her with a very arrogant expression.

"You should say,"Thank you for the reward, sir.""

"............Many thanks......The master will give me a reward."

Nibutani gave in.......A man has to bow his head under the eaves. Touma felt secretly happy, and Yuta and others felt distressed. They had lost all their dignity.

Nibutani, with a face full of resentment and dissatisfaction, checked his hand and saw a pair of revolutionary cards (bombs). Instantly, his eyes ignited with anger of counterattack.

From now on, the nature of this game has changed.

"Great Revolution!! Common people rise up!!"

"Ah ~ counter-revolution~"

"!!! What are you doing, Anise?"

The people over there were having fun, but Fang Wuwei felt a little bored. He said hello and went to the toilet.

Everyone didn't pay too much attention to it and put their attention back on the card game.

But soon the card game ended because Yuta found that Rikka was gone.

Gone in the physical sense, she just disappeared.

Puzzled, Yuta said hello and went out to find someone. At this time, Nibutani was furious, Isshiki Makoto stood between Anise and Nibutani, and Tushou was still fanning the flames, so no one paid attention to him. With a helpless sigh, Yuta walked out of the room. It was not a wise choice to look for someone in the huge map of Tushou's house, but fortunately there were still a few NPCs to ask.

Asking along the way, following the guidance of the servants throughout Tushou's house, Yuta moved forward all the way and came to a very long corridor. Rikka's voice came from inside, but it was a little hazy, and it seemed that she was slurred.......

Hearing the voice but not seeing the person, Yuta was still a little panicked until he raised his head......Liuhua was sitting on a beam, swaying and looking at Yuta.

""Lihua! How did you get up there?!"

Lihua didn't respond to Yuta's questioning, but staggered and fell straight down from above.......

Yuta was so scared that he rushed forward and used his body as a cushion. Rikka fell directly on him, and Yuta also fell to the ground, in pain.

But it's good that Rikka is okay.......Before the pain subsided, Yuta quickly lifted up Liuhua's face to check the situation, but Liuhua called his name in a soft voice and wrapped her arms around Yuta's neck, making Yuta's blood boil.

Liuhua shook her head, her eyes half-closed, and her face flushed.......Alcoholic? When?

No way......Let's take Rikka back first.

Yuta picked up the groggy Rikka in a princess hug and took her back.

Rikka is so light!......The body is soft, hot, small and looks very cute.......When she was drunk, she was still clingy, and the hazy expression on her face gently poked his heart.

Yuta hugged Rikka, but Rikka tightly wrapped her hands around Yuta's arms and neck and refused to let go. She kept calling Yuta's name in a soft and sticky voice, which made Yuta's heartstrings plucked again and again, and his face became red.......

I was embarrassed, but also very cute.

I finally carried Rikka back to the room, but found that Toumo was also drunk, and was now swinging a sandbag and chasing Nibutani to beat him.......

Helplessly, she could only put Rikka on the sofa and go to help Nibutani to comfort Touma.

But Rikka refused to lie down and got up and yelled that she wanted to find Yuta. Even Senior Anise couldn't stop her, and the scene instantly became a mess.......

The situation over there was a mess, and Fang Wuwei on the other side was not much better at the moment.

"guest......Have you crossed the line, death?"

At this moment, a beautiful blonde woman stood in front of Fang Wuwei, who was Tu Shou's mother. Fang Wuwei also took off his sunglasses, and the two looked at each other. On the sides of the two were dozens of bodyguards lying on the ground motionless, wearing sunglasses and suits.

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