Let's go back to earlier times.......

Fang Wuwei was about to go back after using the restroom. His original plan was to find a suitable time to say goodbye to Yongtai and the others and leave first. He had more plans for Christmas than just these.......He still has to go to the Christmas yacht.

He yawned and was about to go back.......But on the way, he suddenly sensed something was wrong.

There was a fluctuation of magic power.......Although it was very weak, there was still a fluctuation of magic.

The fluctuation of magic was quite obvious, just like a jar of dead water, very calm, but suddenly a ripple appeared. As long as you look at it, you will definitely find it, no matter how small the ripple is.

Fang Wuwei looked towards the source of the magic fluctuation, and at this moment he felt something was wrong.

The magic fluctuation was too sudden, and it appeared suddenly without any signs.......This was quite abnormal. Even when he used his native magic, the fluctuations were from weak to strong, but this fluctuation of magic power suddenly appeared out of nowhere.......

Putting aside other things for now, the fact that there is a fluctuation of magic power in Toumori's house is enough for him to find out, especially after knowing that there is a real magic family like the Ikenai family in this world.

The waters of this world are very deep, and Fang Wuwei decided to put other things aside and deal with this matter first.

He is now skilled and bold. According to his perception, the fluctuation of magic power is very weak, and it may not even break his defense, let alone Susanoo.

Since opening the Eternal Mangekyo, his pupil power has become very strong. Before, he could only barely maintain the second stage and couldn't even take out the Ten Fist Sword, but now.........Do you know about the more than 200-meter-high Super Gundam Susano?

From Fang Wuwei's point of view, the source of the magic fluctuation is a wall. He walked up and knocked twice. Based on the feel and the crisp sound, Fang Wuwei concluded that it was a solid wall. He touched it with his hand, and a stream of energy was transmitted from his hand into it.

The hand on the wall became a bridge connecting Fang Wuwei and the wall, allowing him to instill something into it - ripples.

The speed of ripples on solid objects is not fast, and they will dissipate quickly, and the signal is difficult to transmit back. Using ripples to measure the wall is indeed a rather unwise choice.

However, the one who used this method was Fang Wuwei, who had a strong magic perception and super large magic capacity and ripple strength. Fang

Wuwei's ripple volume was extremely large, even larger than any comic volume. When he kept generating and transporting ripples, in just a few minutes, the ripples were almost spread to every corner of the wall of Tushou's house.

With his magic sense fully activated, Fang Wuwei relied on these ripples to figure out the structure of the house. At the same time, through the information from the ripples, he"saw" that the floor and walls of the house were all solid.

In other words, there was no false wall. He used his feet to find......It's difficult.

But what can we do? Just do it, what else can we do?

Fang Wuwei glanced at the direction where Yuta and the others were from a distance, then recalled the direction of the magic fluctuations and the architectural structure diagram in his mind, and began to move towards that direction.

At least knowing the direction would make it easier to find things.

Fang Wuwei began to move forward, and the servants scattered throughout the mansion had already discovered that something was wrong with Fang Wuwei.

All the servants were the confidants of the Tushou family.......This is the main house of the Tomo family. Most of the housekeepers and maids here are people that the Tomo family head trusts.

If anyone else wanders around here, they will be captured almost instantly and sent to the Tomo family head. But this person is a good friend of their most precious daughter.......For the sake of their daughter, they dared not act rashly, not to mention that he was just a high school student, what could he do?

With such contemptuous thoughts, the old housekeeper in the mansion took the initiative to find Fang Wuwei, who seemed to be wandering around but actually had a clear goal.

He thought Fang Wuwei was just lost, but......This might be the worst decision he's ever made.

"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

The housekeeper came to Fang Wuwei and blocked his way with a gentle smile on his face. Everyone in the mansion liked Tu Shou, this little baby, very much, so naturally they needed to treat Tu Shou's friends with courtesy.

"The room that the young lady has been assigned to is over there, sir. You have gone in the wrong direction."


Fang Wuwei took off his sunglasses and looked at the gentle butler in front of him, as if he was observing him carefully.

Taking this opportunity, the butler also noticed his unique eyes, the strange, scarlet eye, and the right eye with a strange pattern that seemed to have some ominous meaning.......But before the butler could take a closer look, Fang Wuwei put on the sunglasses again.

"Could you please show me the way? I have a poor sense of direction. This house is so big and I really don't know the way......."

"Of course." The butler showed a polite smile on his face, put one hand on his chest, and bowed slightly to the man who was taller than him."This is what we should do."

"Excuse me."

The butler bowed again, then turned and left, leading Fang Wuwei towards his destination, and the butler breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the young lady's friend was really just lost, so there was no need to worry too much. This was naturally the best


This person is probably the same person as the so-called lady's master who came here before, Chuunibyou or something.......Quite cute

"Akita......Sizzle......You are......"

The butler was walking in front of him, but he kept hearing some rustling sounds. Just as he frowned, a hand suddenly appeared in his sight from the side.

Surprised, the butler quickly took two steps forward, pulled away and turned his head quickly, staring at Fang Wuwei, but he saw Fang Wuwei just standing there, with a smile on his face, and the hand that had just stretched out to his side was clenched with three fingers.

"Mr. Butler, there is a fly that has been buzzing just now."

Hearing this, the butler began to relax.......Yes, he is just a high school kid, what can he do? He is not like those people.......

"Excuse me! There are flies here......."

The butler hurried forward, took out a handkerchief from his suit jacket and walked forward. Fang Wuwei also reached out his hand, and a fly fell to the ground.


"Don't worry about it, sir. Someone will take care of it, right now."

He walked forward and wiped Fang Wuwei's hand with a handkerchief, over and over again, with such concentration and a sense of guilt.......He felt that he had failed to do his job well. As for the fly on the ground, the butler put his handkerchief back into the chest of his coat and put his hand on his shoulder. He wanted to call a servant through the intercom to get rid of the fly.......? Where is my intercom?

The housekeeper who touched the empty one was a little stunned, but before he could think, he was urged forward by Fang Wuwei.

A voice told him......This is not important.

So the butler led Fang Wuwei forward, and at the same time began to say some inexplicable words that should not be said. Fang Wuwei kept saying"Siguoyi" and the butler was very satisfied.

Yes, an ordinary person should be like this. The butler smiled even more and disappeared at the end of the corridor with Fang Wuwei. Behind them, there was a crushed intercom, and countless servants and bodyguards in black suits who stood there stupidly with dull eyes, like dementia.

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